Israel has been using Gaza as a public relations ploy, for what, 10 years? They have embargoed that area for 8, not allowing anything into it essentially, periodically even refusing to hand over aid money, which pushes the hatred of Israel even further towards Hamas. They FORCE this situation, knowing that it will show the world that they are peaceful, while the crazy Palestinians, launch rockets at them. They, the Israelites, have for DECADES. abused the rights of the Palestinians. In another Middle East democracy by the way, Hamas was ELECTED. You want to why, because Israel is worse. Oh, and as far as collateral damage, explain why 3 separate UN Refugee camps, after being giving the GPS POSITIONS OF EACH ONE, then they were struck by cannon fire, killing over 50 of the civilians that were told to evacuate to SAFE FUCKING LOCATIONS. Kiss my ass, as far as being warned to evacuate. The Israelis targeted every location possible, be it a hospital, or the beach. Israel might have won this battle, but they haven't won the war by a long shot. Shalom