now that bidness is a boomin'..

This is so true.

Kids today are being lied to by Universities and loan companies alike who paint a wonderful post-degree picture. Kids are generally naive and many these days are winding up with a $100,000 student loan to pay back with nothing but a non-marketable degree to show for it.

And why is tuition rising so much? Because Universities know kids can get the loans to cover it. The more debt students and banks are willing to support, the more tuition will rise.

And what do the kids want when their mountain of debt finally becomes real to them (i.e. when the first payment is due)? They look to the government to bail them out. And my fear is that the government will try to do just that - bail them out so they can enjoy that social work degree and the $26,000/year it brings in. And us taxpayers will be forced to pay the loans back for them.
Too many diploma mills.
University education costs have risen becuase quality costs money.
This is so true.

Kids today are being lied to by Universities and loan companies alike who paint a wonderful post-degree picture. Kids are generally naive and many these days are winding up with a $100,000 student loan to pay back with nothing but a non-marketable degree to show for it.

And why is tuition rising so much? Because Universities know kids can get the loans to cover it. The more debt students and banks are willing to support, the more tuition will rise.

And what do the kids want when their mountain of debt finally becomes real to them (i.e. when the first payment is due)? They look to the government to bail them out. And my fear is that the government will try to do just that - bail them out so they can enjoy that social work degree and the $26,000/year it brings in. And us taxpayers will be forced to pay the loans back for them.

Wow; all I can say is that you know some pretty stupid kids ... I mean parents.

Listen, the universities were filled with idiots when I graduated. They still are. There were kids enrolled in engineering programs only because they thought it was a good way to make a buck. They lacked passion and curiosity to be good engineers, and generally headed off to marketing or sales.

Funny, I ran into a couple of those guys a while back, (actually one was a gal); they figured out their real passion ---- making money. Now, they actually "own" their own engineers.

The point is, life is what you make it; you can either sit and complain or be smart enough to succeed.
Damn right about too many diploma mills.
guess what?
There is something even more insidious than post secondary education rip off centers of education. And they are real popular among the Right wingers

it's called.
Voucher Schools. Not only do these places get publically financed. They dont even have to prove they educate anyone.
Bucky has a hard time being relevant since half of RIU has him on ignore.
The Ignore feature works extremely well, it's almost as if Bucky never existed. The only time you know he is even there is when he has a meltdown and spams every post so that it says "ignored Member" On the main page.

Yeah I know; to each their own. I like screwing with him. This is all nonsense. Nothing useful going on here. Just my opinion.
Wow; all I can say is that you know some pretty stupid kids ... I mean parents.

Listen, the universities were filled with idiots when I graduated. They still are. There were kids enrolled in engineering programs only because they thought it was a good way to make a buck. They lacked passion and curiosity to be good engineers, and generally headed off to marketing or sales.

Funny, I ran into a couple of those guys a while back, (actually one was a gal); they figured out their real passion ---- making money. Now, they actually "own" their own engineers.

The point is, life is what you make it; you can either sit and complain or be smart enough to succeed.

I never said that a kid shouldn't pursue his/her dream. But to go into serious non-secured debt at that young age for any reason is extremely unwise. The last generation went into massive debt, but at least they waited till they had a job. Today's generation doesn't seem to mind going into massive debt even before they get a job.
I never said that a kid shouldn't pursue his/her dream. But to go into serious non-secured debt at that young age for any reason is extremely unwise. The last generation went into massive debt, but at least they waited till they had a job. Today's generation doesn't seem to mind going into massive debt even before they get a job.
And what alternative is there for getting a college education?
Make it free?
Oh that's socialism. Only rich kids get to go?
And what alternative is there for getting a college education?
Make it free?
Oh that's socialism. Only rich kids get to go?

Kids can work a part-time McJob while attending community colleges to take their basic first-and-second-year courses. English, history, psychology, humanities electives, etc. If they do poorly, then they know they shouldn't mortgage the next few years of their life in massive student loans to attend the more expensive schools. And if they do well, they can look at continuing at a college where they can get a legitimate 4-year degree. The further they get through school without borrowing money, the better.

