The biggest, meanest, or best armed.
They usually end up as the people that get their way, but getting your way is not the same as having an intrinsic right to do something.
I would submit that NOBODY has a right to make another serve them. Following that path sets a FOUNDATION of a peaceful society Since no individual has that right, no collection of individuals has that right either.
The answer to the question is obvious, that's why Uncle Poopy Pants and others cannot / will not ever answer it.
It exposes that at the foundation of many things which they think are "good" are actually based in something not good. A utilitarian argument, the kind used by sycophants, and government is so wonderful types, is one that ignores the means and only focuses on the result.
Which of course is a biased way of looking at things as the means IS part of the process and should not be looked at as a separate thing from the result. In other words, when you initiate aggression against another person to achieve something you perceive as good, you can't simply ignore the initiated aggression as if it never occurred, that is if you still want to be considered a rational person.
Hence, coercive government and all that it spawns is a piece of shit on a fast food bathroom floor.