I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

I'm doing just fine.

My new truck cost Me exactly $5,000.

The book value of My truck is like $7,400, so I paid about $2,400 dollars less then the book value.

I actually bought the truck from My old friend who now owns a couple of car dealerships. My friend who owns the car dealerships said that he might give Me a job.

But My "check engine" light just came on, and the "check fuel cap" light turned on too a few days ago. I also need a new fog light, so I will be going to see My friend who owns the car dealership in the next week or so.

I got a rejection sticker at first, because the front wheels were loose, so My friend that owns the car dealership put brand new tie rods in; and then I got a good inspection sticker.

I hope My buddy that owns the car dealership can employ Me; I could use a job.


Where did you get $5k, George? Did your mommy give it to you?
Would you be willing to have a Skype conversation with me, George?

I would be honored to have a face to face conversation with you, but there are a few problems:

1) I am shy in person.

2) I don't have a Skype account.

3) My laptop with the web camera doesn't pick up wifi anymore.

4) I have been blogging from My smartphone since December of 2013.

So, I don't even know if its possible to have a Skype conversation with you via My smartphone. I do have a camera on the front of My smartphone, but I don't know how to turn it on.

I have never used Skype before, so I don't have an account.

But why? Whats up brother?

Like I said, I would be honored to have a face to face conversation with you.

You can say anything to Me in My thread, or you can send Me a PM.

Whats up Padawanbater2? What do you want to talk about?

I would be honored to have a face to face conversation with you, but there are a few problems:

1) I am shy in person.

2) I don't have a Skype account.

3) My laptop with the web camera doesn't pick up wifi anymore.

4) I have been blogging from My smartphone since December of 2013.

So, I don't even know if its possible to have a Skype conversation with you via My smartphone. I do have a camera on the front of My smartphone, but I don't know how to turn it on.

I have never used Skype before, so I don't have an account.

But why? Whats up brother?

Like I said, I would be honored to have a face to face conversation with you.

You can say anything to Me in My thread, or you can send Me a PM.

Whats up Padawanbater2? What do you want to talk about?


1. I'm shy, too

2. Very easily solved, Skype is free, all it takes is an email address

3. You would need a working camera, I'm not sure if it would require wifi, to be honest

4. I'll look into it, although I'm fairly certain it's possible, I've had skype conversations with people via smartphone before

5. Skype is very straightforward, very easy to understand

6. I'd like to ask you some questions, and get your answers in real time. I think it might add to the conversation

7. I'd prepare some questions, I'd be glad to send them to you ahead of time so you can prepare your answers accordingly if you'd like
1. I'm shy, too

2. Very easily solved, Skype is free, all it takes is an email address

3. You would need a working camera, I'm not sure if it would require wifi, to be honest

4. I'll look into it, although I'm fairly certain it's possible, I've had skype conversations with people via smartphone before

5. Skype is very straightforward, very easy to understand

6. I'd like to ask you some questions, and get your answers in real time. I think it might add to the conversation

7. I'd prepare some questions, I'd be glad to send them to you ahead of time so you can prepare your answers accordingly if you'd like

Fuck, I'd pay at least $100 to sit in on this video chat, that is if George can keep his shirt on during the session... and not stare at that same corner on the wall the entire time...
1. I'm shy, too

2. Very easily solved, Skype is free, all it takes is an email address

3. You would need a working camera, I'm not sure if it would require wifi, to be honest

4. I'll look into it, although I'm fairly certain it's possible, I've had skype conversations with people via smartphone before

5. Skype is very straightforward, very easy to understand

6. I'd like to ask you some questions, and get your answers in real time. I think it might add to the conversation

7. I'd prepare some questions, I'd be glad to send them to you ahead of time so you can prepare your answers accordingly if you'd like

I will have to think about it. I am a little superficial, so I would want to Skype you after I get a haircut; and that might not be for another month, or so.

Please ask your questions, so I can meditate on the answers. Please post your questions in this thread, because I don't like to do PMs, because I can't edit a PM, and My smart phone acts weird on this forum.

So, please ask your questions so I can meditate on the answers.

Thanks Padawanbater!

