Ebola victims heading for USA

Bringing ebola to the western hemisphere. Remarkable, retarded or remarkably retarded?

If we know so much about containing this virus, why then are educated medical professionals that knew they were working with ebola, who had the proper equipment by their standards, have become infected with ebola.

Sanjay calls the transportation of the infected patients "remarkable" but I say retarded, in fact remarkably retarded imo.
Please don't quote or engage me red1966. Almost universally your posts attempt to belittle as a way of justifying your small existence.
Please don't quote or engage me red1966. Almost universally your posts attempt to belittle as a way of justifying your small existence.
Are you butthurt because I pointed out the idiocy of your claim that everyone who suffers somehow deserved it? If you don't like it, you are clearly in the wrong place, crybaby.
I took you off ignore this AM and looked at your posting history before making my comment about your pitiful posting history.

You whine about everything and rarely offer help or even an encouraging word.

So I don't feel too bad about adding you back as the only person on my ignore list.
Good, ignore me. But be aware I'll continue to call an idiot an idiot. So not really whining at all, unlike your last few posts. Cry baby.
He swallowed a cyanide capsule and then shot himself in the head, so yeah, painless. No where near the pain and suffering he caused for millions of others. Why is it you want me to tell you? Is Google broken? Or are you one of those idiots who think everyone who suffers deserved it? Or just a plain old, run of the mill idiot?
cyanide is not painless you twat.
I don't know. There is no evidence he took the cyanide, other than he asked for the pill. The gunshot wound was obvious
You really need to argue over the amount of pain Hitler may or may not have felt? Would that some how "even up" the mass torture, starvation, human experimentation, and murder upon millions he committed? The concept of Karma gives solace to the weak who are powerless to effect change on their environment, or to excuse the harm they do unto others, "Karma wouldn't let me slaughter these people if they didn't deserve it".
You really need to argue over the amount of pain Hitler may or may not have felt? Would that some how "even up" the mass torture, starvation, human experimentation, and murder upon millions he committed? The concept of Karma gives solace to the weak who are powerless to effect change on their environment, or to excuse the harm they do unto others, "Karma wouldn't let me slaughter these people if they didn't deserve it".
Nah Hitler was an asshole. He needed to suffer more. He should have been burned