I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!


More CRAZY ideas that I think are CRAZY COOL!

Just some random thoughts I've been thinking of!

The SIGNS of the TIMES!

EDIT- In this last video, "The SIGNS of the TIMES", I made a mistake: I actually saw the black cloud on the eve of Good Friday, and NOT the eve of black Friday. Other then that one mistake, I believe everything in My videos of Myself; unless someone can debunk anything that I have said.

greetings from Australia dear Lord, I need some Spiritual help. I have some criminal things happening and I am fighting a corrupt system as well as lying "victims" Ask the glorious Father to step in, send me luck and peace and I have asked my Uncle who I met once when I was about 7 and he gave us kids $50 each for Christmas (a lot of money then) who is now managing partner of the biggest law firm in my state for help... will he help? Lord make it so . Thanks Lord.
greetings from Australia dear Lord, I need some Spiritual help. I have some criminal things happening and I am fighting a corrupt system as well as lying "victims" Ask the glorious Father to step in, send me luck and peace and I have asked my Uncle who I met once when I was about 7 and he gave us kids $50 each for Christmas (a lot of money then) who is now managing partner of the biggest law firm in my state for help... will he help? Lord make it so . Thanks Lord.

I just said a prayer for you, and I will continue to pray for you.

But, to be honest, right now, I don't have any power over the court systems.

I am also going to court for a couple of things:

1) A company is saying that I took out a credit card with them; and I don't ever recall opening a credit card with that company. So this company is taking Me to court. I have already been to court for this case twice already; and I probably will have to go to court two more times for this case.

2) I was drinking and driving, and I got into a "hit and run", after I got out of a bar. I am now on probation because of this "hit and run" case. I am lucky that I didn't get a DUI- Driving Under (the) Influence. I have already been to court for this case a few times, and I need to go to court for this case at least one more time. I am going to need to pay for the damages that I did to the other vehicle; plus I need to pay to be on probation, and the attorney.

So, please say a little prayer for Me too.

I usually don't pray much, because I believe prayer is futile, but it couldn't hurt.

I hope that the judge has mercy on both of us. I hope that the judge will find you innocent, and you don't get in trouble.

I might be the Lord of My people, but I am not above the law. In the future, I hope that I can set up My global online government, but I will still be subject to the laws even if I am the King of the world.

No one should ever be above the law, even the King of the world. If you don't break the law, you shouldn't get in trouble.

Anyways, I will pray for you, LetsGetCritical.

Its good to see that you're still alive. Thank you for saying, "hi".

I only wish the best for you and everyone else.

P.S. I served about 2 months in prison, in the year 2009, for fighting with My dad. I was guilty, but I was never charged with a crime. Everyone called Me "Jesus", when I was in prison.

I hope you feel better.

I just said a prayer for you, and I will continue to pray for you.

But, to be honest, right now, I don't have any power over the court systems.

I am also going to court for a couple of things:

1) A company is saying that I took out a credit card with them; and I don't ever recall opening a credit card with that company. So this company is taking Me to court. I have already been to court for this case twice already; and I probably will have to go to court two more times for this case.

2) I was drinking and driving, and I got into a "hit and run", after I got out of a bar. I am now on probation because of this "hit and run" case. I am lucky that I didn't get a DUI- Driving Under (the) Influence. I have already been to court for this case a few times, and I need to go to court for this case at least one more time. I am going to need to pay for the damages that I did to the other vehicle; plus I need to pay to be on probation, and the attorney.

Lol I can imagine you getting pulled over for DUI... "But officer, I'm the Christ, what the fuck?". Sucks you're on probation man... But you got off easy so far it seems. Don't drink n drive. I learned that lesson 6 months after drinking age, the hard way. I was lucky for that I guess. Good luck though.. that system in a bitch to be caught in the middle of.
Lol I can imagine you getting pulled over for DUI... "But officer, I'm the Christ, what the fuck?".

Lol, no, I don't tell people in person that I am the Christ, anymore.

For the first few years that I had My apotheosis, I was going around telling My friends, My family, and strangers that I am "Jesus". But telling people that I am "Jesus", only got Me in trouble, i.e., I was sent to many mental hospitals.

I stopped believing that I am "Jesus", and I finally concluded that I am just the Christ. And I can't be "Jesus", because My Name is "George Manuel Oliveira". But, I can be the Prophet- the Christ.

I am doing great now. I plan on moving back to My house that I paid CASH for when I was 21 years old. I plan on moving back to My house in less then a couple of years.

