Fat Chicks WTF

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its not smart ass talk dude...and i posted that because you really have an incorrect view of why people are overweight. not everyone who is overweight overeats. nor do they continuously eat junk food, or sit around all day doing dick all. i figure as long as you're going to be argumentative about people being overweight, i'm going to be argumentative about people being stupid.
So, what's wrong with the clinically obese people. HOW do you know they didn't just have a set up sextuplets and has the extra baby weight. How do you know they don't have a thyroid problem. How do you know that they eat and eat and eat all the day and just sit on their ass and don't do a damn thing.

btw, I'm not criticizing you for having you're opinions. I'm criticizing you for prejudging people - just because some clinically obese people get that way from eating food and siting on their ass watching the telly that it speaks for the whole group.

Aight, thanks for the real answer. i can respect anyones thoughts till they dont show me the same. Im not judging anyone, intentionally. I can admit that i am wrong about SOME obese ppl. Like i said wasnt trying to offend neone. Just put my 2 cents in on the matter. keep it real people
This is great, I love the go around between all of you. To throw my coals into the fire, America is Lazy and Lazy = Fat. That goes for all the sexes, the majority of America is fat and overweight and everyone says its a disease. Its genetics they say, no its McDonalds. Then they say "Its in my genes", well don't look now bitch cause its spillin over the top of your jeans and mixing with that marshmallow ooze you call a lap.
hehe i was called a hater once by an 80yr old woman when i did customer service for capital one. i was a hater because i told her that she was past due on her account and needed to pay her bill. sorry for going off topic...i just remembered that and thought it was funny.
its not smart ass talk dude...and i posted that because you really have an incorrect view of why people are overweight. not everyone who is overweight overeats. nor do they continuously eat junk food, or sit around all day doing dick all. i figure as long as you're going to be argumentative about people being overweight, i'm going to be argumentative about people being stupid.

Once again fair enough, i really never ment that all obese ppl are like that, that was my mistake of talking before i completely completed my thought. I respect everyones views, but you dont have to attack when you dont agree. Just let your view be known as well. its ignorant to throw insults out when you really dont know what the person fully ment
Show me a fattie that does not over eat, and I'll show you a liar. Nobody grows fat like hair. I think its just really nice to not be able to blame yourself for your problems.
yay! he finally took his head out of his ass! the air is much better out here isnt it? hahaha please dont take offense to that im only joking, i swear...i know...i can be a sarcastic little bitch...
This is great, I love the go around between all of you. To throw my coals into the fire, America is Lazy and Lazy = Fat. That goes for all the sexes, the majority of America is fat and overweight and everyone says its a disease. Its genetics they say, no its McDonalds. Then they say "Its in my genes", well don't look now bitch cause its spillin over the top of your jeans and mixing with that marshmallow ooze you call a lap.

Lmao, soo.. here we go again prejudging people. America might be lazy i do agree. we might be fat.. i do agree. But why does it have to account for everyone IN America that they can't have bad genetics. That their parents shoved mc donalds down there throat and they ate it not knowing better.

I just wish people would quit prejudging EVERYONE and get to know the person and their story.
hey treedweller79 im a fattie and i dont overeat. if anything i under eat...which i know isnt healthy either and can be counterproductive when weight is the issue.
@loudblunts---lol it was kinda funny that his one bar was trying attack your 386557 bars..haha..it was a good try though...LOL!! --happy tokin n growin bro..
That may be true, I don't have time to meet every fat person in America, I don't even have the time to meet all the fat people I see in daily life.

Where did these genetics come from in the last 50 years? Or did all the fat genetics from all over the world flock to america. They heard it was the Melting Pot and thought it sounded like a buffet?
ahh...i love when that happens...now see? this thread is perfect proof that mary should be legal! smoke some weed and u forget what the problem was...and everything is cool and calm!
Alls i have to say is FUCK EVERYONE who is dissin n overwieght people or crackin jokes about em'...obviously your the most perfect fuckin person in the world huh? Yea I highly doubt that shit...I think all you DUMBASS'S that are talkin shit have something about you that puts you down whether its your teeth,your acne, your height, your UGLYNESS, etc.. whatever and you thought this was the perfect thread to post up on to make your SORRY ass's feel better..WHat the fuck is the point of this thread ayways? to make overweight people feel even worse about themselves then they already do? Yea they can change the fact that their heavy but everything takes time...What if your mom or sister was fat and you saw or heard some people making fun of them and laughing at them or talking mad shit about them? Wouldnt you want to go a beat their fucking ass? God all you faggots are lame as hell and I cant wait until one day if you LOSERS have a kid and they turn out to be fat and they get made fun of HARDCORE because you all fuckin deserve it...YOUR ALL SCUM and just remember what goes around come around....

I was going to stay out of this until I saw this post. Truly ironic to talk trash about people making fun of overweight people and then use a word like "faggot" as an insult. When are people going to understand how unacceptable it is to use that word ?

Epigenetics aside, look at the statistics of what Americans eat, and look at the statistics on American weight. Coincidence? I don't think so. I understand that it is very difficult for many to lose weight; I've had many close to me with problems, but I think he hardest part is having a healthy lifestyle that is a part of who you are, including good diet and exercise. The reason many have such a problem (in my opinion and observations) is that they set unrealistic goals or force themselves into activities / routines they don't like for the sake of losing weight -- diet syndrome. If you're unhappy with what you have to do to lose weight, you're not going to do it.

About the statues and the history of other cultures - in the days where you literally had to fight for survival, size was viewed as both a symbol of wealth and fertility. Those that were overweight were not physically capable of doing what was required to survive, i.e. tilling fields, tending animals, etc. They were above these actiities. This is again the case in America. Looking at the human body and what it is capable of, there is a certain range of weight at which we are unarguably more physically fit and able to perform any number of tasks. From an evolutionary standpoint, when we were cavemen this would translate into capturing prey, running from predators, etc. Sure, a healthy amount of body fat would keep us warm and give us fat stores, but if you're large it is harder to catch that deer.

What I'm trying to say is that while our culture has a very narrow view of what is healthy that obviously needs adjusting, there is clearly a range of weights that is more healthy. I don't know how you can argue that point.

And, for the record, I like some meat on my bones. Ask my old lady.
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hey treedweller79 im a fattie and i dont overeat. if anything i under eat...which i know isnt healthy either and can be counterproductive when weight is the issue.

Absolutely. It kills your metabolism. Apparently enough starvation can permanently or semi-permanently slow it down, says a doctor of a girl-friend of mine.
oh it definitely kills metabolism...and i try to eat more, but im just not that hungry. oh! another thing i just thought of too...theres a ton of medications that can cause people to gain weight without them over eating a such. anti depressants for example. and a lot of birth control methods will cause weight gain. and i think north americans are probably some of the most medicated people in the world. thats just a guess tho...i could be wrong.
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