Not to be a dick or anything, but your mom's choice to abuse alcohol is what killed her imo. Kinda like someone saying 'A gun killed. ....'. The gun didn't do it.
my mother ended dead at age 70..she had extreme dementia (not recognizing family or her mom) and died alone in an indigents hospital, ward of the state.
my mother also: was an artist and could create anything from charcoals, oil to needlepoint, knitting..she also held a Ph.d and was very successful business the late 90's she had a mini-stroke and kept right on going even though one of her eye was pointing inward (temporarily) and doctor telling her liver was mom was right in the AM..i can still hear the liquor cabinet open in the morning, the sound of ice tumbling into her glass, the vodka, the splash of OJ and she mixed it all up nice with a butter knife. time came where my daughters would soon understand. choices.
with any addiction, the drug eventually takes over. your brain is very powerful; it knows what it likes and will do anything to get it.