Fat Chicks WTF

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SHIT IM FAT AS FUC AND CAN CARE LESS WTF ANY ONE SAYS, MOST OF THE TIME PPL ARE TO SCARED TO SAY SHIT TO A FAT ASS 6 FOOT BLACK GUY, im not complaning, not saying i dont want to get into shape but most ppl just bitch about overweight, suc it up and lose it then if ur so unhappy shit....
Lotsa foreplay.Stop if she says to.:mrgreen:
Listen to her about that, back when me and my ex were virgins we just kinda got into it without much foreplay. She was way to tight and once I was about half way in her she said it hurt to bad so I had to pull out. :? not a great way to loose your virginity and then she was scared of it after that. FOREPLAY IS KEY
Yes. Try to make her cum at least once before you jam it in!:mrgreen:
Listen to her about that, back when me and my ex were virgins we just kinda got into it without much foreplay. She was way to tight and once I was about half way in her she said it hurt to bad so I had to pull out. :? not a great way to loose your virginity and then she was scared of it after that. FOREPLAY IS KEY
This is how I look at it.

Person A has a beautiful face, a beautiful personality.
Person B has a ugly face, and a beautiful personality.
Person C has a beautiful face, a beautiful personality.

Person A is beautiful and the envy of everyone else. Filled with confidence it seems nothing bothers them.

Person B cant help the fact that their face is ugly. They probably have low self confidence. Theres no way they can change the way they look short of plastic surgery. They were born that way and they will die that way.

Person C Has just as bad of a confidence problem as person B. But why you ask? she has a beautiful face like person A. Its because person C is overweight. She wasn't born this way, she did this to her self. She has the potential to be every bit as attractive as person A but chooses not to. Of course loosing weight isn't as easily said as done, it doesn't just happen but neither does being overweight, it accumulates over years of over eating and not exercising. Its not just about looks either, if you don't wanna loose weight for a reason like that then at least do it for your health.

And shut up about guys being shallow, its not our fault your fat. Don't try to cover your faults with the faults of other. Just because a guy is shallow doesn't mean your not fat. Think of it this way, a guy walks in a room. Theres a few girls standing around. Since the guy almost always makes the first move, who do you think he is gonna try and hit on? He cant see that even though your fat you have a nice personality or that your cute friend also happens to be a total bitch. So he goes after the best looking girl he thinks he has a chance with.

Weight can always be lost and beauty fades but ugly is forever. This is why its sad to see potentially beautiful people just letting it fade away as they grow older. It almost seems like a waste when you look at the people that are actually ugly and can do anything about it.
Yes. Try to make her cum at least once before you jam it in!:mrgreen:
You make it sound even rougher lol. I haven't had as much of a problem since then but thanks for the tip lol. I've learned if its tight on 3 fingers I shouldn't even try it.

We're jamming, jamming
I wanna jam it with you,
We're jamming, jamming
And I hope you like jamming too
But the body isn't everything.Just remember, when you tell the person with the overweight body, "oh, you could be so much better looking if you lost the weight" That maybe that person has tried and tried,and still doesn't get far.And some of them go to stupid extremes like getting gastric bypass surgery, which makes them sick and malnourished,and then they lose all that weight so fucking fast they have loose folds of skin all over them, which would cost them additional pain and surgery, if they can afford it, to remove the extra skin.Then they will have scars forever, so it's like being punished forever because you ate a few too many candy bars as a teenager.Why go through such hell...just find someone who likes you for you, and fuck the rest.Get healthy for you, not anyone else.
This is how I look at it.

Person A has a beautiful face, a beautiful personality.
Person B has a ugly face, and a beautiful personality.
Person C has a beautiful face, a beautiful personality.

Person A is beautiful and the envy of everyone else. Filled with confidence it seems nothing bothers them.

Person B cant help the fact that their face is ugly. They probably have low self confidence. Theres no way they can change the way they look short of plastic surgery. They were born that way and they will die that way.

