I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

I'd have to say, ask those guys on here that say we're winning. Winning what, is my question? The rights to the oil maybe? A stronghold in the middle east, maybe, tenuous at best. Megabucks for all the war contractors, well anyone can see that's a reality. Winning the scorn and hatred if the world, yup that ones a slam dunk.
How about creating the largest national debt ever known to man, one to be shared by our grandchildrens grandchildren. Yup, we're sure winning in Iraq, anyone can see that. 9 more fathers, sons, brothers, cousins, uncles, maybe even mothers, sisters and daughters bite the dust for all of the above. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it??? Ask your congressman to stop the madness!!!

Fuck it. Its time for the rest of the world to feel the wrath of the U.S. For too long now, countries around the world have not felt the beauty of democracy and freedom. It is time to force our views on the rest of the world to make it a better place. They will not like it at first, but will soon come to realize how much better life is under a governament like ours.

Fuck it. Its time for the rest of the world to feel the wrath of the U.S. For too long now, countries around the world have not felt the beauty of democracy and freedom. It is time to force our views on the rest of the world to make it a better place. They will not like it at first, but will soon come to realize how much better life is under a governament like ours.
I think a few are feeling it now. How about going to Iraq for a picnick in Bagdad. I think all rich people should take a day off and go. They are telling us we've won, so it ought to be like a walk in the park, Bagdad central park, the one we've built for the Iraqi people to enjoy in their bastion of liberty and freedom.
i think we should all go to bagdad and light one up (a really fuckin fat one)(and really long) (haha) and then have a picnick. and invite bush, i think he likes to smoke.

what cha yall think abouth that
We are all entering a new reality. Most banks will fall. Self sustain or perish. Critical mass of converging crises is unstoppable.

All presidents are two sides of the same coin, they push the same agenda controlled by the same criminal syndicate. Time for everybody to leave the left right paradigm and see the world as it is.
I'd have to say, ask those guys on here that say we're winning. Winning what, is my question? The rights to the oil maybe? A stronghold in the middle east, maybe, tenuous at best. Megabucks for all the war contractors, well anyone can see that's a reality. Winning the scorn and hatred if the world, yup that ones a slam dunk.
How about creating the largest national debt ever known to man, one to be shared by our grandchildrens grandchildren. Yup, we're sure winning in Iraq, anyone can see that. 9 more fathers, sons, brothers, cousins, uncles, maybe even mothers, sisters and daughters bite the dust for all of the above. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it??? Ask your congressman to stop the madness!!!
do not forget china med...we borrowed the money from them to fight these wars......
We are all entering a new reality. Most banks will fall. Self sustain or perish. Critical mass of converging crises is unstoppable.

All presidents are two sides of the same coin, they push the same agenda controlled by the same criminal syndicate. Time for everybody to leave the left right paradigm and see the world as it is.

Some of us left that paradigm many years ago and opted for liberty instead.

As long as we occupy countries the threat is there (in the occupied country). Once we leave, the threat goes away(to America).

Well put, sir.
Its not illegal to invade a country if it is a "police action"
The terrorism you talk about is "stage 2" of war. THey cannot fight pitched battles, so they have to use terrorism to keep the movement rolling.If enough quit or fizzle out, it would drop back to stage 1. Stage 1 includes such things as propaganda, stocking arms and the such. stage three is all out war with pitched battles.

So if we rename it and call it a police state, its okay?

The founders prposely left the constitution open so that it would progress with our country and the times we live in.By no means what is said in the constitution is the end all to be all, or should it be. People who read it as such apparently think they live in the late 18th century. What does the word "amend" mean? And why would you have to change it if it is the magus of things?

The founders did not purposely leave the constitution open. Like all things they knew it wasn't perfect. The basic foundation of the constitution should be strictly adhered to instead of caving into special interests groups under the guise of "it being best for the country".

