Should I sniff/snort a 50mg pill of tramadol that was prescribed for My dog?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies guys.

I am going to be busy today hanging out with My friends, watching the Patriots play some football.

For the record, I didn't feel anything from snorting 100mgs of tramadol last night, maybe its because I already had a good buzz from drinking bloody marys?

Anyways, I don't plan on snorting anything anytime soon. I was never into sniffing opiates, but I wanted to try.

The last thing I need is another vice, especially an expensive one. I already smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol every night. So its best that I stay away from My dogs pills, haha.

I was hoping that I might experience an opiate buzz, or whatever its supposed to feel like, I don't know. In the year 2005 or so, My brother gave Me some of his perks (that were prescibed to him for back pain) in exchange to help clean his house. The perks gave Me energy, but it was so long ago, I forget what type of buzz it was.

Anyways, I am all set with snorting pills or anything, I will just stick to smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.

Best thread I've ever seen you make. it's about time you dropped the facade to reveal the real you. have you tried snorting bat shit? Try it, you'll fly and make squeaky noises.


Well-Known Member
Should I sniff/snort a 50mg pill that was prescribed for My dog?

My dog is all better now, and I want to sniff/snort one of her pain pills.

Is 50mgs of tramadol a lot? or is it a small dose? My dog only weighs about 25 pounds, so I am sure that this is a small dose.

How much tramadol should I take to feel its effects by snorting it up My nose?

Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance.

WTF george.. what if your dog ate your last bud. You sound a little selfish IMO.


Tramadol is considered a 'quasi-opioid'. When it first came on the market, it wasn't considered one at all, but that changed when they found out more about Tramadols mechanism of action and that some people actually do suffer a mild opioid-like withdrawal syndrome upon cessation of long term use.

In people who are totally opioid-naive it might give a light floaty feeling or buzz. It is nothing like the more potent opioids, even codeine and hydrocodone will produce a more fully fledged opioid high in people with low opioid tolerance.


Well-Known Member
Should I sniff/snort a 50mg pill that was prescribed for My dog?

My dog is all better now, and I want to sniff/snort one of her pain pills.

Is 50mgs of tramadol a lot? or is it a small dose? My dog only weighs about 25 pounds, so I am sure that this is a small dose.

How much tramadol should I take to feel its effects by snorting it up My nose?

Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance.

AGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! you are a total moron! your like a 16 yr old kid that wants attention. every post you make is like, " hey everybody, look over here! look how stupid i can act, i don't get enough attention and love from my mommy so I'm going to act out and then people will feel sorry for me cause they think I'm crazy." your pathetic. get a fucking life you loser. go get a hobby that doesn't involve creeping people out on the inter web you freak.