news on the new house bill?

Yeah Canada lets more of the people have a voice in Ottawa (thats their Wash. DC) The USA needs a 3 party, the US says we have 3 or 4 parties but they got no say in DC what so ever. Its only the D's and R's and on many issues they think the same.

Maybe DEA raids are up but there is also more people in the marijuana business then ever before. Like its a joke when I see stuff saying how HS kids are using E cigs by 30% more then last yeah, ah, duh, E cigs are pretty brand new, of course use of it will be going up each year. I still have never tried one, I'm sure many middle age folks never had either.

GWB would not be allowing 31 million dollars in weed sales to happen each month in Colorado if he was still the president, no way. Thats the latests numbers I've seen, its down from 33 million the month before--its a big deal cause its the first month sales have gone down, the thinking is that tourism has drop off now that summer is over with.

With now 4 states with legal weed, Canada has no reason not to have legal weed as well. They talked about it before Mr Harper became PM but the USA threatened them with sanctions if they did..I believe that was Mr Clinton that did that. Hopefully come next year that Harper guy will get the boot and some dude name Justin Trudeau will become their PM, if so, hes already has said he wants Canada to legalize weed for all adults..if Canada did so, Obama would not poses sanctions on Canada..thats my big hope right now. First Harper has to go and then JT needs to get his wish on legal weed. It all could happen before Obama leaves office. Its still a long shot from happening but its got more chance of happening then ever before, IMO
I believe the biggest difference between Canadian and US politicians is their ability to act financially irresponsibly under cover of political ideology as they fund and are funded by their special interest cronies. With a population of only 35 million the Canadian debt is currently shared at $18,500 per individual, where as with a population of 320 million the US debt is currently shared at $56,000 per individual. These recent legacies of Bush's Republicans and Obama's Democrats will shape the future of this nation like no others. I don't think I could say it better than pre-Obama Obama ...

Now we've went from 9 to 18 trillion, he's not finished yet and we no longer talk about this big pink elephant :confused:
I believe the biggest difference between Canadian and US politicians is their ability to act financially irresponsibly under cover of political ideology as they fund and are funded by their special interest cronies. With a population of only 35 million the Canadian debt is currently shared at $18,500 per individual, where as with a population of 320 million the US debt is currently shared at $56,000 per individual. These recent legacies of Bush's Republicans and Obama's Democrats will shape the future of this nation like no others. I don't think I could say it better than pre-Obama Obama ...

Now we've went from 9 to 18 trillion, he's not finished yet and we no longer talk about this big pink elephant :confused:
And the 44th president added NINE trillion all by his lonesome.... What a scumbag