Welcome home Marc Emery

Not sure why everyone is so excited.....this guy is shady and is just easy ammo for the Cons. The best thing for this next election would be for Marc and Jodie staying the heck out of it. Marc is out of touch, a pervert with a dodgy past that no one talks about, and is not at all well-spoken.....he always looks like a stoned-out caricature of Jim Breuer in Half-baked in his public appearances. Not sure why everyone thinks he's the answer to all the current problems when he will just make things worse. Way too many people blindly signing the praises of the 'prince of pot' without knowing even half of the story.....
He's not gong to save the day but he's got a big enough mouth to spread the message.
Not sure why everyone is so excited.....this guy is shady and is just easy ammo for the Cons. The best thing for this next election would be for Marc and Jodie staying the heck out of it. Marc is out of touch, a pervert with a dodgy past that no one talks about, and is not at all well-spoken.....he always looks like a stoned-out caricature of Jim Breuer in Half-baked in his public appearances. Not sure why everyone thinks he's the answer to all the current problems when he will just make things worse. Way too many people blindly signing the praises of the 'prince of pot' without knowing even half of the story.....

Yah nothing like one issue candidates who will profit if they are successful with their campaign. I won't deny I have no love Emery and even though Canada shouldn't have extradited him, he did play with fire and kept on doing it and the man showed him whats up. How naive do you have to be to think that our gov wouldn't side with out biggest trade partner/ally and a country that goes around the world destroying other countries and killing 100's of thousands in the name of democracy while its own citizens are living 1984.

These two need put the weed issue behind other issues for now and concentrate on what the average Canadian needs. Hey I want weed to be legalized too and owning a hydro store it'd rake in but that is far from other issues that need to be fixed in Canada.
He's not gong to save the day but he's got a big enough mouth to spread the message.

With all the good attention he will bring to the issues, he will bring even more bad IMO. If he starts attacking Harper and gets involved in the political arena, do you really think that his sordid past won't be dragged into the light for all to see? Emery has been directly quoted discussing a variety of illegal narcotics and how they can be used 'get your way' with a woman. Allegations of illegal sex tourism, and a well-known penchant for young females are also there....doesn't paint a pretty picture, and all of this will be used to discredit the Liberals and the entire legalization movement if he starts pissing off the Cons.
wont deny he's an easy target, and possibly a negative.. but he's a good rally'er.
that's my sole hope.
quite plainly; the ConservaNazi's are done if we get more younger voters, and Emery has a good chance of doing that.

not just young either, the ones that don't vote are mostly ones who would be a vote for marijuana / against the con-servatives.. that should be all of our aim; get the people who don't vote, to.. then we'll see what Canada really is (maybe a country i can be proud of again)
i'm hoping emery can help get more of them out to vote, if nothing else.
wont deny he's an easy target, and possibly a negative.. but he's a good rally'er.
that's my sole hope.
quite plainly; the ConservaNazi's are done if we get more younger voters, and Emery has a good chance of doing that.

not just young either, the ones that don't vote are mostly ones who would be a vote for marijuana / against the con-servatives.. that should be all of our aim; get the people who don't vote, to.. then we'll see what Canada really is (maybe a country i can be proud of again)
i'm hoping emery can help get more of them out to vote, if nothing else.

If you want to 'target' the young voters, than Emery is definitely the man for the job....as long as they are teenage females, LOL!
wont deny he's an easy target, and possibly a negative.. but he's a good rally'er.
that's my sole hope.
quite plainly; the ConservaNazi's are done if we get more younger voters, and Emery has a good chance of doing that.

not just young either, the ones that don't vote are mostly ones who would be a vote for marijuana / against the con-servatives.. that should be all of our aim; get the people who don't vote, to.. then we'll see what Canada really is (maybe a country i can be proud of again)
i'm hoping emery can help get more of them out to vote, if nothing else.

Those people wont vote and if they do the numbers will be tiny. If they didn't give a flying fuck about voting before against Harper who wants to remove quite a few of our basic rights and spy on us 24/7 they wont care now. Also people have to vote to the candidate and not the party.
Those people wont vote and if they do the numbers will be tiny. If they didn't give a flying fuck about voting before against Harper who wants to remove quite a few of our basic rights and spy on us 24/7 they wont care now. Also people have to vote to the candidate and not the party.

i'm sure they care.. they just fall into that old "there's nobody to vote for" thought process that evil governments just love.
or they play it off as that because they're too lazy to do any research.

and i know we have to vote the local party candidate.. i personally hate the system, as i want liberal for federal.. but not local/provincial (i hate my provincial libs.. they minus well be conservatives. fit right in)
gonna be a weird election here as i've never x'ed a liberal candidate, ever.
With all the good attention he will bring to the issues, he will bring even more bad IMO. If he starts attacking Harper and gets involved in the political arena, do you really think that his sordid past won't be dragged into the light for all to see? Emery has been directly quoted discussing a variety of illegal narcotics and how they can be used 'get your way' with a woman. Allegations of illegal sex tourism, and a well-known penchant for young females are also there....doesn't paint a pretty picture, and all of this will be used to discredit the Liberals and the entire legalization movement if he starts pissing off the Cons.
You're going to have to fill me in on the details because I really have no idea what you are referring to with regard to Emery's history. Pm if that woks better for you.
You're going to have to fill me in on the details because I really have no idea what you are referring to with regard to Emery's history. Pm if that woks better for you.
I also do not know of his history. If any of the kid shit is true I retract any support offered to him. If not, I'm grateful to him for the jail time he served for weed in ANY way.
I also do not know of his history. If any of the kid shit is true I retract any support offered to him. If not, I'm grateful to him for the jail time he served for weed in ANY way.

