I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

HAHA.... :lol:

Your avatar says "God is my copilot"!

If you were Islam, you would fit right in with the 1/2%(or w/e percentage it is) of the extremists there.

Do you know what America was founded upon? Do you know that America was partially founded for a sanctuary/melting pot of religious beliefs? Our country, the USA, was founded upon acceptance of ethnic diversity and religious diversity. AKA no religious oppressions here.

So what makes you think we should use our tax dollars to "force OUR VIEWS on the rest of the world to make it a better place"?

What church do you go to? What kind of Christian are you? What kind of person are you?

Don't you see that your no better than them- the "extremists"? Your one in the same except with a subtle different beliefs on which religion is "the one".

Just something for everyone to think about. I actually didn't feel like posting, but this is madness. The hypocrisies are ludicrous. 40 acres (seemingly) proposal is to wipe out the rest of the worlds religions(genocide) and implement a monopoly on religion and culture and gov't, and all with OUR tax dollars. :lol:


I think you might be posing as a Christian. Look at yourself.

The REVOLUTION has begun!



I was being sarcastic, we.
If we do not support liberty and freedom in the form of free republics, what will fill the vacuum? Islam has thrived by violence and conquest in the past, is doing so now, and will in the future with or without our interference. This is a Clash of Civilizations. The Islamists want the benefits of renaissance, but reject the reformation required to advance beyond the Middle Ages.

What was America before Columbus arrived here? How did we interject with the Native Americans?

"America has thrived by violence and conquest in the past, is doing so now, and will in the future with or without Muslim interference."

Johnny, you make it seem like these Muslims are formidable foe in which they are a dire threat to the rest of the world. Do you honestly think the USA is threatened by these peoples culture? Hypothetically, after we eradicated Islam, as 40 acres proposes, what other religion do you believe should be next?

(This is coming from an open minded Christian mind you)What makes Christians so infallible which makes them hubris enough to deem their religious BELIEFS right, and anyone else false. If you cannot scientifically prove which religion is "the one" then how can people be so adamant regarding it? Believing in something is great, but people need to remember that it is only their/your beliefs until it can be proven. Whos to say that Islam is NOT "the true" religion? Whos to say that Islam doesn't have it right? How many people on RIU have been brought up in an Islamic culture? You Islam haters can thank the Zionist mainstream media for turning you into the next generation of Nazis.

YouTube - I AM A MUSLIM!

He seems like one of "us", except he doesn't take shame in washing his feet in a public sink...:? Whatever floats his boat though... :mrgreen: HAHA

The REVOLUTION has begun!


What was America before Columbus arrived here? How did we interject with the Native Americans?
"America has thrived by violence and conquest in the past, is doing so now, and will in the future with or without Muslim interference."

Johnny, you make it seem like these Muslims are formidable foe in which they are a dire threat to the rest of the world. Do you honestly think the USA is threatened by these peoples culture? Hypothetically, after we eradicated Islam, as 40 acres proposes, what other religion do you believe should be next?

(This is coming from an open minded Christian mind you)What makes Christians so infallible which makes them hubris enough to deem their religious BELIEFS right, and anyone else false. If you cannot scientifically prove which religion is "the one" then how can people be so adamant regarding it? Believing in something is great, but people need to remember that it is only their/your beliefs until it can be proven. Whos to say that Islam is NOT "the true" religion? Whos to say that Islam doesn't have it right? How many people on RIU have been brought up in an Islamic culture? You Islam haters can thank the Zionist mainstream media for turning you into the next generation of Nazis.

YouTube - I AM A MUSLIM!

He seems like one of "us", except he doesn't take shame in washing his feet in a public sink...:? Whatever floats his boat though... :mrgreen: HAHA

The REVOLUTION has begun!


Are you really going to roll around telling everyone that I think it is the answer to blow the world up? That whole post was sarcastic. Everyone is going to think i am some zealot.

