Fat Chicks WTF

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offtopic: why do all chicks on RIU only post pictures of them where 1 can see like 2 inches of their face? sorry to say but every time i see a pic like that i think " Ooooh... so your eyes/lips/tits/whatever is the only pretty part of you , god you must be hideous"

just my 2 cents

Haha thats cruel yet very amusing :D
"now i never said that fat people are worth less or some thing, there just less attractive in my opinion."

Nothing worse than a porker....j/k.

IMO, the law of attraction, size doesn't matter as much as them being HEALTHY and HAPPY, which I'm afraid to say most obese/fat people aren't.

PS My girl is size 14/16
i only post part of my face because this is a site where we talk about doing illegal things. duh...if u want me to post a pic of my whole face to show u that im a very pretty girl...i can certainly do that too. i have been a big girl my whole life. i dont really see a need to change. lots of guys change their minds about fat girls once they get to know me...because i also have a pretty kick ass personality.


  • wrwerwe.JPG
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i wouldnt look like "me" anymore if i lost the weight. im hot...even at a size 16. i dunno...im starting to think that ur just afraid of us big girls...did u get shot down by one? lol.
This thread cracks me up. lol
Well i agree with natrone...dont bitch about your weight if you sit aound eating little debbies by the box. not all fat chicks are bad/ugly, just not my type.
meh...im used to it...guys always wanna see them. but the point im trying to make fellas is that there are some super sexy fat chicks out there who are comfortable with who they are and how they look. they dont feel the need to change for anyone. i like my body...im curvy and sexy and confident in myself. and most guys find confidence to be sexier than anything...well apparently except for the ones who still have some maturing to do...and no...im not going to put up a picture of my tits...sorry...lol
Wow, this post is the most pathetic post i have ever seen on here. C'mon people what about you men? Some of you men are the most disgusting men on the plant, you still are shoving food down you're throat when you're verging on 300lbs. But no... that's okay? Oh right.. because there's a double standard in this society where women have to be skinny and men can let themselves go.. and that's okay?. riight.

I myself am an average size women. 5'6 130lbs. I think i've been 130 since i turned 16. I can eat all the food i want and i won't gain a pound that's because i have a fat metabolism and got it from my father which i.e = genetics.

SOO, i blame genetics on why i can't gain weight. Why can't bigger women blame genetics on why they can't lose weight?

ugh, i hate arrogant assholes.
I myself am an average size women. 5'6 130lbs. I think i've been 130 since i turned 16. I can eat all the food i want and i won't gain a pound that's because i have a fat metabolism and got it from my father which i.e = genetics.

SOO, i blame genetics on why i can't gain weight. Why can't bigger women blame genetics on why they can't lose weight?

ugh, i hate arrogant assholes.

Good valid point that
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