If you could punch one Roll It Up person in the face, who would it be?

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Any new additions? A few months have passed since this thread was used.

Me, maybe?

@a senile fungus ?@polo the don ?
I bumped this for ya'll!

Whoa dude you read my mind! Yeah today I'd like to beat the dog shit out of Padawanbater. CN's lost a parent and he made a gratuitous snark about CN's social interface. I'd love to meet him and I'd give him first shot and I'm a 13x lb 5'4" GIRL! However I'll need someone to hold me upright. These edibles make vertical space a bit more challenging. GWN can you hold me upright long enough for Pad to hit me then just push me over on him. I'll love him to death :D shit forgot GWN's a mod, where's Mad Hamish or Inda or slowbus hey where's muh peeps i need backing here??? LOL

Otherwise I'm going to start showing up more and trolling to take Singlemalt's advice. Don't worry I'll exhale and forget......
Did Chuck scare you? Is that why he isn't on your list?
Chuck isn't on my list cause I never did show up to that Walmart fight so if I said that I don't think it'd be appropriate due to previous actions so yeah I guess you can say I'm scared of chuck I respect him if he actually went to Walmart cause I really don't know whether or not he did I wasn't there
Chuck isn't on my list cause I never did show up to that Walmart fight so if I said that I don't think it'd be appropriate due to previous actions so yeah I guess you can say I'm scared of chuck I respect him if he actually went to Walmart cause I really don't know whether or not he did I wasn't there
At least you're honest, I never went there either.@iloveskywalkerog
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