I am going to tell jesus not to love you anymore wetarded. See how you like that.
What was America before Columbus arrived here? How did we interject with the Native Americans?

"America has thrived by violence and conquest in the past, is doing so now, and will in the future with or without Muslim interference."

Johnny, you make it seem like these Muslims are formidable foe in which they are a dire threat to the rest of the world. Do you honestly think the USA is threatened by these peoples culture? Hypothetically, after we eradicated Islam, as 40 acres proposes, what other religion do you believe should be next?

(This is coming from an open minded Christian mind you)What makes Christians so infallible which makes them hubris enough to deem their religious BELIEFS right, and anyone else false. If you cannot scientifically prove which religion is "the one" then how can people be so adamant regarding it? Believing in something is great, but people need to remember that it is only their/your beliefs until it can be proven. Whos to say that Islam is NOT "the true" religion? Whos to say that Islam doesn't have it right? How many people on RIU have been brought up in an Islamic culture? You Islam haters can thank the Zionist mainstream media for turning you into the next generation of Nazis.

YouTube - I AM A MUSLIM!

He seems like one of "us", except he doesn't take shame in washing his feet in a public sink...:? Whatever floats his boat though... :mrgreen: HAHA

The REVOLUTION has begun!


THe fucking buddhists really piss me off with their holier han though positions on life. I say we go in like gangbusters and eradicate every single last one of them.
And god is my co-pilot. jesus loves me more than the rest of you

Are you really going to roll around telling everyone that I think it is the answer to blow the world up? That whole post was sarcastic. Everyone is going to think i am some zealot.

I am going to tell jesus not to love you anymore wetarded. See how you like that.

THe fucking buddhists really piss me off with their holier han though positions on life. I say we go in like gangbusters and eradicate every single last one of them.

I guess your being sarcastic again? All of this is setting an example of how a Christian can be sardonic?

What kind of Christian are you? Are you a poser, or do you have problems in your life?

I was being sarcastic, we.

I guess these last posts were sarcasm too, right? Your just the "jokster" aren't you? The funny guy?

Way to set an example of how to be a Christian. Its people like you that make me more interested in Islam than Christianity.

I guess when Jesus love you more than anyone else, it allows you to get away with more. The more you talk, the more you are making Islam look better.

Personally, I don't want to be a closed minded bigot.

Edit- When your avatar says "God is my co-piliot", I would hope you would take some responsibility along with that. Do you acknowledge the fact that your are advertising "God" and you are acting like a boob? I know people are not perfect, but take a second to think before you go on a belligerent rant. Take a deep breath and let your mind think for itself, let God guide you. God should stand for peace, love and freedom. What does your "God" stand for?

The REVOLUTION has begun!


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Johnny, you make it seem like these Muslims are formidable foe in which they are a dire threat to the rest of the world. Do you honestly think the USA is threatened by these peoples culture?

Johnny thinks muslim terrorists are on the verge of taking over the world and establishing a world wide califate.................if you really think that Al qaeda has enough might to take over the worlds your smoking crack. What is the percentage of muslims (what is there like 1.2 billion or something) are active in the goal of establishing a world wide califate....its a very low percentage.............its not a realistic threat at all
Johnny, you make it seem like these Muslims are formidable foe in which they are a dire threat to the rest of the world. Do you honestly think the USA is threatened by these peoples culture?

Johnny thinks muslim terrorists are on the verge of taking over the world and establishing a world wide califate.................if you really think that Al qaeda has enough might to take over the worlds your smoking crack. What is the percentage of muslims (what is there like 1.2 billion or something) are active in the goal of establishing a world wide califate....its a very low percentage.............its not a realistic threat at all

We agree on something... Cool....:bigjoint: .(+REP)

This one is one me.......:joint:..... Hit... Hit... Pass....bongsmilie



The REVOLUTION has begun!


I guess your being sarcastic again? All of this is setting an example of how a Christian can be sardonic?

What kind of Christian are you? Are you a poser, or do you have problems in your life?

