now that bidness is a boomin'..

found your other online profiles, by the way.

h.m murdoch sock puppet confirmed.

You're either mistaken or misguided friend.

Who peed in your coffee this morning? That baby hippo maybe?

I'm not here to make enemies. You clearly enjoy making enemies.
If you look at McDonalds finances,( ) you will see they have a Selling/General/Admin. Expenses of approx $600 million each quarter, if you deduct the annual $988 Million they spent on advertising ( ) you will be left with approx $300 million to salaries/employee benefits expenses. Now considering the majority of the employees make around the min wage, but not all would, you can safely assume that you could add another $200 million in expenses each quarter. Which means at the end of the year, the extra wage increase CONSERVATIVELY will cost McDonalds Corporation $800 Million a year.

And this is just for the Corporation, we haven't discussed most McDonalds restaurants, which is much more labor intensive. The corporation doesn't own most of the restaurants, those are owned by franchisees, so I don't have the numbers on that, but I would assume that it would easily double their SGA expenses.

McDonalds is the second most successful fast food chain when it comes to margins (Chik-Fil -A is #1), and might be able to cope with a 25% reduction in profits. Many companies have margins that are much much lower, where an increase of wages would mean bankruptcy.

Every figure you quoted may be fact , i dont know one way or the other ,one thing i do know about is offsetting the costs of increased labor costs & still being profitable & i was damm good at it too .

After spending over 30 yrs supervising a branch of the nations largest successfull union construction company i know about increased labor costs , every year our men got atleast $1 an hour pay raise per union contract , some years as high as $4 an hour , we/I offset costs the old fashioned way by looking at who gets the biggest salary 1st , then decide if his contribution to the company warranted his salary .

When labor costs go up you dont blame the guy busting his ass for you instead you look at ways to cut waste,increase production & most importantly you reevaluate management salaries & bonuses 1st , you start at the top then work your way down , not the other way around as is the non union custom , blame the worker .

Im only educated as far as the 6th grade yet for decades was able to deal with large labor increases & still remain profitable , im quite sure Mcdonalds can find enough corporate waste & elemination of overpaid senior management to offset the wage increase .

If it means lowering costs to franchise owners to help them stay profitable then so be it but dont say it cant be done .
I scrub my own shop floors. I couldn't imagine having to pay someone 8-10 bucks an hour for the same task.

Even more so, paying this same person a living wage just to mop up would be ridiculous..

I dont scrub shit , we pay our housekeeper $15 an hour cash , the company we hired her from charged us the same amount then skimmed 50% of her wages for profit , she was gonna quit & go back to being a stay at home mom because after taxes & travel expenses she was making about $4 an hour ,which is obscene , i wouldnt't watch lesbian porno ( my favorite ) for $4 an hour as a profession.

She performs unskilled tasks for us but that dont make her contribution any less than the semi skilled man we have do the landscaping for $20 an hour .

It seems you have a low opinion of people who perform unskilled labor jobs .
I dont scrub shit , we pay our housekeeper $15 an hour cash , the company we hired her from charged us the same amount then skimmed 50% of her wages for profit , she was gonna quit & go back to being a stay at home mom because after taxes & travel expenses she was making about $4 an hour ,which is obscene , i wouldnt't watch lesbian porno ( my favorite ) for $4 an hour as a profession.

She performs unskilled tasks for us but that dont make her contribution any less than the semi skilled man we have do the landscaping for $20 an hour .

It seems you have a low opinion of people who perform unskilled labor jobs .

he is a big fan of grown men who scrub shit off pools for a (meager) living though.
I dont scrub shit , we pay our housekeeper $15 an hour cash , the company we hired her from charged us the same amount then skimmed 50% of her wages for profit , she was gonna quit & go back to being a stay at home mom because after taxes & travel expenses she was making about $4 an hour ,which is obscene , i wouldnt't watch lesbian porno ( my favorite ) for $4 an hour as a profession.

