Fat Chicks WTF

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What the hell, its obviously unhealthy to be fat thats why the skinny girl has the ideal body type. and yes parents are to blame thats what i said. How am i mindless?

What the hell, it's obviously unhealthy to be skinny. THAT'S why you're mindless.. get some research in your brain and then i'll take back the mindless part.
so you're implying that just because your skinny that you are obviously healthy?

lol....ROFL.... no wonder

god damn it no! im saying fat is obviously not how the human body is spose to be. if you disagree talk to your doctor. Fat is unhealthy, How can you argue this. And No skinny ppl arnt always healthy. but they dont have the same health problems as overweight ppl
haha hm.. isn't epigenetics...
changes in gene expression that are stable between cell divisions, and sometimes between generations, but do not involve changes in the underlying DNA sequence of the organism.[1] The idea is that environmental factors can cause an organism's genes to behave (or "express themselves") differently, even though the genes themselves don't change.[2]

... just off the top of my head.. haha.
Damn, the top of your head is cited and everything? :lol: Yeah, in a nutshell that's part of it. Fascinating science. We also have a friend at UCSC (chem prof & researcher) who's just been published again in.. crap, I can't remember if it was Science or Nature, but he and his group have found yet ANOTHER, ribozymal, means of gene expression not previously known.

Ok, this last one was published in Nature, hammerhead ribozyme. I haven't yet read the full articles, there's a LOT to chew on in there, a lot of it flies right over me head.
What the hell, it's obviously unhealthy to be skinny. THAT'S why you're mindless.. get some research in your brain and then i'll take back the mindless part.

you are just attacking me without even being right. your obviously just a bitch, if im mindless that is. why is it unhealthy to be skinny btw, too skinny yes, but by skinny i just mean healthy weight for your size
Do you know how many good looking chicks there would be if they stopped eating like fucking slobs..........................I see these fat chicks at clubs and shit and you can tell they spent time on make up, hair ect............and think to myself wow if you spent that much time at the gym than dudes would want you....they spend hours on there hair and clothes and it dosent mean a damm thing you are still fat and disgusting and thats why guys don't want you. I'm at work the other day eating lunch and this fat chick (about 230lbs) tells another female coworker "I don't know how you are so skinny" You must not eat anything" and by no means is this girl skinny prob 130ish maybe more....and this fat chick eats her lunch and then goes to the vending machine and gets some powdered donuts and a mountain dew......WTF................think about all those fat chicks with pretty faces.........think how many pretty woman would be out there if half of them wernt fat bodies, were not asking for much just a normal human female (not boney model types)

I used to be a 300lb'er and I lost the weight; Not I'm fly oh so fly~~~ But I never got love from the fly girls... Now they wanna hollar... But I ain't gonna bother... My fat girls always showed me love and I'll gladly be their candy bar!!! Leave my fat chicks alone bra...
god damn it no! im saying fat is obviously not how the human body is spose to be. if you disagree talk to your doctor. Fat is unhealthy, How can you argue this. And No skinny ppl arnt always healthy. but they dont have the same health problems as overweight ppl

I'm sorry, but you're obviously not going to win.. stop while you're head is still above water.

Skinny is the way the body is suppose to be? RIIGHT. oookay. Look back in the pictures of the romans? I believe,the cherished bigger women.

Skinny people DO have the same problems as bigger people? Heart Attacks.. surre! Genes Baby. Or if they're not getting enough nutrition in their body there heart can become weak, and just give up.

Come on!
god damn it no! im saying fat is obviously not how the human body is spose to be. if you disagree talk to your doctor. Fat is unhealthy, How can you argue this. And No skinny ppl arnt always healthy. but they dont have the same health problems as overweight ppl

LMAO!!! excuse me while i bust out fucking laughing :spew::spew:

you're so right!
I'm sorry, but you're obviously not going to win.. stop while you're head is still above water.

Skinny is the way the body is suppose to be? RIIGHT. oookay. Look back in the pictures of the romans? I believe,the cherished bigger women.

Skinny people DO have the same problems as bigger people? Heart Attacks.. surre! Genes Baby. Or if they're not getting enough nutrition in their body there heart can become weak, and just give up.

