Barking Mads Grow Journal, with Pics

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Im pretty lucky in that I have some good hook ups and never go without pretty top quality bud, brand name and all.. but at a hefty fn price! and on the off ocasion that my usal doesnt have any better than upper midgrade price stays the same... But he can kiss my ass and pay me now for not only quality bud, but somthing that is flushed, dried, and cured properly! I have a hard time believing that top notch bud that makes its way down here by the pound is finished in any way other than quickly.... Ok gd-purp has me babbling bro! sorry!! :)
I have moved from London down to the south west so really have had to start from square one again.
I still know a few growers but, knowing them and getting to them is not the same thing.
It's one of the reasons, in fact, THE reason, that I'm doing this grow.


Well-Known Member
devon or cornwall barking...
thats what i think of as south west anyways!!

nice weather down here though enit bud!!

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
devon or cornwall barking...
thats what i think of as south west anyways!!

nice weather down here though enit bud!!
Somerset, nr Glastonbury.

Edit: The weather was too nice my plants hit the 90s for a couple of hours and was 86/88 most of the day.
Still 80 now and its just gone midnight.
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Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me,
I have ordered an air conditioner which has a 12,000 BTU (whatever that means)
will that be enough capacity to cool my grow room on the hot days - like today and yesterday (UK)???


Well-Known Member
yes yes yes...12,000 btu's will take care of a big area. just make sure you vent it properly and you are set...nice purchase BMad! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Btu stands for British Thermal Unit, which isa unit of energy consumed by or delivered to a building. A Btu is defined as the amount of energy required to increase the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit, at normal atmospheric pressure. Energy consumption is expressed in Btu to allow for consumption comparisons among fuels that are measured in different units.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me,
I have ordered an air conditioner which has a 12,000 BTU (whatever that means)
will that be enough capacity to cool my grow room on the hot days - like today and yesterday (UK)???
better to get a properly sized AC unit. A 12,000 BTU unit is probably overkill (unless your room is pretty large).

Believe it or not, an AC that is rated a higher BTU than is necessary is less effective at cooling than one that is properly rated (or even a little underrated). One of those cases - like nutrients - where less is better.


Well-Known Member
agreed...that why i say you need some ventilation for it.....not just the exhaust but you will wanna use it like an evap where you dont harbor and recirculate all of the air. give the room an outlet and you will be good to go sir


Well-Known Member
agreed...that why i say you need some ventilation for it.....not just the exhaust but you will wanna use it like an evap where you dont harbor and recirculate all of the air. give the room an outlet and you will be good to go sir
yep - and as an added bonus - AC units help with humidity.


Well-Known Member
Thanks fellas I should be picking it up today, I'm just going to use it for the hotdays when my temps are too high.
lucky!'s 3:30 am here and it's still 86 degrees out...or 30 degrees ...whichever you go by...I am really interested to see what a difference it will make for you:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
At last i have finally read your journal from start to finish! Looking gd barking! Keep up the good work.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Lol, sorry barking didn't want to intrude!
No you're welcome to comment any time, I haven't been to yours yet today.

For you and everyone else,
not much to report really, there is a little bit of development and there are signs of trics starting to develop on the small leaves around the buds. I am excited about that. This strain is meant to have one of the highest tric counts so we will have to wait and see.
So far so good.
I will try to get some pics on later if possible.
I have had security issues with my internet so have stayed offline but now that my Norton is back up and running I should be fine.


Well-Known Member
No you're welcome to comment any time, I haven't been to yours yet today.

For you and everyone else,
not much to report really, there is a little bit of development and there are signs of trics starting to develop on the small leaves around the buds. I am excited about that. This strain is meant to have one of the highest tric counts so we will have to wait and see.
So far so good.
I will try to get some pics on later if possible.
I have had security issues with my internet so have stayed offline but now that my Norton is back up and running I should be fine.

Barking, Barking, you gona make us all look bad if you keep improoving your system,lol. I'm picking up my AC today, I had enough:evil:
Your grow looks nice mate!


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Well as promised, here are some new pics of the trics starting to develop.

If you look closely you can see the trics starting to develop on the smaller leaves


Ok here is the latest change to my set-up.

The above picture was the measure I had to take on the odd occasion that we had good weather in the UK.
Two trays of ice plus a
frozen 2ltr bottle of water with a fan behind.
My room hits 90 degrees when it's hot outside and this would get it down to 86/88, not great really.
Here's the new boy!!!
A piece of the grill is
broken but I knew that before I bought it. At least it won't melt every 20 minutes.
I got this from ebay £65 all complete with remote (I think it was a good price) and had to pick it up in person.
The seller turned out to be a police, chief inspector!!! lmfao now thats funny!


Still no idea of Alices sex but it's been on 12/12 for a few days now, the longer it takes the more concerned I'm getting.

I have added some extra light now that I can control the temps easier.

It's pretty bright in here from top to bottom.


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Barking, Barking, you gona make us all look bad if you keep improoving your system,lol. I'm picking up my AC today, I had enough:evil:
Your grow looks nice mate!

lol Thanks Unity, nice to see you stop by. It's the like of you HHM and OB that have inspired my room so take some credit.
You have still grown the best looking bud for colours and trics that I have seen.
If I manage to get half of that quality I will be happy.