Do you regulars in Politics actually even smoke weed?

cool! alcohol sucks and killed my mom.

you have everything you need right here in in good ole mary jane:wink:

eat, drink, smoke, dab (smoking) but to concentrate..the options are endless.

Not to be a dick or anything, but your mom's choice to abuse alcohol is what killed her imo. Kinda like someone saying 'A gun killed. ....'. The gun didn't do it.
Sometimes its not a choice. That's what makes it a problem.

I hear you. My family has a very long history of alcoholism. I struggle with it myself sometimes. Most of the time, I simply admit to and accept who and what I am.

I have gone on several dry spells for one reason or another but dammit, I enjoy drinking. My age and getting smacked for irresponsible use has helped me do it responsibly.

I drink almost daily and admit to being a functional alcoholic.
I don't think anyone would suggest prohibition and I generally agree with what Londonfog and Harrekin are saying, that a glass or two a day probably won't ever hurt most people and should be considered generally safe. However, I'm not convinced that any benefits from a drink a day outweigh the known harms of even a couple. Even just a single serving has a minute negative effect on hepatic function. However, even a minute effect, even everyday, may never cause noticeable liver damage. It does however always cause liver damage. Moderate to heavy drinking, definitely kills brain cells, especially in developing brains. To me this all indicates that any amount of alcohol kills brain cells. If you want to hurt yourself, I think you have that right, especially if you enjoy it.

Cannabis however, is nontoxic.
I agree, it is always a choice, but it is certainly harder for some than others. Whether because of predisposition or habituation (in my opinion it is both) dependency is very real for many people. Anyone can get sober.
Drinking is not stupid.

Not being able to regulate your intake is stupid, having a few drinks when relaxing on the weekend is not any more stupid than enjoying a joint when relaxing.

Its funny how quickly you'll call something you don't personally enjoy "stupid" tho, ironically you probably wonder why anti-cannabis dicks retain their zeal too.

You have yet to prove how intelligent drinking is.

If it is not stupid then why do people congratulate you for quitting?

Fascinated people want to know!!
You sound like you've been through AA.

AA meetings provide drunks with a place to socialize. I can see the appeal as a nondrinker, but the long winded autobiographical group therapy part really doesn't seem to do me any good. Some people see it as cultish and I can see why they do, but I don't see it that way. It is supposed to appeal to fucked up people, otherwise it would be perfect lives anonymous.
AA meetings provide drunks with a place to socialize. I can see the appeal as a nondrinker, but the long winded autobiographical group therapy part really doesn't seem to do me any good. Some people see it as cultish and I can see why they do, but I don't see it that way. It is supposed to appeal to fucked up people, otherwise it would be perfect lives anonymous.
NLXSK1 sounds as if he attends those meetings.