Harvest Cup... Michigan Style

as far as sponsors, would a hydro shop work? I may have one that would be interested. I can talk to them today, they are good people. if so NN, can you pm me some info I might need to pass along to get things rolling?

I'd also like to get an idea of when the deadline for entries will be. I'm really hoping to have one of my creations cured and ready by then. Otherwise I will enter with something commercially available.
I wanna go someone hit me up with some info!! I'll be harvesting my Headband Sour Kush late October.. Haven't tried the Gorilla Glue yet.. But I'm open minded Headband 818 won the High times cup in Detroit all I grow is a cut I picked myself outta 21 seeds of sour kush from DNA... I want in the Secret Cup!!
Up date time.
Had a spot in flint to meet but it fell apart at the last minute,so it's plan b. See who ever we can at the Traverse City show this weekend.

We so far hav 2 venues in genessee for Halloween weekend.
We hav a T-shirt guy who wil do shirts at cost.. Low cost... Nod out to the human solution folks ... They really really help guys.

A dab master who will help explain the proper way to destroy that evil oil.

Iron Labs will be doing our testing.

420 nurses.. Off course.

We need.
Glass blowers for actual cup.. Michigan motif and must hold buds.

Contact me if you want to help.... Everyone knows I need it!!!

Now back to trolling,
A big girls gotta eat ;)
Good meetings!!
To those that missed out? Once again it sux to b you.
The tee shirt guy and the flyers need vendor info as soon as possible.
So hit us up some where.
Here is our basic out line.

Fri set up. Kid friendly. Prob hav food people start then. Deadline for meds for the day of compEasy simple kid friendly party.. Halloween night.
Sat main event opens. Good. Stuff all day. Then cup judging and party party party. No kids. ;)
Sunday Sunday Sunday super sale !!!! All vendors welcome to stay or go ;)