There was a thread on ICmag that was deleted that Chimera wrote. It was quite long and was a history lesson. That's why I cancelled my account there as they stated they wanted no negative talk about Emery and wanted all happy posts.
Did anyone watch the cbc interview with with emery? Unless and until someone shows me proof of some shit he did in his past I will take him at his word. He has complete disregard for the Harptler government and he BELIEVES it is his duty to ensure that young people, their friends, and their parents get out to vote the cons out in the next election He doesn't necessarily support trudeau but he definitely thinks he's the guy to help bring em down. I give him kudos for sticking to his convictions where no politician would. I found him to be very well spoken. Stephen hates him and I like that!
I'm with WHATFG and Hippy on this. I am not aware of any shady past with Marc, although I'm sure there were rumors made to discredit the man to sway the public on his extradition. I don't think he is the most well spoken person, and the Libs would be wise to keep a handle on him, but he could be a great tool in their war chest. At the very least, he will make legalization an election issue.

http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/TV Shows/The National/Canada/ID/2488126167/

At 3:02 this fucker starts comparing civil disobedience like Rosa Parks, Eat it buddy.
He merely made reference to the fact that nothing would have changed if she hadn't stood up to the unjust aithoritarians. Next you'll be calling him an abortionist because he referred to morgentaller as another who stood up to government. The point he was trying to make IMO is that he is being open and in your face about he thinks should be happening and why, and that is how he intends on creating change.
Here's a particularly classy Emery quote, discussing illegal narcotics and how they can be used to get your way with women:

"#1 2C-B. This will,make her an incredible sucking, vibrating, bouncing, pleasure seeking fiend for 4 - 5 hours straight. Absolutely 100% goddamn right ... We should put it in their food. Daily. Its unfortunately, incredibly difficult to obtain, but I don't know why? ...Then its agreed, for the sake of us all, let's put it in chocolate so they just absorb small quantities on a regular basis. "

Well that's a rapey comment if I've ever read one....the Cons will have a field day with shit like this if Emery doesn't shut his perverted old fly-trap.

http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/TV Shows/The National/Canada/ID/2488126167/

At 3:02 this fucker starts comparing civil disobedience like Rosa Parks, Eat it buddy.

He has also been quoted comparing cannabis prohibition to the holocaust and likes to call people who challenge him "Nazi Jews". Really well spoken.....

Well... how many lives have been ruined by the manufactured illegitimate justifications of cannabis prohibition?

Sure, maybe they're not rounding everyone up and murdering them, or gassing them... but they are definitely committing atrocities against people just for using or cultivating cannabis, which i will say is an equally illegitimate motivation for them to do so, as being jewish, or black, or gay, etc.

Is being born black or Jewish any different than being born with the inherent human right to self-determinism? (aka "freedom of choice" and "owning oneself")

In fact, you could argue that it's actually worse to violently discriminate against people for a Relatively Harmless Choice, because Everyone is capable of making that same choice, regardless of the conditions of their birth.
Here's a particularly classy Emery quote, discussing illegal narcotics and how they can be used to get your way with women:

"#1 2C-B. This will,make her an incredible sucking, vibrating, bouncing, pleasure seeking fiend for 4 - 5 hours straight. Absolutely 100% goddamn right ... We should put it in their food. Daily. Its unfortunately, incredibly difficult to obtain, but I don't know why? ...Then its agreed, for the sake of us all, let's put it in chocolate so they just absorb small quantities on a regular basis. "

Well that's a rapey comment if I've ever read one....the Cons will have a field day with shit like this if Emery doesn't shut his perverted old fly-trap.
So because an alleged "pervert" speaks the truth about cannabis, that truth is now invalidated due to the speaker's personal flaws?

How 'bout we worry about edumacating the neo-con-following morons, instead of worrying about what the neo-con-leaders will try to use against Emery?

The truth is the truth, regardless of who speaks it. Maybe more people actually realize that, than the political circus would have you believe?
I would just prefer to have a vocal cannabis advocate that doesn't like to drug young girls.....just a personal preference. If you are willing to look the other way on that one, have at it.
I would just prefer to have a vocal cannabis advocate that doesn't like to drug young girls.....just a personal preference. If you are willing to look the other way on that one, have at it.
What if a chimo or serial killer also likes weed?

Does that make weed bad?

Or is the truth still the truth, regardless of who speaks it?

It's not that i'm "trying to look the other way," but that Emery is rather well-versed on the matter of cannabis prohibition.

I don't personally know that any of those allegations are true.

But what i do know, is that any politician who wants to drag skeletons out of Marc's closet, better have none in theirs. Who would want to ruin their own career over "mud-slinging?" Anyone "clean enough" to be relevant, is also most likely not credible enough to be relevant.

"Likes to drug young girls" is probably a significant exaggeration. Besides that, what really matters is whether he's actually doing it or not.

Aside from all that... if not him, then who?

We need a figurehead who isn't all about pushing the "bribe the government with promises of tax revenue, in exchange for permission to partially exercise our natural human rights, but as a privilege to be bargained for..." angle. It's a stupid angle, and it's going in an entirely wrong direction.

There should be Zero regulations, with the exceptions of Minors and Business. If you're not giving it to minors, and you're neither buying nor selling, there should be no law, other than an irrevocable clause which cannot be misconstrued to disparage our rights as humans, to self-determine.

Giving it to upper-minors should be a relatively minor offense, if any at all... and in the business sense, it should be treated like any other taxable income or commodity. If you sell stuff to profit, you're supposed to claim it as taxable income. I have no problem with such a regulation, aside from the fact that "they" who capture through regulation, want to place an outrageously exorbitant tax on every aspect of it, as though that somehow makes it "less dangerous," which is clearly fallacious, yet is being thrown around like it's sensible.