Well-Known Member
We have too many guns in this country for it to get too bad.
If the government gets too out of hand, we have to many people that could reach out from several hundred yards away to try to change the mind of the next person who goes into the office that my hypothetical patriot just made vacant.
Police aren't the problem, they're the symptom. They get their orders and money from the people I was just discussing.
And I tell you, friends, that level of oppression is not too far away.
I recently lost my drivers license. I couldn't find it so I went to the DMV to get a new one. They no longer print them out, the picture is sent off somewhere to be cross checked against facial recognition. Bet your sweet ass they are also recording your face, and other information.
If course they are, and its entered into a national database automatically. It's as if the right to privacy in our persons and papers without cause and due service was simply erased from our Bill of Rights...