BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Great to hear from YOU DGT! Things sound like super awshum in the tent except for the bugs, oh well, im sure you can keep them under control. Its super weird cuz I have some bugs in just one of my pots, it must come from the medium I think. how can they keep their product so bug free ya no?
Wow I hope the C99 works for me. I heard super sativas are really really good for ADD so im hopin this one, which I never had before helps me out. GOOD luck with the move, I hope nothing breaks!! missed u Don, look up to your brilliant knowledge and expertise to help out in troubled times.
like I took 2 small teeny weeny clones from my 12/12 dog and reverted them back to 18/6. got them in rockwool in the tron lookin very week. What do you think my chances are of survival and any recommendations.
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Great to hear from YOU DGT! Things sound like super awshum in the tent except for the bugs, oh well, im sure you can keep them under control. Its super weird cuz I have some bugs in just one of my pots, it must come from the medium I think. how can they keep their product so bug free ya no?
Wow I hope the C99 works for me. I heard super sativas are really really good for ADD so im hopin this one, which I never had before helps me out. GOOD luck with the move, I hope nothing breaks!! missed u Don, look up to your brilliant knowledge and expertise to help out in troubled times.
like I took 2 small teeny weeny clones from my 12/12 dog and reverted them back to 18/6. got them in rockwool in the tron lookin very week. What do you think my chances are of survival and any recommendations.
howdy Ambz, yeah I'm pretty certain i've got rid of them. that's usually the point where I go AARRRGGHGH they're back:wall: they aren't too bad to deal with but getting 100% rid of them at this time of year is hard. still at least they're not fungus gnats or spidermites....

Hope you dig the C99 if you get the right pheno she's amazing. huge buds and fast to finish. almost amazes me how it has the racy satty high it's so indica. no idea if it'd help ADD, usually long finish or heirloom sativa's spangle my mind to the point colours start to look haha 'different'.
Good luck with the pups. I've never tried rockwool, and my hydro game is WEAK!

Been a while, wanted to stop in and say hello across the pond!
hey PPP hows things going up in O? hope you're good man.
can you tell the difference tween livers and cosis, there aint much init.
ME? haha depends how I've labelled the bloody things westy... once they get to a certain size the vine like structure gives you a clue, that and when they get to a few weeks old you should notice more double serrations on the CO.
alreet Saer, not strong enough man, I'm not sure if I've overcooked them. I should have just made them with keif and bho instead of a mountain of green. live and learn eh. i think what I'll end up doing is using the fat to make small batches and adding bho as needed. i'm gutted about it tbh

random shots...


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dayum mate that be some FIRE u got up there ...stacking very very nicely. filling in in a massive way. whats that long fuki N donk EE dick one? pix going to guesss da candy with the looks of those long sexy sativa leaves. nice work mate. killin it as usual, u never disappoint with the bud pOrn. cheers
dayum mate that be some FIRE u got up there ...stacking very very nicely. filling in in a massive way. whats that long fuki N donk EE dick one? pix going to guesss da candy with the looks of those long sexy sativa leaves. nice work mate. killin it as usual, u never disappoint with the bud pOrn. cheers
yeah amber they're filling in a treat thankfully! though that candy (#4) is at max height for my tent! I'm considering some High Stress Training and bending them biatches over. she's doing the dope fiend lean as it is, if she get's much more stacked she'll topple over. my fireballs is!

thanx Doc. I do try my best unless I'm in my 'eyes off the ball' phase.... I was trying to work out my finish dates for what's in there and realised i haven't a scooby doo lol.
was actually seeing if u could tell the dif in smokes lol, they both cheesy sweet funk, the stones simliler too.
ahh I see, yeah i can taste the difference in a blind test man. livers is much sweeter and the cosis is stronger imo. I like them both equally. I had some cheese recently enjoyed it thoroughly but still prefer the other two.
It's coming along Mo, we've bought the kitchen and need to have the place plastered top to bottom. Been getting some crazy quotes, like 4 grand :|

How's your yard shaping up? I've been proper crap lately, not looked much past my own thread. For shame! I'll pop over n check.
You can always mix paint and wallpaper paste, then just paint the walls with that (it's called "fix and finish" in the trade by all accounts). Like the cheap mans plaster, lol. We done it in our house because the walls where all new and straight, and with settlement the plaster often cracks on a new house so paying 7grand plus to have cracked walls wasn't my cup of tea.
intereshting mishter bond, i'll check it out, mind you some of our gaff needs bonding & plaster boarding before we even think about a skim coat lol. bare bricks in some places. I wish I'd never started the damn thing at times.
Idid a bunch of work for some folks from the uk, and they said you can make a fortune doing plaster. I think cof told me the same last time i was visiting him.
Maybe one day D, it's still an ongoing ballache, I may just disappear the neighbour.... He's got my head battered.

Dr it's not that hard to do apparently but being shit hot at it earns good dollar. I'm DIY phobic tbh....
Plaster is easy! The trick is to have a nice trowell. Youtube has some great vids. You should try it. It is a nice skill you can use for a lifetime :)