Hydro - How many days you FLUSH for ??

It is advised that you stop using your cannabis flowering fertilizer 2 weeks before harvest time to ensure that all chemicals are out of the plant. If chemicals are in the plant when you harvest, the smoke will be very harsh. To prevent harshness, flush the plants heavily with fresh water 2 weeks prior to harvesting them. .
Plants don't take in chemicals like that though. Proper dry and proper cure should clear up harshness...

Fermentation > "Flushing"
Your telling people to not flush when you are clearly mistaken about that read this article then you will have some education on why you need to flush http://www.marijuanafertilizers.com/harvesting-curing-drying-marijuana-flowers-buds-plants.html

It is advised that you stop using your cannabis flowering fertilizer 2 weeks before harvest time to ensure that all chemicals are out of the plant. If chemicals are in the plant when you harvest, the smoke will be very harsh. To prevent harshness, flush the plants heavily with fresh water 2 weeks prior to harvesting them. Ensure you flush at least 3 times the capacity of your pot. So a 4 gallon pot would be flushed with 16 gallons of fresh water. From that point water your plants with pure water, absolutely NO additives should be given to the plant. This is especially important if you have been using chemical fertilizers.

This is the time when the bulk of the final, "usable" part of the plant is produced. As you may well already know, there are over four hundred separate chemicals associated with cannabis and her effects. It is during the final bud-building stage that most of these chemicals are produced. Thus, it is very important to give the plant as much pure water as possible during this crucial period. I like to remember it as the "rinse" and "flush" cycle. Simply remember to give the plants only water for the last two to three weeks in order to rinse and flush them clean. This is to purge unwanted impurities from the plant.

Pot that has been fertilized right up to harvest is harsh to smoke, sometimes the joint will even sizzle and pop as unmetabolized fertilizer salts combust. Unflushed pot leaves black ash, is hard to keep lit and burns your throat. Pot which has been organically grown and properly flushed is more flavorful and fragrant, burns easily, leaves grey ash, is easier on the throat and is much more pleasurable to smoke.

Have you ever heard of the idea of 'updated information?' It often happens that old assumptions lovingly labored under turn out to be wrong.

It's happened to me so much I only believe what my plants tell me anymore.
Tensions seem high, no pun intended but serious question-

I flush, always have. Can you guys point me to some resources on the efficacy of not flushing? I've searched the forums but am only seeing shouting matches :-) I'm always up for learning and trying new things..
Tensions seem high, no pun intended but serious question-

I flush, always have. Can you guys point me to some resources on the efficacy of not flushing? I've searched the forums but am only seeing shouting matches :-) I'm always up for learning and trying new things..

I said it somewhere above; my plants never told me they needed or wanted to be flushed.

I reduce my EC along with RH, CO² and even the water level in my RDWC, all in accordance with late season best practice.

My EC generally doesn't drop below 1.2
Tensions seem high, no pun intended but serious question-

I flush, always have. Can you guys point me to some resources on the efficacy of not flushing? I've searched the forums but am only seeing shouting matches :-) I'm always up for learning and trying new things..
I linked a legit post with source of why flushing is used and only got shouting back about how I am wrong so I would like to see the same thing.
I linked a legit post with source of why flushing is used and only got shouting back about how I am wrong so I would like to see the same thing.
Myth #4 “Flushing plants with plain water removes chemicals.”

Flushing your plants in the last two weeks of a grow is one the most common pieces of knowledge when it comes to pre-harvest time.

So is flushing your plants before harvest a good idea? Yes. But not for the reason that most people think…

Any time you feed your plants, they intake nutrients which - in too-high amounts - are not able to be used by the plants and therefore can add a 'chemically' taste to your buds. Flushing in the last two weeks gives your plant a chance to “drink water” without extra minerals to further alter the taste. It also clears out any build up of excess minerals or nutrient salts in your medium (such as coco coir, or water for DWC).

However, flushing does not "leach out" nutrients/minerals that are already in the buds. While your plant can use up extra stored nutrients in the leaves of the plant, this does not remove a "chemical" taste from your buds if you've provided too many nutrients throughout the flowering stage.

Many people believe that flushing with plain water takes nutrients (and thus bad taste) out of the buds, in a sense, returning them to their ‘natural flavor’. Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case.

When it comes to ensuring good taste and smell of your cannabis plants, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Instead of relying on the flush to prevent extra nutrients from being stored in your buds, it's better to avoid ever giving the plant more nutrients than it can use in the first place. That means keeping nutrient levels as low as you can throughout the grow while preventing nutrient deficiencies.

Learn more about how to improve the taste and smell of your home-grown cannabis buds"

This is why people fret about flushing.
Tensions seem high, no pun intended but serious question-

I flush, always have. Can you guys point me to some resources on the efficacy of not flushing? I've searched the forums but am only seeing shouting matches :-) I'm always up for learning and trying new things..

The best suggestion I have for you on this issue is to do what I did. I ran side by side sister clones of a strain I am quite familiar with. Same everything, controlled environment. I used 4 life long smoker friends to smoke it and tell me what's what. I didn't tell them what the difference was but that they were different. None of them or myself or my wife could tell a difference. She didn't know about what I did different. What I did notice was less bud mass on the flushed plant, and that's a problem for me.

Do some of each, see for yourself, but for me it's counterproductive. But that's for ME. We are all different.

Do yo thang!
I linked a legit post with source of why flushing is used and only got shouting back about how I am wrong so I would like to see the same thing.

