Harvest Cup... Michigan Style

Cup entries.

One ounce and $250 gets u in.
$50 is used for testing n such. (Iron Labs)
$200 goes in the pot.
Winner takes ALL

Deadline for main carogories Oct 15

Deadline for Saturdays day of Cup is Friday the 31st
Day of Cup will be judged by the patrons of the event...

Sunday will have tables availble for Michigan farmers. Bring your best and compete with the dyspensaries. Sundays cup is farmers vs dyspos
I'm very much looking forward to this! I have to agree though, not many outdoor strains are gonna be ready and cured. I'd have like to tried with a sativa but none finish withing the time we were warned. Maybe make this a quarterly event. My best indoor is usually from around christmas til april and then it starts heating up and I go outside and play (tend to slack on the garden).
Ok venue set!!!

After several promises and cancellations we have a spot!!

Medicated Acres found us some acres ;) thank you Guys

Outdoors with all of its blessing and hardships. We will be occupying 40+ private acres. We are planning one large tent (30x40) with as many smaller (20x20) as vendors require.

Thank you for your patients
Latest up dates are faster here I think...
Oh who shall Naughty nursenancy be for the Ball???
I wonder if we should use the event for electioneering. Totten is in a tight race to beat Schuette.

What say you?
I wonder if we should use the event for electioneering. Totten is in a tight race to beat Schuette.

What say you?

What is Totten's MJ position? I'm skeptical of any legal reform coming from either a law professor or the left personally. In the end that party line sounds a lot like MJ is dangerous and addictive, lets keep on keeping on. I hope we have a clear view of which side of the isle the trial lawyers and their money stack up.

I'm no fan of Schuette, but the problem with AGs is the self serving "profession" and political affiliation (special interest), not political ideology IMHO
This is what Komorn posted on his site:

"The medical marijuana community, perhaps more than any other group of Michiganders, has suffered under Schuette. Mark Totten sides with people, including the 63% who voted for the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act in 2008, the LGBT community, and our children. He supports equal rights for all Michiganders. Too many have suffered under Bill Schuette and his party oriented policies. Michigan will be a safer place for people of all backgrounds in 2014 when Mark Totten is elected Attorney General.


To say it lacks any substance is an understatement and especially for a special interest lawyer attempting to promote him IMHO
What is Totten's MJ position? I'm skeptical of any legal reform coming from either a law professor or the left personally. In the end that party line sounds a lot like MJ is dangerous and addictive, lets keep on keeping on. I hope we have a clear view of which side of the isle the trial lawyers and their money stack up.

I'm no fan of Schuette, but the problem with AGs is the self serving "profession" and political affiliation (special interest), not political ideology IMHO
My understanding is that he is with us on the issues.

"Michigan’s Attorney General is one of the most unpopular men in the state and his anti-marijuana stance has provided plenty of fodder for his detractors. The issue of his dogged pursuit of legitimate marijuana use in Michigan will certainly be aired by media during the 2014 election cycle. His challenger, Democrat Mark Totten, may stop short of opining on individual issues or endorsing legalized marijuana but his campaign will be supported by Michigan’s medical marijuana community.

Like Totten, other candidates are coming out of the closet to reveal their marijuana-friendly stance without actually endorsing any specific cannabis issue. Sen. Vincent Gregory (D- Oak Park) and likely Republican nominee George Brikho have both announced their candidacy for US Congress; both men have professed sympathy for the plight of marijuana patients and their families while refraining from adopting the issue as central to their campaigns."

The Compassion Chronicles.
I hear ya brother, Schuette and the social conservatives are no friend of medical marijuana. I'm just saying that political double speak and the legal profession are not either. It's not just power & control vs economic gain with these cats, they're playing both sides of that coin and we're guaranteed to be the loser in the end. I imagine that a Libertarian (R) AG (US or MI) is both a crazy dream and our best bet at integrity :confused: The first US Governor to publicly support decrim/legalize was New Mexico's Republican Gary Johnson. I do not believe Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party are divided as much as the Democratic and Republican parties would have us believe ;-)
I hear ya brother, Schuette and the social conservatives are no friend of medical marijuana. I'm just saying that political double speak and the legal profession are not either. It's not just power & control vs economic gain with these cats, they're playing both sides of that coin and we're guaranteed to be the loser in the end. I imagine that a Libertarian (R) AG (US or MI) is both a crazy dream and our best bet at integrity :confused: The first US Governor to publicly support decrim/legalize was New Mexico's Republican Gary Johnson. I do not believe Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party are divided as much as the Democratic and Republican parties would have us believe ;-)

since your friends don't have the necessary nerve or grip on reality, let me tell you that you've been swimming in the deep-end without your water-wings again… (the Fox is strong in this one!)
I'm obviously not supporting either party for AG. I was just asking what change you hope you are voting for exactly here. Sometimes the evil you know is better than the evil you don't, especially when you do so blindly or wing nut style (potsnoberry) ...
Every thing seedpac is a part of has a political focus.

Saturday night we are planning a harvest/pig roast to hopefully make an announcement.
Ok I'm alive enough for an up date..
Pickin up entries from the D to the sunset coast..runnin I-75 to Iron Labs Thursday and Friday so get to me.
I gotta say, the best samples I'm seeing come from Farmers not the dyspos.. So far

Friday is set up and party. Someone will be accepting entries for Saturdays competition until midnight.
Vendors may vend at their descression.

Saturday. Open for vendors @ 8:00 (ish) doors open at 11:00. Drop off for Sundays competition all day.
Benefit dinner and awards start at 7:00.

Judges are coming from our VIP guests and a selection of our other guests.
Dyspo vs farmers competition. This will be strait up people's choice. Our guests will be the judges.
Yes to judge you must have a card.

This is Saginaw county on private property. We have rules to follow. Simple manners ;)