now that bidness is a boomin'..

your reply was in response to me contradicting your retarded thoughts about min wage and the price of a whopper.

My thoughts regarding minimum wage are based in economic freedom. Yours seem based in economic dreaming. $15/hour min wage? There's no way our economy could support that.
My thoughts regarding minimum wage are based in economic freedom. Yours seem based in economic dreaming. $15/hour min wage? There's no way our economy could support that.

economic freedom for who? walmart? or their millions of employees?

please show me even one post from me where i advocated $15 min wage, retard, and i will leave the site forever.

you are one of the worst sock puppets ever.
Question, while I'm high:

OK, so say min wage is
economic freedom for who? walmart? or their millions of employees?

please show me even one post from me where i advocated $15 min wage, retard, and i will leave the site forever.

you are one of the worst sock puppets ever.

You mentioned support for a $16+/hr min wage in Australia.
Oh no ... looks like Uncle is getting ready to blow .... Bucky, time to have some of your Lithium.

We really don't want to see any more pics of your "Boy Friends" hands up your ass.
Question, while I'm high:

OK, so say min wage is

You mentioned support for a $16+/hr min wage in Australia.

damn, you are retarded.

please show me where i mentioned "support" for that type of min wage, rather than simply using it to disprove your retarded talking points.

if you can do that, i will leave the site forever.
damn, you are retarded.

please show me where i mentioned "support" for that type of min wage, rather than simply using it to disprove your retarded talking points.

if you can do that, i will leave the site forever.

You referenced it in such a way that could easily be interpreted as support.
And anyway, if you didn't mean support for a $15 min wage, then great. What is your recommended min wage?
lol, sock puppet fail.

Well have a good one Bucky; I only responded to Sky's post because I wanted to have a few moments of enjoyment fucking with you.

The show has really gone down hill; it's getting really stale, you need to gets some new material; new shtick.

Figure out the riddle yet?
Shit fade to stink, the same could be said of you. Are you going to switch socks?

That big ole moose of a doggy in your avatar is bad ass , what breed is he/her & whats his weight ? He reminds me of a type of sheep hearding dog i saw on youtube take out 2 full grown adult male alaskan wolves .

Dogs rock !
If people want more pay, they need more skills, not more government handouts in the form of minimum wage.

That statement is soooooo far off base it makes me wonder if your just bullshitting .

I dont give a shit how skilled a worker is employers are only gonna pay employees the absolute lowest amount possible to keep them comming back to work .

Broke , desperate & 3 paychecks away from homelessness for most Americans , skilled labor or not ,.savings accounts are at the all time low in the US since the depression & minimum wage is all good you think .
Yeah, because 7 bucks an hour will put you through school. Sad part is a large percentage of our minimum wage workers are educated, arent on welfare, and cant afford to pay their student loans.
If they can't afford their student loans it sounds like they studied for a pointless degree with no work at the end of it, no?

Sounds like a bad life choice to me...
Gas prices are going down and ticket prices are not going down and there are people in Congress demanding an investigation.

It is none of their fucking business what ticket prices are...
That statement is soooooo far off base it makes me wonder if your just bullshitting .

I dont give a shit how skilled a worker is employers are only gonna pay employees the absolute lowest amount possible to keep them comming back to work .

Broke , desperate & 3 paychecks away from homelessness for most Americans , skilled labor or not ,.savings accounts are at the all time low in the US since the depression & minimum wage is all good you think .

Or finding another job at a competitor.

You dont seem to think this is enough to drive market forces? If you are a good worker you can get raises and benefits or you can go find another job at a competitor.

Work is not mandatory, you are not forced to work for a particular employer. If you have a valuable skill set you get paid accordingly. The way to get paid more is to improve your skill set. Demanding an employer pay you more than you are worth is not going to fix anything.
If they can't afford their student loans it sounds like they studied for a pointless degree with no work at the end of it, no?

Sounds like a bad life choice to me...

This is so true.

Kids today are being lied to by Universities and loan companies alike who paint a wonderful post-degree picture. Kids are generally naive and many these days are winding up with a $100,000 student loan to pay back with nothing but a non-marketable degree to show for it.

And why is tuition rising so much? Because Universities know kids can get the loans to cover it. The more debt students and banks are willing to support, the more tuition will rise.

And what do the kids want when their mountain of debt finally becomes real to them (i.e. when the first payment is due)? They look to the government to bail them out. And my fear is that the government will try to do just that - bail them out so they can enjoy that social work degree and the $26,000/year it brings in. And us taxpayers will be forced to pay the loans back for them.