Fat Chicks WTF

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I apologize for skipping a few pages but I know a few girls off the top of my head that are pretty girls but they also have a personality and a mouth that makes them ugly,ugly,ugly....... My friends and I call girls in between little(100lbs) and big(160lbs) Athletic or farm girls depending on height....If you put a great personality in between their ears they become a prized possesion in Kansas.....lol
i like big butts and i can not lie, gimme some fat girl thigh,giggle over here girls... some of us like it like that... but in all seriousness obesity is a plague on our nation right now..and genetics are to blame a little but not puttin down the fried chicken is most of it.. food can be an addiction like any other i suffer from this. it is a medical and health issue.. so sorry if us fat ass gross fuckers offend you..but it always helps to make us feel a little worse..so chew on that when your walking to your compassion club to pick up some weed then smoke it and love everyone for who they are and what they bring to the conversation. not how much they giggle gettin there. i like big girls and skinny girls make me vomit a little inside my mouth.but i wouldnt let that stop me from at least talking to them..but then again i am not all up n da club tryin to hit some shit either
you are so right .. i was just talking to a female friend the other day. and our views of terrible sex were way diff..hers ended in crying alot i think ..and the worst mine were was i will only call back if i gotta.. hahahah just kidding about that
Yeah....when I first started screwing, it hurt for months, every time I had sex. Then afterward it would burn because of abrasions and I'd cry.
you are so right .. i was just talking to a female friend the other day. and our views of terrible sex were way diff..hers ended in crying alot i think ..and the worst mine were was i will only call back if i gotta.. hahahah just kidding about that
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