Friends, my dear appologies for my absence. I appreciate you folks concern. As of late things are on the up. I am very much ahead of where I was months ago and have had the opportunity to meet and greet with some fine cannabis family over the past eight months. My little man and I have had a busy summer and are looking forward to an amazing fall.
Thankyou all so very much.
I have much to say about cannabis and healing, the community, the individuals behind the avitar. The spirit you all carry echoes the soul of humanity that runs deep and unbreakable. That spirit shines in the face of adversity, and dances on the clouds till the rain has reached the earth. As my ankles still feel the damp, my shoulders carry a sound of joy. I have seen glory, felt raw compassion, and shed a layer of burden that will drag behind me reminding those whom follow that we are always growing, and carrying the weight of our past. Doing so, makes us stronger, and covers our tracks. Left not is a foot print telling where we have been but rather a line pointing the direction we go, onward.