Should I sniff/snort a 50mg pill of tramadol that was prescribed for My dog?

Should I sniff/snort a 50mg pill that was prescribed for My dog?

My dog is all better now, and I want to sniff/snort one of her pain pills.

Is 50mgs of tramadol a lot? or is it a small dose? My dog only weighs about 25 pounds, so I am sure that this is a small dose.

How much tramadol should I take to feel its effects by snorting it up My nose?

Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance.

Should I sniff/snort a 50mg pill that was prescribed for My dog?

My dog is all better now, and I want to sniff/snort one of her pain pills.

Is 50mgs of tramadol a lot? or is it a small dose? My dog only weighs about 25 pounds, so I am sure that this is a small dose.

How much tramadol should I take to feel its effects by snorting it up My nose?

Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance.


I love how he asks if he should in the OP @ 6:37 then waits a whole 15 minutes for responses, and does it anyway.

Wow, I just snorted 50mg of tramadol, because I wanted to try it.

I hope I don't get any of the bad side effects.

I have never tried opiates, besides sniffing a few perks many years ago.

I hope I feel good.

P.S. But I never want to be addicted to opiates, and become a junkie. But a few sniffs shouldn't kill Me


Thanks for the replies guys.

I am going to be busy today hanging out with My friends, watching the Patriots play some football.

For the record, I didn't feel anything from snorting 100mgs of tramadol last night, maybe its because I already had a good buzz from drinking bloody marys?

Anyways, I don't plan on snorting anything anytime soon. I was never into sniffing opiates, but I wanted to try.

The last thing I need is another vice, especially an expensive one. I already smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol every night. So its best that I stay away from My dogs pills, haha.

I was hoping that I might experience an opiate buzz, or whatever its supposed to feel like, I don't know. In the year 2005 or so, My brother gave Me some of his perks (that were prescibed to him for back pain) in exchange to help clean his house. The perks gave Me energy, but it was so long ago, I forget what type of buzz it was.

Anyways, I am all set with snorting pills or anything, I will just stick to smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.


do you smoke weed at all?
do you smoke weed at all?

No, I had to quit smoking bud in like December of 2012, because I went to a homeless shelter for a month, and they would kick you out if you had drugs in your system.

So, I haven't been a stoner for a couple of years now. Cannabis brings out paranoia, delusions, psychosis, etc., in Me. I am much more sane when I am not high.

But, I attribute My prophecies to being baked, because marijuana helped to expand My mind. But, I am saving thousands of dollars a year from not smoking herb. And, My mother said that she will kick Me out of her house if I have any illegal drugs in My system, so I have to be straight.

I might become a medical marijuana patient in the next year or so, but I still don't have intentions of smoking herb, I just want to grow cannabis.

I am all set with the crazy that cannabis induces in Me.

P.S. I was probably stoned in the youtube videos I made, because that was a couple of years ago, so you can watch Me stoned and crazy, haha.

Good thing you are avoiding cannabis, Since its holding the crazy back. You're not crazy at all! So....

Thanks, bro!

I start to think crazy when I am stoned, for example, I used to tell My friends and My family that I'm "Jesus", and they should bow down and pray to Me, or whatever. That was bad.

I might believe that the aliens are watching Me and listening to My thoughts, if I was stoned.

Some people don't react good to marijuana, like Me. Of course, I could smoke herb, but it might be a bad experience. Its like I am naturally high, and then when I blaze, I get too manic that I become psychotic.

I just want to grow herb for patients now. I am doing good right now, I don't need any drugs to make Me feel better, because I feel just fine.

bath salts man, try that shit. just dont eat your moms face off.

I am straight with bath salts.

I heard that stuff is stupid.

And synthetic marijuana, like K2, is another stupid thing to smoke too: I tried synthetic marijuana, and it made Me paranoid.

I will stick to My booze and cigarettes.

by the few posts i've seen from you , you shouldn't snort anything.
but who am i to give advice to our lord and Saviour.

Thank you, but I can take advice like anyone else.

I am not infallible, so I make mistakes sometimes. I am not omniscient, so I don't know everything.

But, yes, I shouldn't be snorting anything. But, I am not perfect either, so I can be My imperfect self, and make some mistakes like snorting a couple of My dogs meds, haha.

I actually don't believe that George snorted it. Definitely not the second one.
Tramadol is a horrible tasting substance.

The drip from it would make you gag like hell. Unless the dog ones taste different than the human ones.
Pardon my France, but What the fuck are you snorting Tramadol for then? A simple Google search would have told you that would be a stupid idea, since it's not an actual narcotic. Come on Georgie boy! You're smarter than this. You're your own fucking Christ bro.

It was just a stupid experiment.

In a world a perfect people, I am the unorthadox black sheep Messiah ;-)

But seriously, can't we all make a mistake from time to time? I am not a perfect person, and I am not claiming to be perfect.

If anything, this should show you guys My humanity side of Me.

Its not a big deal, I experimented, and nothing happened.