Person C Has just as bad of a confidence problem as person B. But why you ask? she has a beautiful face like person A. Its because person C is overweight. She wasn't born this way, she did this to her self. She has the potential to be every bit as attractive as person A but chooses not to. Of course loosing weight isn't as easily said as done, it doesn't just happen but neither does being overweight, it accumulates over years of over eating and not exercising. Its not just about looks either, if you don't wanna loose weight for a reason like that then at least do it for your health.

And shut up about guys being shallow, its not our fault your fat. Don't try to cover your faults with the faults of other. Just because a guy is shallow doesn't mean your not fat. Think of it this way, a guy walks in a room. Theres a few girls standing around. Since the guy almost always makes the first move, who do you think he is gonna try and hit on? He cant see that even though your fat you have a nice personality or that your cute friend also happens to be a total bitch. So he goes after the best looking girl he thinks he has a chance with.

Weight can always be lost and beauty fades but ugly is forever. This is why its sad to see potentially beautiful people just letting it fade away as they grow older. It almost seems like a waste when you look at the people that are actually ugly and can do anything about it.
But the body isn't everything.Just remember, when you tell the person with the overweight body, "oh, you could be so much better looking if you lost the weight" That maybe that person has tried and tried,and still doesn't get far.And some of them go to stupid extremes like getting gastric bypass surgery, which makes them sick and malnourished,and then they lose all that weight so fucking fast they have loose folds of skin all over them, which would cost them additional pain and surgery, if they can afford it, to remove the extra skin.Then they will have scars forever, so it's like being punished forever because you ate a few too many candy bars as a teenager.Why go through such hell...just find someone who likes you for you, and fuck the rest.Get healthy for you, not anyone else.

Of course not, the body is just a extension of the person on the inside. The only reason I'm focusing on the body so much is because its the topic at hand. Now if the topic was called, "what kind of girls do you go for?" I wouldn't be focused on the body so much. I would never tell a person who is over weight that, it would insinuate that right now they aren't good enough of a person. Though I'm sure a few people read my post and got that impression. As for gastric bypass, thats a horrible idea for people that want an easy way out. My point is this, people need to learn to balance their lifes a little better. I know some people have thyroid problems and thats not their fault. Most of them didn't just eat a few to many candy bars one day, and suffer the rest of their life, they ate a few to many EVERY day over the last 10 years and are STILL eating a few to many otherwise they would start slowly loosing weight. They ate far more than their skinny friends around them and then they got fat. Why shouldn't they have to live with what they actually did? They ate it, they enjoyed it, now they have to live with the result. This is the real world, people have to live with what they do to themselves. Should a heroin addict not quit because it hurts when he quits? Why go through the hell of quitting? He just takes more heroin and the pain goes away but is the problem gone? Isn't he still just slowly killing himself? Weight takes longer to gain than it does to loose unless your eating like a real pig, in which case you deserve to be fat and you have no excuse. I look at weight as a way to determine how much they care about themselves, the way they feel, and the way they look. Then theres these other girls that take it to the extreme and instead of getting healthy they get so skinny they look worse than if they were fat and even less healthy. Honestly anorexia grosses me out far more than fat.

Btw all this isn't just directed at women, it applies to men as well.
I guess it just depends the kind of person you are, I work out every day because I like to improve my self. Others may not feel this drive. I want to look the best I can for my gf, I want to be as strong, agile, and healthy as I can so I can always take care of my self, my family and my friends. Just last week my cousin fell of the rafters of an unfinished house while we were working. I caught his arm and pulled him back up, if I was any weaker he would had fallen and broke something. Not long ago during a heat wave a fat women tried to walk to the bathroom at a pit stop on her way to vegas, she collapsed due to heat exhaustion and he husband got out of the car to go help her. He collapsed and they both died of heat exhaustion because they were so fat they couldn't make it to the bathroom.
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