giving defoliation during flower a try

Ok say the charts wrong, I don't know, just gone on the advice available on the net about light distance, you first grower to tell me the carts wrong

Ok the rules about botany is the same indoors and out but the way you grow plants can't be the same, indoors your very limited on space, light and airflow but you have got control over the environment, so you need everthing spot on to pull a small yeild

outside you don't have a limit to how big the plant grows and don't need to worry about the enviroment as its out you contol

You can only grow one crop a year but havest kg's vs a lb under light

security risk is very high with an out door grow, indoors you just keep your mouth shut and there no risk

Very impressed with pinapple grow and finding out you grow a lot of diffent fruit under light

so airy buds not caused by lack of light, ok will read up on this but why does all the best bud grow at the top of the canopy

never see any plant grown indoors with good bud growth more than 12" from the top of canopy anyless its a vertcal grow

Prune any plants is a way to cut back week growth so the plant will be stronger and produce more fruit

don't see how this is any diffent from topping a canbis plant
apical dominance.

Apical dominance is the phenomenon whereby the main central stem of the plant is dominant over (i.e., grows more strongly than) other side stems; on a branch the main stem of the branch is further dominant over its own side branchlets.

Plant physiology describes apical dominance as the control exerted by the terminal bud (and shoot apex) over the outgrowth of lateral buds.[1]

and to say there is NO RISK with an indoor grow is just asinine!!!
apical dominance.

Apical dominance is the phenomenon whereby the main central stem of the plant is dominant over (i.e., grows more strongly than) other side stems; on a branch the main stem of the branch is further dominant over its own side branchlets.

Plant physiology describes apical dominance as the control exerted by the terminal bud (and shoot apex) over the outgrowth of lateral buds.[1]

and to say there is NO RISK with an indoor grow is just asinine!!!

Yeh I understand how Apical dominance works as if you force the plant to keep switching it in veg and early flower, most shoots should be an equal size in flower and this helps you to pull a high yeild

and yer I would say growing indoors is no risk compared to having them in your back garden where everyone can smell them and see them

if you grow indoors and don't tell anyone, keep the noise down, use rhino carbon filter

don't smoke in the back garden and us common sense the risk is very low

Next door try and hide there joint from me because they think I don't smoke it
anyone from the anti defoliating team care to share their view in practice and not just cite literature?
hell no!! they've all been to scared to try after what they've read lol.

I just grow for a bit of fun and enough bud to keep me going so don't really care, I understand people like uncle ben are trying to pass on "their knowledge" but that's pretty much like telling someone else how to raise their children. No point getting wound up about what someone else does with THEIR PLANTS just worry about your own in the end we all get the same product glorious delicious buds some get more some less let them learn from their mistakes.
I see this is a heated topic. People get fired up!

Not any more lol
when UB tell you to read a book based on sci and fact, you down load it and one chapter about airflow and basically everything
I have said, what can you really say, so the debait over imo

But I am only saying your canopy needs a good airflow and if you need to remove a few fan leaves to increase air flow, do it as it will increase the yeild
Curious for UB to answer a strain specific plant that is awesome to grow, but stays really leafy..I LOVE L.A. Confidential due to its inherent short stature, and quick flowering time, but even DNA Genetics mentions prevegging, and thinning fan leaves later in flower to enhance yield. If these techniques are wrong how would you go about enhancing yield on this awesome strain? Thanks
So after all the statements, I have a few thoughts and unanswered question, My grandma and several gardeners I have known, from flowers to vegetables, always pruned up the plants, her theory, more water and energy to go to flowers and fruit. Not saying anyone is wrong, but the oldest profession in the books, farmers knew better than to just plant seeds and let them go. They pruned and thinned and cultivated many times before harvest for the largest possible yield. They worked the field and they do it to this day. So my question, Who or what scientific evidence that trimming through Veg and flower is "bad for the plant" does anyone have. I get you all have your own ways of doing it your way, and I have read some, but for those who say others are wrong, seems that this evidence will help you all more...
So after all the statements, I have a few thoughts and unanswered question, My grandma and several gardeners I have known, from flowers to vegetables, always pruned up the plants, her theory, more water and energy to go to flowers and fruit. Not saying anyone is wrong, but the oldest profession in the books, farmers knew better than to just plant seeds and let them go. They pruned and thinned and cultivated many times before harvest for the largest possible yield. They worked the field and they do it to this day. So my question, Who or what scientific evidence that trimming through Veg and flower is "bad for the plant" does anyone have. I get you all have your own ways of doing it your way, and I have read some, but for those who say others are wrong, seems that this evidence will help you all more...

Your right some of the plants I have pruned in veg and flower have given me the same results with a few diffent strains even flower at the same time

Growing high yielding bushy strain and somthing as simple as cutting the fan leaves in half at the top of a plant 2 weeks in flower cause the side
To become the dom shoots and strech 2-3" so the top shoots are full of them and then they stop growing and the buds grow and in late flower become giant 5" thick soild buds, its hard to pull off but done it to 6 plants and it worked on all 6 plants,
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We have. YOU need to read the other defoliation threads which means start using the SEARCH feature here.

That's exactly what I did buddy, and all of them pretty much consist of a grower posting pics of flowering plants that looks good and healthy. Then you come along and post literature, troll, and call them stupid.

Do YOU have experiments to prove your point? YOU are the one who is so adamant on how defoliating creates smaller buds, so fucking prove it.
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