WOW! The War On White Old Men..

We have too many guns in this country for it to get too bad.

If the government gets too out of hand, we have to many people that could reach out from several hundred yards away to try to change the mind of the next person who goes into the office that my hypothetical patriot just made vacant.

Police aren't the problem, they're the symptom. They get their orders and money from the people I was just discussing.

And I tell you, friends, that level of oppression is not too far away.

I recently lost my drivers license. I couldn't find it so I went to the DMV to get a new one. They no longer print them out, the picture is sent off somewhere to be cross checked against facial recognition. Bet your sweet ass they are also recording your face, and other information.

If course they are, and its entered into a national database automatically. It's as if the right to privacy in our persons and papers without cause and due service was simply erased from our Bill of Rights...
If course they are, and its entered into a national database automatically. It's as if the right to privacy in our persons and papers without cause and due service was simply erased from our Bill of Rights...
The progression of this will be that eventually everywhere we go will have cameras and they will be able to track our every move.

There was a guy here locally that went around with a hunting rifle and took out red light cameras. He shot several of them, disabling them.

They caught him. As I recall he demanded a jury trial and the charges were dropped. Prosecution was confident a jury wouldn't vote guilty.

The instead issued a citation of unlawful discharge of firearm in city limits, a civil penalty with a fine.
poor baby mad. Why you mad?
Poor london stupid, why brain so small and stupid?

People that boo a candidate are LOW CLASS!!
I couldn't tell what Alison's position was, she simply bitched about McConnell the entire time.
If you don't take a position on the issues, you don't piss anyone off. She does, however, seem to be running AGAINST Barack Obama, because she knows Kentuckians are really pissed about his stance on coal. But, once in office, you know she will toe the party line. She's a dead ringer for my aunt. Lot of big jawed women in Kentucky.
If you don't take a position on the issues, you don't piss anyone off. She does, however, seem to be running AGAINST Barack Obama, because she knows Kentuckians are really pissed about his stance on coal. But, once in office, you know she will toe the party line. She's a dead ringer for my aunt. Lot of big jawed women in Kentucky.

That big jaw will serve her well when dealing with Bill Clinton. Maybe she can unhinge it like a snake?
We're talking about personal income tax rates and you go off spouting about business taxes. That's what corporate taxes cover dude.

And i didn't say we needed to wildly fluctuate them.

They're too damn low right now on super high income. Don't worry, I don't want to raise prices on walmart employees. Just on the Walton owners.

When and if things stagnate, you can provide a boost by dropping taxes for a few years.
Corporate taxes are paid by the consumer in higher prices, not the corporation. A highly regressive tax that few even recognize. The tobacco settlement resulted in a $1/pack surcharge to the victims of the tobacco industry, the tobacco companies and the states colluded in ripping off the consumers, the only ones not represented in the lawsuit.
Yes, i can blame them. And who wrote those outrageous tax laws that leave only "keep your money out of the country" as the only viable solution?

Cattle always run from a threat. It's easy to make them go where you want, you only have to provide them a path to where you want them to go, and put a predator behind them on the other side.

So, why would US Law guide wealth out of the country?

It's clear that is their intention, but why? Why deplete and deprive the country of wealth generated by its citizens and businesses?

I think i need the ulterior motives spelled out for me (and more importantly: for everyone else).
Or it could be we just have complete idiots running the country.
Corporate taxes are paid by the consumer in higher prices, not the corporation. A highly regressive tax that few even recognize. The tobacco settlement resulted in a $1/pack surcharge to the victims of the tobacco industry, the tobacco companies and the states colluded in ripping off the consumers, the only ones not represented in the lawsuit.

Business don't have expenses, in reality. The business owner has his customers pay his bills or he closes shop.
Even Uncle Buck gets to the bathroom floor before he defecates. Please try harder, maybe behind a tree?
Actually, no, he doesn't.

UncleBuck;7406834 said:
it's true.
i thought sharing my bed wetting experience would be good for a laugh, even if it is at my expense.


UncleBuck;7406876 said:
i've shit my pants about 5 times in the last year. sometimes it just feels like a fart, and it's not all fart.

UncleBuck;7407103 said:
sharts are the bane of my existence. working out in the hot sun, drinking some beer, feels like a good fart coming on, lay some force behind it and....

time to change pants. :cuss: