Well-Known Member
one time back in the day me and some of my buddies picked up some dank ass purps and got super fuckin baked smoked like 4 grams between 4 of us, shit made me hallucinate and everything. Three of us hopped on a quad (a atv encase some of u townies don't know what im talking about lol) when it was only designed for 1 person and drove around town going like 100 km.....
Later that night we were just chillin when a cop car pulls up out no where and a lady cop hops out, said we had something like 8 complaints, quad was unregistered and we all had a few joints on us of stinky ass weed, cop told us to leave because it was the owners fault and said she knew we were stoned but were gonna let him off with that and just take the quad away, 2 weeks later he got it back., got off real easy on that one could of got searched and charged for like 4 different things.
Had some sketchy times walking out the main road while drinking beer when i was 17 and 18 (underage), usually when a cop sees me they'll pull over and see what i'm at, one time i was waiting outside a store for a ride drunk as fuck and drinking a beer when a cop drove past and slowed right down and kept driving, another time i was walking out the road with a beer in my hand in plain site when for some reason i thought the police truck was patrolling that night so when i seen a white car driving behind me i didn't think nothing of it, looks over and its a police car, i was like FUCK stashed the beer and my weed behind a tree and dropped into a store encase they turned around to pull me over.
been after stealing a nice bit of shit in the past and people finding out cause my friend couldn't keep his trap shut but didn't get the cops involved because i returned most of it, tried to break into a house but had second thoughts and they narrowed it to me because ppl in town told the cops i had "several expensive habbits" went in for questioning and i was nervous as fuck, the cop tried to say if i just admit to it since its first offence and its minimal damage that i wouldn't get in truble for it but he said he couldn't guarantee it, fuckin pigs, denied it and got away with it because i wore gloves hahaha. Stealing and B&E's are behind me now though i work now
that's so gangsta.