Hello Michigan


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I have been here in the past asking a few questions and have returned. Any input is greatly appreciated.

Anyone live in the Northern half of the state? I am looking for a place to move with a fair amount of land, but not too far from civilization. IS the humidity really that bad in the Summer? Is the WInter really that bad?

What do you like/hate about N. Michigan?
Hi All,

I have been here in the past asking a few questions and have returned. Any input is greatly appreciated.

Anyone live in the Northern half of the state? I am looking for a place to move with a fair amount of land, but not too far from civilization. IS the humidity really that bad in the Summer? Is the WInter really that bad?

What do you like/hate about N. Michigan?

Get your ass out here Bigsby! We'll throw ya a welcoming party. :-)

Northern Michigan is beautiful. Lots of lakes and trees. The winters are pretty cold, but the humidity isn't too bad.
You can have all the land you can afford and b 30-45 minutes from civilization either walmart or the the'ator ..
Summers are fine. Houston has way more nasty humidity.
Yeah last winter was brutal. This one is looking as bad.
It's michigan. We get the best and worst of everything .
You want to see heaven? Come up now. GoldenAutumn at its finest
No shit?!?!?! St0w and Senile are in Michigan?!?!?!? I'd come for that party. Some others might want to try to give me a blanket party, either way, I'm always down for a party.

Thanks Nancy, I'm more concerned about a Home Depot. When I loo at properties on Zillow, I always map the property and do a store locate at the HD website. I cannot believe how much property you can get for so much less than the left coast. Are there jobs? Do you just work in the Summer and store your nuts for the Winter, like Alaska?

How are property/sales taxes?
No shit?!?!?! St0w and Senile are in Michigan?!?!?!? I'd come for that party. Some others might want to try to give me a blanket party, either way, I'm always down for a party.

Thanks Nancy, I'm more concerned about a Home Depot. When I loo at properties on Zillow, I always map the property and do a store locate at the HD website. I cannot believe how much property you can get for so much less than the left coast. Are there jobs? Do you just work in the Summer and store your nuts for the Winter, like Alaska?

How are property/sales taxes?

Jobs, I don't know. I suppose it would depend what field you're looking in.

Home sales are picking up along with property values. It'd be a good time to buy with prices still relatively low but the market moving up.

Sales tax is 6%, and property taxes are reasonable. I live in a pretty nice suburb of Detroit, and I pay around $4,800 for the year
Prop taxes are based off local area sales.
Taxes and prices in Flint will be less than what you will pay in Traverse City. Based on all sales not just your purchase price.
Jobs? Depends.. Lots of factory work. Farms. Or whatever. But u better wanna work. Lots of people lookin...

We don't store our nuts, we are nutz.
No shit?!?!?! St0w and Senile are in Michigan?!?!?!? I'd come for that party. Some others might want to try to give me a blanket party, either way, I'm always down for a party.

Thanks Nancy, I'm more concerned about a Home Depot. When I loo at properties on Zillow, I always map the property and do a store locate at the HD website. I cannot believe how much property you can get for so much less than the left coast. Are there jobs? Do you just work in the Summer and store your nuts for the Winter, like Alaska?

How are property/sales taxes?

I've known of people here to offer $175,000 on a 400,000 home and have it be accecpted. Numerous people who are living in a 100,000 home for less than 30. I have a 3 bed 2 bath with 2 car garage in a less than favorable neighborhood. Closing cost and all I paid 10,600. Neighborhood is not that bad.

The west and Northern parts of the state are gorgeous. The Southeast, not so much.
There will be a vote after the election on whether or not to raise the sales tax to 7%. Snyder just signed a 'drugged driving' law , so don't get to comfortable having a license if you typically have cannabis in your system. Snyder has also already signed a law that will send cannabis production to Canada if the feds reschedule it down to schedule 2....Wait until after the election is what I am trying to say.

Just about anywhere in Michigan you will pay a premium in taxes (let's say near $5,000) if you feel the need to have a particular zip code. But, if you aren't materialistic (or, let's face it, if you don't have a materialistic spouse) then there's no reason to waste that kind of money on taxes and you can pay significantly less by choosing a slightly different town (about $1800 and you are a mile away from the $5k zipcode)...but then you can't tell yourself you are better than others because of the amount of money it looks like you have....to each their own.

Michigan's unemployment is 2% higher than the national average. Every single resident of Michigan will be paying for the Detroit bailout for many years to come...at least we are getting a new hockey rink down there....priorities. No, not priorities, politics.

As with everywhere, there's a lot of assholes - particularly around the suburbs of Detroit. Heading to Northern Michigan you should be fine.
Awesome, gang, thank you! I am looking at NP, mostly everything North of 10. We want acreage/well/septic, but have to have high speed internet. There are a ton of places with 40+acres and a decent house with shop for $150k. After 13 years, I have the wife dialed in. If I bought her a snowmobile and built a greenhouse, she'd be happy. We're trying to live the Alaska lifestyle on a Louisiana budget. Being close to Canada seems pretty cool to, eh?

St0w, must be pretty swanky. We pay a little less than that now, bit we don;t live in a city where you can buy an entire block of homes for $853. I would come down to the D to visit Hardcore Pawn and act a fool. Them bitches are going to pay me NOW!

What should I watch for when buying a home that far North?
Good luck buddy!

I live in the southeast, a stones throw away from the D.

I met the older guy from hardcore pawn the other day, nice man and slicked back shiny hair...

The market in my area is ripe to purchase, my neighbor just offered me his house on land contract, I could buy it for no down and a couple hundred a month. But I'm getting the fuck away from Detroit, need to live in an area that is more my class...
What should I watch for when buying a home that far North?

Insulation!! lol

Just from experience living here (and Northern Canada) make sure there are no exposed pipes on any exterior wall, crawl spaces, attics, etc. PVC will freeze and rupture in a hurry.

A wood burning stove is a nice economical way of heating the house in the winter too.
there is a slight drawback to living in the U.P., rather than lower MI, in regards to utilities. most of the u.p. pays nearly .25 cents /kwh which is twice that of further south. a greenhouse and supplemental wood heat can offset those rates. I recall 'bricktop' saying that he'd like to retire up there, and I may end up doing the same eventually. lots of fresh air and not many ppl..... great ultra-chill vibe up there!

also Marquette is in the process of updating their hospital, as they partnered up w/ Duke a few yrs back.
I saw a few decent places around MArquette. SOmeone from WI is telling me the Winters are bone chilling brutal, the Summer brings mosquitoes as big as choppers, the heat and humidity is unbearable, AND the salted roads in the Winter eat your car in 4 1/2 months.

Sound about right?