Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

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it 'twas a joke bcz apparently were all white supremacist.that just hate every race but ourselves in ur opinion......

when did i ever label you as such?

i only do that once you say those things that betray those thoughts, like kynes has done repeatedly.
there are over 8000 klan members, actually.

not to mention the dozens of other racial hatred groups that exist.
Yeah and there's black entertainment television and African American month and the naacp but you don't say anything about those....?blavks hate white ppl more than we hate blacks...but there's alot more than 8000 black ppl who participate in that.....
when did i ever label you as such?

i only do that once you say those things that betray those thoughts, like kynes has done repeatedly.
You labelled me as such when you u grouped white ppl together as if we all believe the same thoughts.and are one mechanized society by ourselves
Stop sending me pictures of your tiny penis. I told you 100 times already, I'm not interested.

have two dicks. on me.

are those things oppressing you?
Are 8000 ppl out of the billions on the earth oppressing you??do you get the kkk showing up at your door??the kkk is just a bunch of ignorant ppl but they do have a point that blacks and whatever "minorities" have and that' opinion
Are 8000 ppl out of the billions on the earth oppressing you??do you get the kkk showing up at your door??the kkk is just a bunch of ignorant ppl but they do have a point that blacks and whatever "minorities" have and that' opinion

nice defense of the ku klux klan.
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