1. I'm shy, too

2. Very easily solved, Skype is free, all it takes is an email address

3. You would need a working camera, I'm not sure if it would require wifi, to be honest

4. I'll look into it, although I'm fairly certain it's possible, I've had skype conversations with people via smartphone before

5. Skype is very straightforward, very easy to understand

6. I'd like to ask you some questions, and get your answers in real time. I think it might add to the conversation

7. I'd prepare some questions, I'd be glad to send them to you ahead of time so you can prepare your answers accordingly if you'd like

Can you ask your questions, so I can prepare?

I have already provided a copious amount of evidence about Myself.

Do I even need to say more?

Its either that you have been following Me or you are lost, and you have no idea what I am talking about.

This thread is going to get very long, pay attention.

If you want to read about Me, go to the link below.


If you want to read about Me, go to the link above.

It might take you a few hours to read through all of that thread, but if you are interested in Christ, its worth the time to read and watch My videos.

This thread will be based off of the link below.


This thread will be based off of the link above.

Consider this thread a continuation of that link.

I will try and answer all of your question aboout Me- the Christ.

This thread is going to be about Me- the Christ.

Check out the link below, and read it till the end.


Check out the link above, and read it till the end.

Grab some popcorn, smoke a joint, and prepare to be entertained.

I am the Christ, this is a fact to Me. I am the Messiah, this is a fact to Me. I am the Savior, this is a fact to Me. I am a god, this is a fact to Me. I am the Lord, this is a fact to Me. I am the Chosen One, this is a fact to Me.

If you have some time to kill, and you want to see what I am going to be debating about, check out the link below.


If you have some time, and you want to see what I am going to be debating about, check out the link above.

Try and disprove or debunk anything that I have said in that link.

This thread is going to get real long, take some notes, because I dont want to keep repeating Myself.

I love all of you guys.

I look forward to answering your questions. Remember, this thread is about Me- the Christ.


dude i like u but holy shit ..............this tread really should be deleted and u need to learn a little humility

1 chirst is black ..........yes black not white black or yellow (middle east tan ) ..........and before u go reborn as him that is 100% crap dude died dude came back to same body did his i live thing then popped off the planet in his same body ...........when play time comes and he is back will be back in the very same body that left in (the sheer fact is your cell structure could not handle the mental energy) when the guy is back ........the only body he could use is the one original put in or a direct blood line

yes blood line ..............roman church is a bunch of evil ass jackasses who lie to ppl to keep control with the fear of hell they can get ppl to do anything that want .........the witch trails is proof of that and attempt wipe out the line in another massive try ..............if u know your history then u know why friday the 13th is a bad day .....that was another attempt by the church to take control and destroy all the records and proof (but they failed again ) .........i personally think the that black death was a attempt too with the way it worked it sounds to have been genetically targeted to set branch of humans

whole families would die off except one person or everyone would get sick when these ppl did not (the sheer bathing habits of the time every single person had flee bites and was exposed) ..........and if u listen to the old myths and folklore alot of the time before the dieseae hit ppl would be talking about seeing strange ppl in town or in the fields
dude i like u but holy shit ...

Not helping, man..


Some of these questions are going to be personal, I'd appreciate it if you answered them truthfully, if you feel like you don't want to disclose any information, I understand, this is a pot forum afterall. Whatever you decide to disclose/answer or not is up to you entirely.

These are all going to be questions I feel are relevant to the conversation

So, on with it..

1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where did you grow up/where were you raised?
4. What is your religious background, if any?
5. Did you grow up believing said religious background or did you discover it later?
6. Could you describe your parents? (Are they religious, conservative/liberal, etc.?)
7. Did you attend any kind of church services as a youth?
8. What was your elementary, middle and high school life like?
9. How many significant relationships outside your immediate family would you say you hold, and have a strong conviction to? Employers, boy/girlfriends, friends, etc.?
10. How many jobs have you had?
11. How does your mother feel about you, and what is your relationship with her?
12. How does your father feel about you, and how is your relationship with him?
13. How do your siblings (if any) feel about you, and how is your relationship with them?
14. How did you do in school growing up?
15. What did you want to do/be when you grow/grew up when you were a kid?
16. What's your favorite song/movie, why?
17. Have you ever seen a therapist/psychiatrist? (I have)
18. Are your parents still married?
19. Have you ever been in a fight?
20. What is your opinion about Jesus? Allah?
21. What is your opinion about drugs? Have you ever taken/used any?
22. Are you sexually active/are you a virgin? If not, when did you lose your virginity?
23. What is your opinion on vaccines?
24. What's the most controversial opinion you hold?
25. What's your favorite animal, why?
26. Would you ever skydive?
27. Who do you align with more politically, democrats or republicans?

