Hello Michigan

I have been looking at many locations/data. It seems the Eastern coast of Lake Michigan (within 20mi) is pretty nice and not too radical on the weather extremes. Very tempting.

Yes, Woody, I have made $100s over the years at my garage sales! Sounds like everyone just kind of rotates their goods in the community, like wife swapping, .....saaaaaay....
I have been looking at many locations/data. It seems the Eastern coast of Lake Michigan (within 20mi) is pretty nice and not too radical on the weather extremes. Very tempting.

Yes, Woody, I have made $100s over the years at my garage sales! Sounds like everyone just kind of rotates their goods in the community, like wife swapping, .....saaaaaay....
Is your grandma still in jail? You on the run now?
Sorry about your bud rot. Painful shit, really.

No, grandma got out within 48 hrs. The police questioned me but they knew they had nothing on me and I cast suspicion on the middle schoolers behind her place. I also planted some old pipes, a bong, and an old Hustler in a styrofoam cooler by their bike track. Probably go unsolved.
Clayton are you threatening to move to my state? We could finally meet up and burn one. I think you'd be in for either a real treat here or major depression. Coming from out west I'm thinking the later but you never know!

Construction is a tough gig up north though brother. Real tough.

Hey Kemo, I hope all is well for you! I'm looking at it; long and hard, like.. nevermind.
Ive lived in all areas of Michigan for 30 of my 62 yrs on earth & for the most part i love it & i'll tell ya why , if your into outdoor stuff there is no better place to be , my main reason for staying here ( currently Bloomfield Hills ) is purely economic reasons , if your a skilled tradesman you can easily land a $100K a yr union construction gig , thats if you are a top flight journeyman , before i retired 5 yrs ago i was getting over $40 an hour plus $ 8 an hour vacation pay for every hour i worked , i was hitting well over $200K a yr with bonuses , the lowest paid helper on my crew got $18 an hr plus excellent health & pension bennys , Mich is one of the last states where a blue collar worker can match pay with management .

Thats in southern Michigan , northrern Mich is a very different story , my counterpart in northrern Mich would make about $16 to $18 an hour & work less than 1,000 hours a yr , gainfull employment in northrern Mich is EXTREMELY HARD TO FIND & you'll be hard pressed to earn $30K a yr IF you are lucky enough to find work.

The female population of the most northern part of Michigan are pretty slim pickens , most of the hot one's are spoken for & whats left we've allways refered to as swamp mollys , swamp mollys are normally as big as 400 lbs , head like a bison & teeth that look like an ear of indian corn , if they all haven't fell out yet , tits down to their knees & those are just the fat tits on their backs , the tits in front are just as big but look like empty pancakes , some even have armpit tittys , be carefull where you land in northrern Mich .
The female population of the most northern part of Michigan are pretty slim pickens , most of the hot one's are spoken for & whats left we've allways refered to as swamp mollys , swamp mollys are normally as big as 400 lbs , head like a bison & teeth that look like an ear of indian corn , if they all haven't fell out yet , tits down to their knees & those are just the fat tits on their backs , the tits in front are just as big but look like empty pancakes , some even have armpit tittys , be carefull where you land in northrern Mich .


Detroit gets a bad rap,even though i live in neverland compared to Detroit proper i still enjoy the city alot,if you dont mind being around people of diffedent races & colors Detroit city is one of the best night life citys ive ever spent time in,i grew up in whats known as the Cass cooridor in the 60's & have a love hate relationship with the city ever since.

On the work tip Detroit is where its at in Michigan,towns like Flint or Saginaw are about an hour north & both towns economies are in ruin,pay scales for factory work are half Detroit scale & the building trades theres no comparison,some of the largest union commercial\industrial builders have offices in Detroit & are ALLWAYS hiring,infact the last company i worked at running crane before i moved up to superintendant has a sign out front saying allways hiring.

You dont need to go north to find acreage either,towns like Gaines,Flushing,Linden,Grand Blanc,Clio ect have lots of large acre homes for sale cheap,we picked up a nice home in Otisville for $55k & had planned on using it as a rental or vacation property due to it being so close to an off road vehicle park but i decided to sell after getting an offer i couldnt refuse.

If your lookin to finance a home then property values are on the rise & nearly back to normal but if you have cash you can still pick up the more expensive homes at about 40% market value because banks dont want to put a few $k into getting them ready for fha financing.

One big thing about Mich is its a police state,the cops here are like fukin nazis & treat citizens like shit,even though we live in a gated suburb the cops still fuk with me constantly so be warned,cops in the entire state are some of the worst ive had contact with & ive travled most of the country & several forign countries for work,the cops in africa were nicer & more helpfull than linden mich.
"I think you need to get out more and make some friends in the real world, stop being such a loser. I myself like to go to the dog park and chat people up about their dogs. I always take a shit in one of the waste bags they provide and make sure to suck all the air out of the bag before tying it up so you can really see the profile of my shit in the bag like it's almost vacuum sealed, anyways I just like to hang around there holding my shit in a bag and chatting people up, I've found it's a great way to meet people and talking about their dogs is a great ice breaker and then when they ask me about my dog and I tell them I don't have one and they glance at my stuff in my bag and I tell them that that's mine and I brought it with me so I would feel like I fit in we always have a good laugh. You might want to give it a try sometime."

Boy. Am I ever glad I got up early to read this!
I have been looking at many locations/data. It seems the Eastern coast of Lake Michigan (within 20mi) is pretty nice and not too radical on the weather extremes. Very tempting.

Yes, Woody, I have made $100s over the years at my garage sales! Sounds like everyone just kind of rotates their goods in the community, like wife swapping, .....saaaaaay....
You will want to do your homework on Lake Effect snowfall along that shoreline. How do you spell motherfucker?
Hi All,

I have been here in the past asking a few questions and have returned. Any input is greatly appreciated.

Anyone live in the Northern half of the state? I am looking for a place to move with a fair amount of land, but not too far from civilization. IS the humidity really that bad in the Summer? Is the WInter really that bad?

What do you like/hate about N. Michigan?
Well, we did invent fire and AC. We don't put our shirts on till December, but it must be said we take them back off around Valentine's day. You know. Those nipple thingys Nancy likes to show off for the occasion. We can spot the tourists so fast our heads spin.

There's not much I don't like. I do like Bay City. It offers a lot of fun.
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I feel better about Michigans future than I did the whole time growing up. That said, The tri cities could still use a major overhaul.
Which tri-cities? I am aware of the Flint, Saginaw, Bay City area, but understand there is another near Ohio.
You will want to do your homework on Lake Effect snowfall along that shoreline. How do you spell motherfucker?
last year I had a snow drift so big I couldn't get the snow blower through. I shoveled that out and blew out the driveway it took about three hours. By that time I was pooped went to bed. When I woke up the next morning the driveway looked like I didn't even touch it.
last year I had a snow drift so big I couldn't get the snow blower through. I shoveled that out and blew out the driveway it took about three hours. By that time I was pooped went to bed. When I woke up the next morning the driveway looked like I didn't even touch it.
I've seen seven footers on the Lake Huron shoreline, and damn near lost my truck door during a blizzard in Manistee.