BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

better pic

moved stuff round a bit. finally plucked the courage to get the cooltube taken out and the two 600's in separate chambers but the temps have been crazy today. I have no way of getting more fresh cool air in other than a air con

made 5 grams of bho from a friends seeded casey ounce and then made the damn caps too weak by adding too much coconut fat i'm gutted. balancing the dose with unknown strength weed. though i did keep a gram of wax back haha
thought you had some hairy ass weed there :) Tobacco in a joint? Ew :)

I smoked cigs for years even when I smoked I couldn't handle tobacco in my joints, always made me want to puke :) We never used the filter maybe that's why :)

My buddies loved the shit.

I could smoke a blunt and have no issues.

Very nice looking garden by the way :)
Looking good don:weed: Mr Head I have smoked spliffs like that in the Dam and Germany. It is how they do it. The dutch would stretch there expensive tobacco with hemp leaves:-)
Cut some basil todayIMG_20140826_190143.jpg
humidity has seen off a few psycho's and i saw what looked like a thip buzzing. they may all have to go. on the plus side the water cloner has had a lot better results, the fireballs are near all rooted.

also my dwc has fallen over under it's own weight everything's lolling sideways at the minute.

are the roots in dwc meant to be white?
I couldn't hear bubbles so went looking for the 8inch airstone which doesn't seem to be pushing much air out... whole disk was enveloped in root.

she's listing like a pregnant sow, needs caning up and some pk adding. might get another stone and pump.
|Im no hydro guy but those roots dont look too bad. Theyre supposed to be white but ive seen a lot of them, especially towards the end of flower, become slightly off white. Dont want em to go much past that though. Get that air stone workin! But if youre closin in on the end you should be good to go.
Yupp just be careful with it. Youd know better than me. But ive seen some people kill plants off a H202 wash.

That [probably what it was though. Some left over salts/broken down shit on the hydroton.
yeah tbh i don't think I'm going to buy a £10 bottle when I don't really need it tbh. all they've had is grow/flower and micro, gave em a bit of PK yesterday. Don't want to go overboard in the last 4 weeks. not even sure if I should just add the odd litre with pk in each week.
Looking good! A little H2O2 won't hurt. Just give it in small doses - it is strong. You can get it at the drugstore in diluted form for cheap.
So i've burnt the shit out of the DWC psychosis it looks salvageable though. I could kick myself though. I have two ripe tomatoes out of a hundred maybe and a handful of ripe chili's. summer is practically done here so i reckon i'm pretty screwed for getting them ripe.

spot the kush in the first shot haha
it was thankfully too hideous to focus on too well...
DSCF2744.JPGthe psychos are ready

DSCF2746.JPG DSCF2748.JPG DSCF2750.JPGthis one's the sweet and sour. little bit of pink colour to her.