A small federal government is what the founders preached. Our rights are being eroded today under the false premise that you have to give up liberty for security. Benjamin Franklin new the truth "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"

The Constitution wasn’t written to be a set of social guidelines; the Constitution was written to provide for an efficient and effective government, which respected the rights of the people.

Just because parts of the document are ignored is no reason to rewrite it; rather, it’s reason for modern politicians to be reeducated or removed from the system.

How is it possible to force democracy on people?
How is Iraq our buisness except we put hussein in power, and let him rule??

All the more reason to stay out. We should not force our beliefs on any country. It is not Americas job to police the world. It was a mistake putting Hussein in power, it was a mistake going over there to take him out of power, it is a mistake for us to illegally occupy that country. We should leave and bring our troops home to protect our borders here.

And if the mohammedans dont show disdain fort the rest of the world,why do they blow up ancient buddhist statues?
Blaming a minute extremists segment of the population for the problems in the Middle East doesn't hold water.

Sudan is a relativley new muslim country considering how they just moved in and started taking over a few years ago. I actually know a few "lost boys " of sudan, and have heard the talk of the muslims wiping out villages and killing women and children. How about North africa? How long have the muslims there helped keep the natives in check? How about the terrorist attacks in spain or england?
The u.s, africa, europe, the phillipines. Thats one end of the world to another, how do muslims not hold sway across the world?

Illegally occupying their countires gives the extremists reason to continue. That is why Spain England and the US were targeted. That is who is causing the problems not muslims.

The terrorist group with highest amount of suicide terrorist is the Marxists Tigers in Sri Lanka. They are not muslims.
So if we rename it and call it a police state, its okay?

The founders did not purposely leave the constitution open. Like all things they knew it wasn't perfect. The basic foundation of the constitution should be strictly adhered to instead of caving into special interests groups under the guise of "it being best for the country".

A small federal government is what the founders preached. Our rights are being eroded today under the false premise that you have to give up liberty for security. Benjamin Franklin new the truth "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"

The Constitution wasn’t written to be a set of social guidelines; the Constitution was written to provide for an efficient and effective government, which respected the rights of the people.

Just because parts of the document are ignored is no reason to rewrite it; rather, it’s reason for modern politicians to be reeducated or removed from the system.

All the more reason to stay out. We should not force our beliefs on any country. It is not Americas job to police the world. It was a mistake putting Hussein in power, it was a mistake going over there to take him out of power, it is a mistake for us to illegally occupy that country. We should leave and bring our troops home to protect our borders here.

Blaming a minute extremists segment of the population for the problems in the Middle East doesn't hold water.

Illegally occupying their countires gives the extremists reason to continue. That is why Spain England and the US were targeted. That is who is causing the problems not muslims.

The terrorist group with highest amount of suicide terrorist is the Marxists Tigers in Sri Lanka. They are not muslims.
WTF is an amendment then? If it is the end all to be all, it wouldnt be able to be amended. Do you know what an amendment is?

You said that islam didnt have a worldwide reach. I countered that by showing you it does. You countered that with cant blame the whole group for a small populations doings?
That is not an answer, and it sounds like a cop out anyways.

SO i see that instead of anyone taking an intelligent view of things, everyone on here goes whiny, bleeding heart left, or asshole, imperialist right. No wonder the country is so screwed.

Fuck it. Its time for the rest of the world to feel the wrath of the U.S. For too long now, countries around the world have not felt the beauty of democracy and freedom. It is time to force our views on the rest of the world to make it a better place. They will not like it at first, but will soon come to realize how much better life is under a governament like ours.
The goal of a worldwide Islamic Caliphate is nothing short of Lebensraum with a turban and a beard. It certainly explains their designs for all of the Middle East, including Israel. How else explain the coming of Eurabia?

If we do not support liberty and freedom in the form of free republics, what will fill the vacuum? Islam has thrived by violence and conquest in the past, is doing so now, and will in the future with or without our interference. This is a Clash of Civilizations. The Islamists want the benefits of renaissance, but reject the reformation required to advance beyond the Middle Ages.