I guess these last posts were sarcasm too, right? Your just the "jokster" aren't you? The funny guy?

Way to set an example of how to be a Christian. Its people like you that make me more interested in Islam than Christianity.

I guess when Jesus love you more than anyone else, it allows you to get away with more. The more you talk, the more you are making Islam look better.

Personally, I don't want to be a closed minded bigot.

Edit- When your avatar says "God is my co-piliot", I would hope you would take some responsibility along with that. Do you acknowledge the fact that your are advertising "God" and you are acting like a boob? I know people are not perfect, but take a second to think before you go on a belligerent rant. Take a deep breath and let your mind think for itself, let God guide you. God should stand for peace, love and freedom. What does your "God" stand for?

The REVOLUTION has begun!


whining is self deprecating.

poseur is spelled with a u

crawl your ass up on a cross and cry for a while.

I am giving you the award for the rest of the site
First off, We, who are you to judge anyone?

Very soon there will most likely be a holy war. Not between Christians and Muslims, but Muslims vs Everyone who doesn't want to be Muslim.

Muslims are not very tolerant of other religions, they want to be supreme in the world, and before they went to war for it. Now they are doing it subtlety by just spreading throughout the entire world and invoking power changes. Eurabia.

There will become a breaking point however. If you push people enough, it will backfire. Denmark is already fighting back.
not in my whole entire life have I had a muslim knock on my door trying to convert me.............................but do you know who has?
Funny how this thread turned into a culture & religious thread considering the original question.
Watch out man, knock the mormons and they'll be callin you a predjudiced bigoted rascist asshole. Maybe they just do that to me.
Fuck the mormons. Fuck you too if you come to my door without being asked or invited. I am always polite, and ask them if they would like a drink, and realize they think they are doing right, but dont come to my door and bring unwanted activity to my doorstep and myself. I do however ask them to stop by people houses in my neighborhood.
I hated bush to til one day I was on some shrooms and thought about the economy and the past 7 and half years. So as it states in my title W. Bush a good president......... Hold on Hold on hear me out, as of now we all know where the gas prices would have been in early 2001 as they started to make there swift, and think about it for a second, I think it was two years ago congress passed the law increasing the min wage to 7.25 all over (not restraint) now if we didn't go to war after the attack gas would be as high as they pay in Europe or the Uk (by liter and I think when I was there 4 years ago 3pounds a liter) and with gas being that high think of how many people would have no way of getting to work(losing there job after raking up a debut) making a bigger credit and housing crisis then there is now. At least now we have it where the front line of are economy has some what of a buffer and when I say front line think about it who really keeps the big boy and girls there and not at the store the little guy working he's ass off for 7.25, although this war is only a way to slow the process of the economy from crashing but what got us out of the the first great depression and yes in my eye's this recession is just like that of the the 1930's, A war wait no A WORLD WAR. All I'm saying is he got dealt a shittie hand and he did what he could. I'm not saying war is the way to go but since Rome and before that Greece when you needed something and your neighbor wouldn't help you out you would go and take it (although we have gotten more advanced we are still living the same way as they did the only difference we haven't had the dark age to come out of and think we are starting something new).

:peace:, Token

No Bro he created his shitty hand by his own actions. and the economy is damn near a recession what are you talking bout?
Fuck you too if you come to my door without being asked or invited.

Naw, ain't gonna happen, I quit selling Kirby vacuums 50 years ago. Had you been around then, I may have come to your door, you'd have probably bought one to, they were the best vacs,. I am always polite to the local mormons and other church groups that come to my door as well.
Fuck you too if you come to my door without being asked or invited.

Naw, ain't gonna happen, I quit selling Kirby vacuums 50 years ago. Had you been around then, I may have come to your door, you'd have probably bought one to, they were the best vacs,. I am always polite to the local mormons and other church groups that come to my door as well.
There is no reason to be rude to harmless people, but they are annoying and i dont want them to thin they have an "in"