BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Yea it makes it more work. If i didnt have kids to worry about i would setup four of them rdwc and not work. Down here i would be a cash money millionaire.
I have plowed through a lot of these journals in the last couple of years. It is kewl to see how folks progress with their growing skills and techniques.

I am less than a rookie grower, but had to start

Peace and Great Grows

cool man, I've had 2 or 3 perpetual journal's which really chart my progress from cowboy growing to where I'm at now which I guess isn't so different in all reality, after making life interesting and much more complicated than it need be with growing I've gone back to basics and it's paying off.

jesus when i stop and think of the near misses with po po and the disasters i've had with melting ballasts. I've been incredibly lucky.
random shots, I'd say what they are but I only know about 50% haha not using masking paper tape for labels ever again... sorry some are out of focus, the old fujipix cam is on it's last. the singed ones are from the other 600 cab that had no real ventilation, moved into the tent as space was made.DSCF2774.JPGDSCF2776.JPG
this one's Icer VVV
Fireballs VVV
taller fireballs VV
Sweet n sour
making canna caps today. 3 oz of psycho and a half of casey jones. half a gram of bho on top and probably some more to go in when i make a batch.DSCF2772.JPG

I couldn't actually fit any more weed into the mix so had to leave about a half out haha that'll go in to what I strain out tonight.
Hiya Don!
nice lot of sativa in the house. Ur candy looks very sweet.
don't u just love them skinny sativa leaves by the buds, oh baby they are sexy.
you ever grow out C99?
mate im super stoked ferry sent me Fireballs and Bluepit I got germin in the Tron now.
see ya later alligator.
Hiya Don!
nice lot of sativa in the house. Ur candy looks very sweet.
don't u just love them skinny sativa leaves by the buds, oh baby they are sexy.
you ever grow out C99?
mate im super stoked ferry sent me Fireballs and Bluepit I got germin in the Tron now.
see ya later alligator.
Hey Doc,

I do indeed love a fine sativa diva. the one above looks like it's going to be a long haul though. probably be the last thing i pull out of the tent.

never grown C99 out but smoked mountains of it. it's too racy a high for me. i saw the fairy had dropped by with some fire pips for you, I know you'll do them justice Ambz

smoking dog all this month and next lol, oh joy.>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:
for once I have a bit of variety lol I have two strains to pick from haha, psycho and livers. literally maybe about a couple of grams left of each:-( taking two livers down friday though. keep the wolf from the door...
Ain't seen much of Don since he made those thc-Cap-thingmawatsits:)
Dose isn;t as strong as I'd like so the mix is in the freezer awaiting a bho top up, a second BHO top up. not sure whether I've over processed the fat by using the same load for the second batch of chopped weed. if i'd used half the fat it would have been cooked 4 times to do the amount of weed in it though so i dunno what i'm going to do. might be easier to do small batches and use kief.

sorry I've been AWOL for a bit of late. not had a social frame of mind.

might even take a few pics tonight. got a load of different strains coming off soon. i'm loving opening the tent at the minute, almost no duplicate strains. some mystery ones i fucked the labels up on and a couple I'm going to reveg. They smell so good I'll kick myself if i don't. the worst bit is I'll have to gift them out to save them.

did I mention moving house sucks giant elephant sized cock?