No one shouted until you did. We gave you experience, not theory, Yogi- and you respond with cribbed posts from years ago? Where is YOUR experience?
You post nothing about actual facts like I have. Experience is not facts its just your opinion on what you did. My experience comes from growing for years and smoking weed from dispensaries all across Colorado. Why don't you try posting a fact instead of just running your mouth. Link me evidence like I did.
You post nothing about actual facts like I have. Experience is not facts its just your opinion on what you did. My experience comes from growing for years and smoking weed from dispensaries all across Colorado. Why don't you try posting a fact instead of just running your mouth. Link me evidence like I did.

I'm impressed- you've smoked weed from dispensaries everywhere...

Nothing I can say to that- at least, not while I'm laughing this hard!
Your telling people to not flush when you are clearly mistaken about that read this article then you will have some education on why you need to flush http://www.marijuanafertilizers.com/harvesting-curing-drying-marijuana-flowers-buds-plants.html

It is advised that you stop using your cannabis flowering fertilizer 2 weeks before harvest time to ensure that all chemicals are out of the plant. If chemicals are in the plant when you harvest, the smoke will be very harsh. To prevent harshness, flush the plants heavily with fresh water 2 weeks prior to harvesting them. Ensure you flush at least 3 times the capacity of your pot. So a 4 gallon pot would be flushed with 16 gallons of fresh water. From that point water your plants with pure water, absolutely NO additives should be given to the plant. This is especially important if you have been using chemical fertilizers.

This is the time when the bulk of the final, "usable" part of the plant is produced. As you may well already know, there are over four hundred separate chemicals associated with cannabis and her effects. It is during the final bud-building stage that most of these chemicals are produced. Thus, it is very important to give the plant as much pure water as possible during this crucial period. I like to remember it as the "rinse" and "flush" cycle. Simply remember to give the plants only water for the last two to three weeks in order to rinse and flush them clean. This is to purge unwanted impurities from the plant.

Pot that has been fertilized right up to harvest is harsh to smoke, sometimes the joint will even sizzle and pop as unmetabolized fertilizer salts combust. Unflushed pot leaves black ash, is hard to keep lit and burns your throat. Pot which has been organically grown and properly flushed is more flavorful and fragrant, burns easily, leaves grey ash, is easier on the throat and is much more pleasurable to smoke.

You are no longer worth my breath I will leave you with this comment from an actual source as I have linked. Just try doing a test grow 1 plant your way and 1 plant flush it at the end for 2 weeks and test the smoke.
Let me just show you what I been smoking on here this won the cannabis cup this year and it was flushed. Peace out.


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Your telling people to not flush when you are clearly mistaken about that read this article then you will have some education on why you need to flush http://www.marijuanafertilizers.com/harvesting-curing-drying-marijuana-flowers-buds-plants.html

It is advised that you stop using your cannabis flowering fertilizer 2 weeks before harvest time to ensure that all chemicals are out of the plant. If chemicals are in the plant when you harvest, the smoke will be very harsh. To prevent harshness, flush the plants heavily with fresh water 2 weeks prior to harvesting them. Ensure you flush at least 3 times the capacity of your pot. So a 4 gallon pot would be flushed with 16 gallons of fresh water. From that point water your plants with pure water, absolutely NO additives should be given to the plant. This is especially important if you have been using chemical fertilizers.

This is the time when the bulk of the final, "usable" part of the plant is produced. As you may well already know, there are over four hundred separate chemicals associated with cannabis and her effects. It is during the final bud-building stage that most of these chemicals are produced. Thus, it is very important to give the plant as much pure water as possible during this crucial period. I like to remember it as the "rinse" and "flush" cycle. Simply remember to give the plants only water for the last two to three weeks in order to rinse and flush them clean. This is to purge unwanted impurities from the plant.

Pot that has been fertilized right up to harvest is harsh to smoke, sometimes the joint will even sizzle and pop as unmetabolized fertilizer salts combust. Unflushed pot leaves black ash, is hard to keep lit and burns your throat. Pot which has been organically grown and properly flushed is more flavorful and fragrant, burns easily, leaves grey ash, is easier on the throat and is much more pleasurable to smoke.
Your telling people to not flush when you are clearly mistaken about that read this article then you will have some education on why you need to flush http://www.marijuanafertilizers.com/harvesting-curing-drying-marijuana-flowers-buds-plants.html

It is advised that you stop using your cannabis flowering fertilizer 2 weeks before harvest time to ensure that all chemicals are out of the plant. If chemicals are in the plant when you harvest, the smoke will be very harsh. To prevent harshness, flush the plants heavily with fresh water 2 weeks prior to harvesting them. Ensure you flush at least 3 times the capacity of your pot. So a 4 gallon pot would be flushed with 16 gallons of fresh water. From that point water your plants with pure water, absolutely NO additives should be given to the plant. This is especially important if you have been using chemical fertilizers.

This is the time when the bulk of the final, "usable" part of the plant is produced. As you may well already know, there are over four hundred separate chemicals associated with cannabis and her effects. It is during the final bud-building stage that most of these chemicals are produced. Thus, it is very important to give the plant as much pure water as possible during this crucial period. I like to remember it as the "rinse" and "flush" cycle. Simply remember to give the plants only water for the last two to three weeks in order to rinse and flush them clean. This is to purge unwanted impurities from the plant.

Pot that has been fertilized right up to harvest is harsh to smoke, sometimes the joint will even sizzle and pop as unmetabolized fertilizer salts combust. Unflushed pot leaves black ash, is hard to keep lit and burns your throat. Pot which has been organically grown and properly flushed is more flavorful and fragrant, burns easily, leaves grey ash, is easier on the throat and is much more pleasurable to smoke.

Flushing with micro nutrients and bacteria works much better than plain water for me.

.2 ec of micro nutrients forces the plant to uptake more water trying to get nutrients to make seed if/when it is pollinated.

The bacteria will eat up the hard metals and unused npk at your root mass turning it to enzymes that will make your plant uptake even more water and "flushing" your medium at the same time.