It was futile telling people that I am the Christ, because no one that I know can help My cause. Now, I hope that I can reach people with influence on the internet. Every blogger has a world wide audience.

Sucks you're on probation man...

Its not a big deal to Me, being on probation.

I never usually get into trouble, so I doubt that I will break My probation. I was put on probation for 6 months total. The worst part about the probation is that I have to pay $350 just to be on probation.

But you got off easy so far it seems.

Yes, I agree.

It would have been a lot worse if I actually got a DUI. I only got the "hit and run," even though I was shit faced. I was with 2 other friends that night at the bar; we drank about 7 pitchers between the 3 of us. I probably drank over 2 pitchers of beer that night.

Don't drink n drive.

The only reason why I was caught for the "hit and run," was because My bumper on My Jeep fell off. If My bumper never fell off, I doubt I would have got caught.

I learned that lesson 6 months after drinking age, the hard way. I was lucky for that I guess.

What ended up happening to you, bro?

Good luck though.. that system in a bitch to be caught in the middle of.

Thanks brother.

As you said, I got off easy.

I learned My lesson, I don't ever plan on driving after more then a couple of drinks.

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Lol, no, I don't tell people in person that I am the Christ, anymore.

For the first few years that I had My apotheosis, I was going around telling My friends, My family, and strangers that I am "Jesus". But telling people that I am "Jesus", only got Me in trouble, i.e., I was sent to many mental hospitals.

I stopped believing that I am "Jesus", and I finally concluded that I am just the Christ. And I can't be "Jesus", because My Name is "George Manuel Oliveira". But, I can be the Prophet- the Christ.

I am doing great now. I plan on moving back to My house that I paid CASH for when I was 21 years old. I plan on moving back to My house in less then a couple of years.

It was futile telling people that I am the Christ, because no one that I know can help My cause. Now, I hope that I can reach people with influence on the internet. Every blogger has a world wide audience.

Its not a big deal to Me, being on probation.

I never usually get into trouble, so I doubt that I will break My probation. I was put on probation for 6 months total. The worst part about the probation is that I have to pay $350 just to be on probation.

Yes, I agree.

It would have been a lot worse if I actually got a DUI. I only got the "hit and run," even though I was shit faced. I was with 2 other friends that night at the bar; we drank about 7 pitchers between the 3 of us. I probably drank over 2 pitchers of beer that night.

The only reason why I was caught for the "hit and run," was because My bumper on My Jeep fell off. If My bumper never fell off, I doubt I would have got caught.

What ended up happening to you, bro?

Thanks brother.

As you said, I got off easy.

I learned My lesson, I don't ever plan on driving after more then a couple of drinks.


Trust me, I know that you aren't like that in person, I've read a lot of your posts here and elsewhere, I was just kidding... And when I got my DUI I ended up getting 1 year probation, 1 year without a license, 50 hours community service, and a bunch of $$$ plus checking in the probation office once a month. Like you said though, it's not that big of a deal besides the $$$. Oh, there was DUI school too, which was kind of fun actually. Lots of sexy loose women in there 8-)

The only reason I got a DUI was because 2 passengers started beating the shit out of each other while I was driving, and I pulled over at a bad spot :eyesmoke:.
I just got a haircut, a couple of hours ago.

Expect a selfie picture of Me in the next few days, or maybe even tonight.

EDIT- I might even wear a shirt, lol. But I think I look like an "angel" when I am looking up and away, lol.

Trust me, I know that you aren't like that in person, I've read a lot of your posts here and elsewhere, I was just kidding... And when I got my DUI I ended up getting 1 year probation, 1 year without a license, 50 hours community service, and a bunch of $$$ plus checking in the probation office once a month. Like you said though, it's not that big of a deal besides the $$$. Oh, there was DUI school too, which was kind of fun actually. Lots of sexy loose women in there 8-)

The only reason I got a DUI was because 2 passengers started beating the shit out of each other while I was driving, and I pulled over at a bad spot :eyesmoke:.

I always like talking to you, Skuxx!

You should post here more often.

It seems like you have a compassionate disposition.

Anyways, it seems like you also learned your lesson from drinking and driving. Its not worth it if you get caught drinking and driving.

Keep on being cool, man.

Now, I will take a picture where I am looking into the camera with a smile.

I will be right back.

WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN THIS SUB-FORUM??? Are there no mods left at all? This dude and these threads are a fucking travesty. It's as if a special needs telethon is partnering with gay porn. This forum used to be something special, have the delusional, vain fucktards truly won? Perhaps someone will do something when he starts posting pics of his Christly junk, but who the fuck knows...