If you could punch one Roll It Up person in the face, who would it be?

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Well-Known Member
I'm hoarding tuna to trade for gold, diamonds and house titles. Baron Rothschild is my mentor. Soon I will join the iluminati.
Make sure its not Pacific tuna, the NWO partially melted down that Fukushima reactor to irridiate the Pacific to try curb global population numbers.


Well-Known Member
If I had been asked this from 2008-2013, I'd say Uncle Buck. Oddly enough, he's grown on me as of late...

Red royally pisses me off. I'd punch him in the face. I feel like he really doesn't know what's going on, ever. And learn to multiquote, ya jackass...

And Uncle Ben, I used to respect him much more, then I realized it was only because I had only read his posts from like 2007. Reading his new material makes me wanna punch him too... Kinda funny because I used to hate UncleBuck and respect UncleBen and now its reversed.

But Red over UncleBen, because I could probably have a conversation with UB in real life, but I'd wanna strangle Red immediately.

Good question!
I feel honored that I am so important to you.


Well-Known Member
Id love to punch all the people who deny 9/11 was an inside job (to institute the Patriot Act, ensure perpetual war and repeal God loving Americans Second Amendment Rights) in the face.
That's going to be several hundred million. I don't think your up for it.

a senile fungus

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