My boss got his engineering degree in Oregon paid for by his own cash as he went along. He didn't get any scholarships. His parents didn't have any money to give him. He worked, paid for a good engineering degree himself, and graduated college debt-free.

Then he went and borrowed $5,000 to take a long international vacation to celebrate. But he paid that off quick in his first job.
Kids can work a part-time McJob while attending community colleges to take their basic first-and-second year courses. English, history, psychology, humanities electives, etc. If they do poorly, then they know they shouldn't mortgage the next 15 years of their life in massive student loans to attend the more expensive schools. The if they do well, they can look at continuing at a college where they can get a legitimate 4-year degree.

My boss got his engineering degree in Oregon paid for by his own cash as he went along. He didn't get any scholarships. His parents didn't have any money to give him. He worked, paid for a good engineering degree himnself, and graduated college debt-free.

Then he went and borrowed $5,000 to take a long international vacation to celebrate. But he paid that off quick in his first job.
I'm over 50. A lot of my friends went to college.
I don't know anyone That went that didnt get help from their parents or got grants or student loans.
I know some professional students that are in the national gaurd.
my college room mate had been attending for 9 years
I'm over 50. A lot of my friends went to college.
I don't know anyone That went that didnt get help from their parents or got grants or student loans.
I know some professional students that are in the national gaurd.
my college room mate had been attending for 9 years

I was lucky enough to have parents who could put me through college with no debt when I graduated. I worked (some, but not a lot) and gave them most of my paycheck. But the large portion was funded by them.

I believe in socialism enough to think that every kid deserves a chance to fail out of college, completely paid for. Somehow. Some states accomplish a large part of this through lotteries. I work with some young people who lived in places like Georgia and Tennessee where 100% of their tuition was paid for via lottery. And that was a huge help for them.
I was lucky enough to have parents who could put me through college with no debt when I graduated. I worked (some, but not a lot) and gave them most of my paycheck. But the large portion was funded by them.

I believe in socialism enough to think that every kid deserves a chance to fail out of college, completely paid for. Somehow. Some states accomplish a large part of this through lotteries. I work with some young people who lived in places like Georgia and Tennessee where 100% of their tuition was paid for via lottery. And that was a huge help for them.
free college for everyone that can pass entrance exams.
That includes tech schools. Which I think should be a alternative high school path
free college for everyone that can pass entrance exams.
That includes tech schools. Which I think should be a alternative high school path

Yes, tech schools should be included as well.

But hell, where does the money come from above and beyond programs like lotteries? IDK.
The military, subsidies for corporations, foreign aid to asshole allies like Israel

And post graduate job contracts.
Want to be A doctor?
Work 5 years for the VA for 35k a year

I often wished, Obama had taken a long term approach to controlling cost in health care by flooding the market with technical medical staff and allowing competition among facilities for customer service. Taking on the cost burden of educating a generation of care givers seems like a useful trade off to me.

Yeah, he would of had the obligatory objectors, but the country would have been so much further ahead in the long run.

Politics "do" get in the way of common sense.
I am over 50. I carry 2 licenses that I have had since my early twenties. I laugh my ass off at just how many degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on. Licenses earn more than 85% of degrees and have for a good while, it is just a damn shame that most of today's generation is a bunch of lazy, spoon-fed, babied, jack wagons that will more than likely end up a burden to society.
College anymore is just a money vacuum, no different than a strip club, a fools errand in these days and times.

If you choose to even worry about minimum wage, you have already sold yourself short. I for one, care not to wallow with all the uneducated idiots in that end of the workforce. Elevate yourself and leave all that for those that choose not to.


yeah, it's not like it matters to the 50% of americans who are invested in it. they are totally cool when their retirements get wiped in half.

HALF ! Your being generous buck , my retirement fund lost 60% in the stock market , the bitch of it is if i say fuk it & sell everything i'll loose more cash .

The wife & i have been in the market nearly 40 yrs & would have been better off putting our cash into a standard interest bearing savings account , as im sure you know market figures mean squat to the little guy .
HALF ! Your being generous buck , my retirement fund lost 60% in the stock market , the bitch of it is if i say fuk it & sell everything i'll loose more cash .