Come on!
your retarded, and no they dont have the same probs. romans were not necc health right. fat is unhealthy and not the way to be PERIOD
I'm sorry, but you're obviously not going to win.. stop while you're head is still above water.

Skinny is the way the body is suppose to be? RIIGHT. oookay. Look back in the pictures of the romans? I believe,the cherished bigger women.

Skinny people DO have the same problems as bigger people? Heart Attacks.. surre! Genes Baby. Or if they're not getting enough nutrition in their body there heart can become weak, and just give up.

Come on!
Go beyond that, go as far back as 100,000 years ago. You will find depictions such as the Ice Age Venuses. (Not all depictions are necessarily Ice Age, but it goes that far back EASILY.)





There is another term for it, too, Yiddish I think it is--Zaftig (or zoftig, zahftig). Voluptuous woman.
you are just attacking me without even being right. your obviously just a bitch, if im mindless that is. why is it unhealthy to be skinny btw, too skinny yes, but by skinny i just mean healthy weight for your size

Ah, if you were using the right termanology I would of agreed with you partly. Right size for the right height, does make you less prone to diesease such as diabetes and heart attacks.

But, on the flip side - Diabetes and heart attacks both are partially gene releated. So, there's still a chance you can have one even if you're The right bmi for you're body.

ANND. I'm just a bitch - to people that can't accpet people they way they are and the orginallity of the individual, as well as prejudge them
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Ah, if you were using the right termanology I would of agreed with you partly. Right size for the right height, does make you less prone to diesease such as diabetes and heart attacks.

But, on the flip side - Diabetes and heart attacks both are partially gene releated. So, there's still a chance you can have one even if you're The right bmi for you're body.

ANND. I'm just a bitch - that can't accpet for people they way they are and the orginallity of the individual, as well as prejudge them
Check that epigenetics when talkin' 'bout that heart disease and diabetes. ;)
Go beyond that, go as far back as 100,000 years ago. You will find depictions such as the Ice Age Venuses. (Not all depictions are necessarily Ice Age, but it goes that far back EASILY.)





There is another term for it, too, Yiddish I think it is--Zaftig (or zoftig, zahftig). Voluptuous woman.

these are fertility statues, that is why they are bigger looking
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Alls i have to say is FUCK EVERYONE who is dissin n overwieght people or crackin jokes about em'...obviously your the most perfect fuckin person in the world huh? Yea I highly doubt that shit...I think all you DUMBASS'S that are talkin shit have something about you that puts you down whether its your teeth,your acne, your height, your UGLYNESS, etc.. whatever and you thought this was the perfect thread to post up on to make your SORRY ass's feel better..WHat the fuck is the point of this thread ayways? to make overweight people feel even worse about themselves then they already do? Yea they can change the fact that their heavy but everything takes time...What if your mom or sister was fat and you saw or heard some people making fun of them and laughing at them or talking mad shit about them? Wouldnt you want to go a beat their fucking ass? God all you faggots are lame as hell and I cant wait until one day if you LOSERS have a kid and they turn out to be fat and they get made fun of HARDCORE because you all fuckin deserve it...YOUR ALL SCUM and just remember what goes around come around....
hey guys...remember...everything he says is pretend! haha ur one of the most ignorant people i have ever encountered...online or in real life. it would be significantly more productive to bang my head against a wall than argue. but...i do feel the need to interject. I have always been an active person. I eat less than 2000 calories a day...which is a far cry from the 9000 u assume fat people must eat in order to be overweight. Aside from my weight i am physically a very healthy person. no diabetes...no high blood pressure, i have it checked every time i see my doctor and its perfect. i have no problems with cholesterol. and im 245lbs. this is just naturally how my body is. I've never gone thru a "phase" where i ate too much junk and put on a ton of weight all of a sudden, i have always been chubby. everyone is built differently. not every body on this planet is designed (for lack of a better word) to be thin.
Ah, if you were using the right termanology I would of agreed with you partly. Right size for the right height, does make you less prone to diesease such as diabetes and heart attacks.

But, on the flip side - Diabetes and heart attacks both are partially gene releated. So, there's still a chance you can have one even if you're The right bmi for you're body.

ANND. I'm just a bitch - to people that can't accpet people they way they are and the orginallity of the individual, as well as prejudge them

Ok, i didnt not accept anyone, originality to me is in the personality, not looks.
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