I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

What is your problems?

What makes you think that I am crazy?


well your definition of sanity will differ with every other person on this planet.........it is one of those relative concepts thing like good and bad

but we had this talk man what the fuck are u doing ...........at this point i will say just go and paint a bulleyes on your forehead..........yes your head s exploding with new ideas and ways of thinking but damn man ..........get a idea and look up the info for yourself u do not need to post it to world to validate your idea and concepts

thinking differently will always get u labeled insane or crazy ......it is just human cultural thing ....what is different what is not like the others

as for this thread let it DIE and fade away .............it is not a good one with the title or the content....... grow learn do not stay stagnate
After I get a haircut, I might Skype you; but I'm not making any promises.

Have you watched all of My videos of Myself?

My videos of Myself can explain a lot.


I've seen some of your videos, but most of them are essentially the same video, you rehashing the same things in the last video, 10-15 minutes each, I get the basic point.. You think you saw some aliens in invisible suits, UFO's, etc.

Would you mind answering those previous questions on RIU instead of Skype? I'll have to get some technical things figured out first..

I can answer your questions in this thread.

Just give Me some time; like a few days, or whenever I get around to it.

Maybe we can Skype after I answer those questions? and you might have different questions by then?

I might want to Skype you while My hair is short, so in the next few weeks or so?

I like you a lot, Padawanbater, so thats why I might Skype you. You seem like a cool dude.


What happened to your thread, "HAIL TO THE NEW LORD," in the Talk N Toke section?

I was just about to reply to some of your posts, but the thread is gone.

I My opinion, they shouldn't have deleted that thread; they should have moved it to the Spirituality section.

Now I'm a little sad :-( !

Bradburry, you can talk to Me here. I adore you, as a friend. I am very proud of you.

You and @LetsGetCritical , are some of My favorite RIU members; and I adore you both.


What happened to your thread, "HAIL TO THE NEW LORD," in the Talk N Toke section?

I was just about to reply to some of your posts, but the thread is gone.

I My opinion, they shouldn't have deleted that thread; they should have moved it to the Spirituality section.

Now I'm a little sad !

Bradburry, you can talk to Me here. I adore you, as a friend. I am very proud of you.

You and @LetsGetCritical , are some of My favorite RIU members; and I adore you both.

i dont know about the thread lord .to be honest i didnt realize it was in the wrong forum.idk.

when are you going tomake a change o lord ......people who have been waiting are asking questions ?
i dont know about the thread lord .to be honest i didnt realize it was in the wrong forum.idk.

when are you going tomake a change o lord ......people who have been waiting are asking questions ?

This is the "Spirituality, Sexuality, & Philosophy" section of RIU.

You posted "HAIL TO THE NEW LORD", in the "Talk N Toke" section of RIU.

You are allowed to talk about spiritual things in the "Spirituality, Sexuality, & Philosophy" section of RIU. That is why this subforum exists.

What are people saying about Me?

I'm sure that there are some people that don't like Me, and then there are My witnesses, like you.

EDIT- What changes should I make? I am never going to start a cult, so I am limited to the internet to talk about My beliefs.

And, also, what questions are people asking?

This is the "Spirituality, Sexuality, & Philosophy" section of RIU.

You posted "HAIL TO THE NEW LORD", in the "Talk N Toke" section of RIU.

You are allowed to talk about spiritual things in the "Spirituality, Sexuality, & Philosophy" section of RIU. That is why this subforum exists.

What are people saying about Me?

I'm sure that there are some people that don't like Me, and then there are My witnesses, like you.

EDIT- What changes should I make? I am never going to start a cult, so I am limited to the internet to talk about My beliefs.

And, also, what questions are people asking?

george this is important now that we have become to believe you that you follow through with your prothasess (baaaaad spelling lol )
lord theres atime and a place for jokes but today o lord its time to get serious. forget all the people who dislike you ...........we the wittnesses need for you to be are saviour..........your true people are waiting patiantly my lord...........what are you gonna do now your here lord.
George, you know that these guys are fucking with you, right? They are mocking you, please tell me you know this. No one can be that stupidly delusional, can they???
youll see him for what he really is when he speaks to his wittnesses ......our lord please tell all ......'cough' no vids
George, you know that these guys are fucking with you, right? They are mocking you, please tell me you know this. No one can be that stupidly delusional, can they???
This is for all of My witnesses:

I have been thinking of a few names to call all of My witnesses.

Would you rather be called "Trueists", or "Enlightenists"?

Or would you rather be called something else?

I would not consder Myself a Christian, because I don't believe in the Biblical mythical story of Jesus; and also, I don't believe in a lot of the Bible.

So, what would My witnesses want to be called?

...what are you gonna do now your here lord.

I don't plan on doing much different.

What can I do?

I need many more witnesses that believe in Me, before I can attempt to do anything.

It is good that YOU believe in Me. But there are billions of people that don't know about Me.