The wife & i have been in the market nearly 40 yrs & would have been better off putting our cash into a standard interest bearing savings account , as im sure you know market figures mean squat to the little guy .
A minimum wage of $15 per hour would render a BigMac unaffordable by a large majority of the people

Your opinion above is just a knee jerk reaction fueled by anti labor groups propaganda , a minimum wage of $15 an hour would mean nothing to a large corporate money machine such as Mickey D's .

Look at their profits last yr before making a statement saying the business couldn't absorb such a small increase in their total cost of operating the business .
I often wished, Obama had taken a long term approach to controlling cost in health care by flooding the market with technical medical staff and allowing competition among facilities for customer service. Taking on the cost burden of educating a generation of care givers seems like a useful trade off to me.

Yeah, he would of had the obligatory objectors, but the country would have been so much further ahead in the long run.

Politics "do" get in the way of common sense.
He did.
He lost his spine when a bunch of fucking racist, ignorant fuckers showed up with tea bags in triangular hats accusing him of being a Muslim, Socialist dictator and handed it off to congress who fucked it up.
Further a Senator named Joe Lieberman who lost his primary and was on his way out decided to Fuck his party, his country and and sense of morality by voting against the public option. Just so he could retain a position in congress and bank in on his position before leaving.
The Republicans who got 150 of their amendments into the bill and then voted against it for strategic reasons had their chance as well. But all they could proposes was ideas that only helped their corporate sponsors not the people who rely on healthcare.

We already went thru this healthcare debate 2 decades ago.
Let me know if this playbook strategy sounds familiar

Simple Criticism is Insufficient. Simple, green-eyeshades criticism of the plan--on the grounds that its numbers don't add up (they don't), or that it costs too much (it does), or that it will kill jobs and disrupt the economy (it will)--is fine so far as it goes. But in the current climate, such opposition only wins concessions, not surrender. The president will lobby intensively for his plan. It will surely be the central theme of his State of the Union Address in January. Health care reform remains popular in principle. And the Democratic Party has the votes. After all, the president's "tax fairness" budget, despite unanimous Republican opposition and rising public disapproval, did pass the Congress.
Any Republican urge to negotiate a "least bad" compromise with the Democrats, and thereby gain momentary public credit for helping the president "do something" about health care, should also be resisted. Passage of the Clinton health care plan, in any form, would guarantee and likely make permanent an unprecedented federal intrusion into and disruption of the American economy--and the establishment of the largest federal entitlement program since Social Security. Its success would signal a rebirth of centralized welfare-state policy at the very moment we have begun rolling back that idea in other areas. And, not least, it would destroy the present breadth and quality of the American health care system, still the world's finest. On grounds of national policy alone, the plan should not be amended; it should be erased.
But the Clinton proposal is also a serious political threat to the Republican Party. Republicans must therefore clearly understand the political strategy implicit in the Clinton plan--and then adopt an aggressive and uncompromising counterstrategy designed to delegitimize the proposal and defeat its partisan purpose.
-William Kristol 1993
Your opinion above is just a knee jerk reaction fueled by anti labor groups propaganda , a minimum wage of $15 an hour would mean nothing to a large corporate money machine such as Mickey D's .

Look at their profits last yr before making a statement saying the business couldn't absorb such a small increase in their total cost of operating the business .

#news_entries #ad_sharebox_260x60 img {padding:0px;margin:0px}
McDonald's announced Monday that it raked in $1.5 billion in profits in the third quarter, up 5 percent from last year.
The number is strikingly close to the $1.2 billion taxpayers are shelling out each year to help pay public assistance to the McDonald's workforce, according to a report released last week by the National Employment Law Project.
The echoing numbers are simply a coincidence, but underscore the immense profits that the chain continues to pull in while its workers simply struggle to afford food, medical help and housing. The public assistance McDonald's workers receive comes via food stamps, welfare, Medicaid and other federal programs, according to the NELP report.