She performs unskilled tasks for us but that dont make her contribution any less than the semi skilled man we have do the landscaping for $20 an hour .

It seems you have a low opinion of people who perform unskilled labor jobs .
A housekeeper is not the same as a McFryCook.

A housekeeper has a very specific job and work 99% on initiative and trust thus making them difficult to replace.

Some idiot filling bags of fries is easily replaceable.
A housekeeper is not the same as a McFryCook.

A housekeeper has a very specific job and work 99% on initiative and trust thus making them difficult to replace.

Some idiot filling bags of fries is easily replaceable.

But for some reason, some feel that filling bags with fries for 35 hours a week should constitute a living wage.

I think some skills just aren't worth a living wage in that amount of time. maybe in 50-60 hours, but not 35.
A housekeeper is not the same as a McFryCook.

A housekeeper has a very specific job and work 99% on initiative and trust thus making them difficult to replace.

Some idiot filling bags of fries is easily replaceable.

Easily replaceable only because the economy is fuked , when i was young the stigma of being a burger flipper kept most away from a fry cook job , they had to put up signs offering $5 an hour for the job when minimum wage was just over $2 an hour .

When labor is short business allways seem to afford high wages to attract workers & when the economy sucks they preach gloom & doom on how even a penny more will shut the doors .

The only problem with using the economy as an excuse to keep wages low is profit margins are at record busting levels .
i bet you'll complain when people who work 40 hour weeks stand in line for food stamps or heating assistance though.

that would require the thought process of knowing their full-time, lame-ass job offering is less than stellar and doesn't provide for the 3 basic, shelter and clothing.

A minimum wage of $15 per hour would render a BigMac unaffordable by a large majority of the people who currently eat that shit. A year later, McDonalds' restaurants start closing all over. Due to individual franchise owners going bankrupt.

Then all those people lose their McJobs. They return to school, get a good education, and DON'T end up on welfare. Instead, they move up to the middle class and pay TAXES.

Sounds great.

hardly..we require citation in this forum:

That was interesting. But if you think they can double their workers' salaries and still remain competitive, then I think you're mistaken.

Hell, they're already rated as having the worst burger in the country, they are having to redefine their menu, and people are getting more health-concious. Those 3 things alone will complicate things for them in the near and long term. They would never survive if they had to pay their McEmployees $15 per hour.
Another example of your problem with logic ... it's called investing .... it's not a guaranteed pension.

which leads us to the intro and study of a most unusual animal:

the 401k..a companies way to take the 20 you just gave them and really fuck saying "we don't give a shit that you're the backbone of this company and without you: sales?..oh yes! we can make it just fine without you..but your shit and no one else will want you.. and blah blah.

rather than the guaranteed pensions of the past.
That was interesting. But if you think they can double their workers' salaries and still remain competitive, then I think you're mistaken.

Hell, they're already rated as having the worst burger in the country, they are having to redefine their menu, and people are getting more health-concious. Those 3 things alone will complicate things for them in the near and long term. They would never survive if they had to pay their McEmployees $15 per hour.

hey! i have an idea! how about "no increase" in wages and you institute a profit share plan that directly translates to non executive..would you do it then?
which leads us to the intro and study of a most unusual animal:

the 401k..a companies way to take the 20 you just gave them and really fuck saying "we don't give a shit that you're the backbone of this company and without you: sales?..oh yes! we can make it just fine without you..but your shit and no one else will want you.. and blah blah.

rather than the guaranteed pensions of the past.

Guaranteed pensions of the past proved to be debilitating to some corporations. Like the US govt. The govt has had to redefine their retirement plans over the years when they saw how promises made 30 years ago could come back to haunt them (and us regular citizens too who have to pay that retirement). Other corporations have also been bitten by that bug. What looks like a good promise of compensation today might be a back-breaker for that same corporation 30 years from now.

Checks written 30 years ago with words sometimes can't be cashed by our asses today. It's not as much our fault as it was those people who made the unwise promises so long ago.
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