I am only one Person, and I am doing My best to reach people. But, if I had many people that would help spread My Message, the Kingdom of Christ would come quicker.

I am currently on 3 different forums, claiming to be the Christ. I am trying to reach people with My Message, and I am trying to invite people to My Spirituality.

What are you doing? Don't get Me wrong, I love talking to YOU, My friend, but if you believe that I am the Lord, you should try and advocate for Me on different forums.

Try and find the most popular forums, and create an account there. Then, you should start threads where you introduce people to Me- the Lord.

It would help to know as much about Me as possible. But, maybe if you are advocating for Me on a different forum, I might join you in that thread: if you let Me know.

Don't lose your passion.

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they are hating because they are in the grips of the demoN , hopefully they will escape the crutches and join us in eternal life . Amen

Personally, I don't believe in "demons", per se.

But, it seems like some people have evil morals.

Some people don't want help.

Some people don't want the Savior- Me.

I am also skeptical of the alleged "devil", too. It seems as though the "devil" is a myth.

I am only the Lord of My people- the witnesses. My beloved people are the best, because they are righteous, moral, peaceful, loving, caring, full of grace, etc.. I can't say enough about My beloved witnesses; I adore My people, and you have a special place in My heart.

O My people, always obey your best intuition, and your best conscience. Try not to get into trouble, and you will be better off. Try and always do the right and just thing, in remberance of the Lord that santifies you.

But, no, I don't believe people have "demons". There will always be good people, and there always will be bad people. Bad people can change, and they can become good people, with enough time. And the converse is true too, unfortunately.

Try and behave the way that the Lord would want you to behave. But no one is perfect, and we all make mistakes; so just be on your best behavior.

This is for all of My witnesses:

I have been thinking of a few names to call all of My witnesses.

Would you rather be called "Trueists", or "Enlightenists"?

How about The Fucktardians? That would be perfect...

Or would you rather be called something else?

I couldn't decide between these two -
'Just don't call us late for dinner' and 'A rose by any other name would be as fucktarded'

I would not consder Myself a Christian, because I don't believe in the Biblical mythical story of Jesus; and also, I don't believe in a lot of the Bible.

"I don't really believe in god, or jesus, or the bible. But somehow I am the christ." WTF???

So, what would My witnesses want to be called?

How about Thing One, and Thing Two, so we can tell them apart?
you dont plan on doing much is not what us people need to here ....it kinda weakens are beilief in you............we are only called wittnesses if we ...well ....wittness something?

DONT LOSE YOUR AUDIENCE LORD.............or should i start calling you plain old george again
I don't plan on doing much different.

What can I do?

I need many more witnesses that believe in Me, before I can attempt to do anything.

It is good that YOU believe in Me. But there are billions of people that don't know about Me.

I am only one Person, and I am doing My best to reach people. But, if I had many people that would help spread My Message, the Kingdom of Christ would come quicker.

I am currently on 3 different forums, claiming to be the Christ. I am trying to reach people with My Message, and I am trying to invite people to My Spirituality.

What are you doing? Don't get Me wrong, I love talking to YOU, My friend, but if you believe that I am the Lord, you should try and advocate for Me on different forums.

Try and find the most popular forums, and create an account there. Then, you should start threads where you introduce people to Me- the Lord.

It would help to know as much about Me as possible. But, maybe if you are advocating for Me on a different forum, I might join you in that thread: if you let Me know.

Don't lose your passion.


I have been busy taking care of My mother, Mary.

My mother, Mary, just found out that she had breast cancer, a couple of months ago.

And, My mother-Mary, had the cancer surgically removed.

My mother- Mary, also got blood work done that determinded that she has the "braka 2" gene, or whatever its called. This gene causes cancer, from what I have heard.

My mother- Mary, got her ovaries removed a few weeks ago. Also, My mother got both of her breasts removed, and now she has silicon implants.

My mother has been in a lot of pain from the surgery. I have been waiting on My mother- Mary, night and day. My mother said that the pain from getting her breasts removed was much worse then delivering a child.

So, I have been waiting on My mother- Mary. I have been helping My mother as much as possible.

My mother, Mary, is more important to Me, compared to blogging. I can blog after My mother recovers.

Plus, I don't get paid to blog. I blog because I enjoy talking to My people.

I hope you understand why I haven't been talking to you as much as I would like to.

Some days, I have plans for the whole day, usually on the weekends. These days that I am busy with My friends, I might not blog at all.

Its not that I don't want to talk to My people, its just that I am busy with My friends and family, in real life.

I really appreciate you, bradburry, and I hope that I can talk to you for many years. But, no, I don't post on the internet every day; real life comes first.

Awesome, George. Good man putting your life on hold for your mom, my respect for you has gone up 30%. I'll enjoy the feeling while it lasts. You want to be a leader and to help people. While you are ineffective in this role online, you are doing this IRL for your own. That is the way to do it, making a difference IRL...

P.S. Good luck to your mom, sorry didn't catch her name...
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