That's all for now, so stew on those for the time being. Let me know when you're ready and I'll pull something together. Thanks again Nevaeh, looking forward to it, man.
Not helping, man..


Some of these questions are going to be personal, I'd appreciate it if you answered them truthfully, if you feel like you don't want to disclose any information, I understand, this is a pot forum afterall. Whatever you decide to disclose/answer or not is up to you entirely.

These are all going to be questions I feel are relevant to the conversation

So, on with it..

1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where did you grow up/where were you raised?
4. What is your religious background, if any?
5. Did you grow up believing said religious background or did you discover it later?
6. Could you describe your parents? (Are they religious, conservative/liberal, etc.?)
7. Did you attend any kind of church services as a youth?
8. What was your elementary, middle and high school life like?
9. How many significant relationships outside your immediate family would you say you hold, and have a strong conviction to? Employers, boy/girlfriends, friends, etc.?
10. How many jobs have you had?
11. How does your mother feel about you, and what is your relationship with her?
12. How does your father feel about you, and how is your relationship with him?
13. How do your siblings (if any) feel about you, and how is your relationship with them?
14. How did you do in school growing up?
15. What did you want to do/be when you grow/grew up when you were a kid?
16. What's your favorite song/movie, why?
17. Have you ever seen a therapist/psychiatrist? (I have)
18. Are your parents still married?
19. Have you ever been in a fight?
20. What is your opinion about Jesus? Allah?
21. What is your opinion about drugs? Have you ever taken/used any?
22. Are you sexually active/are you a virgin? If not, when did you lose your virginity?
23. What is your opinion on vaccines?
24. What's the most controversial opinion you hold?
25. What's your favorite animal, why?
26. Would you ever skydive?
27. Who do you align with more politically, democrats or republicans?

That's all for now, so stew on those for the time being. Let me know when you're ready and I'll pull something together. Thanks again Nevaeh, looking forward to it, man.

After I get a haircut, I might Skype you; but I'm not making any promises.

Have you watched all of My videos of Myself?

My videos of Myself can explain a lot.

Not helping, man..


Some of these questions are going to be personal, I'd appreciate it if you answered them truthfully, if you feel like you don't want to disclose any information, I understand, this is a pot forum afterall. Whatever you decide to disclose/answer or not is up to you entirely.

These are all going to be questions I feel are relevant to the conversation

So, on with it..

1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where did you grow up/where were you raised?
4. What is your religious background, if any?
5. Did you grow up believing said religious background or did you discover it later?
6. Could you describe your parents? (Are they religious, conservative/liberal, etc.?)
7. Did you attend any kind of church services as a youth?
8. What was your elementary, middle and high school life like?
9. How many significant relationships outside your immediate family would you say you hold, and have a strong conviction to? Employers, boy/girlfriends, friends, etc.?
10. How many jobs have you had?
11. How does your mother feel about you, and what is your relationship with her?
12. How does your father feel about you, and how is your relationship with him?
13. How do your siblings (if any) feel about you, and how is your relationship with them?
14. How did you do in school growing up?
15. What did you want to do/be when you grow/grew up when you were a kid?
16. What's your favorite song/movie, why?
17. Have you ever seen a therapist/psychiatrist? (I have)
18. Are your parents still married?
19. Have you ever been in a fight?
20. What is your opinion about Jesus? Allah?
21. What is your opinion about drugs? Have you ever taken/used any?
22. Are you sexually active/are you a virgin? If not, when did you lose your virginity?
23. What is your opinion on vaccines?
24. What's the most controversial opinion you hold?
25. What's your favorite animal, why?
26. Would you ever skydive?
27. Who do you align with more politically, democrats or republicans?

That's all for now, so stew on those for the time being. Let me know when you're ready and I'll pull something together. Thanks again Nevaeh, looking forward to it, man.

Please watch My videos of Myself, so you know who you are going to be talking to, (thats if I decide to Skype you).

If you watch all of My videos of Myself, I'm sure that it will induce many more questions.

These videos of Myself are a couple years old, but I still believe that its all truth.

So, here we go.

I'm Christ and these are My novel inventions for the future!

Jesus came in 2008???

Crazy talk LOL

(To be continued...)

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