You mean the social engineering where they take you out and shoot you if you don't follow their fucked up orders? Is that the kind of social engineering you're talking about?
Most Germans would NOT tolerate outright murdering anybody, period, and certainly not the standard German soldier. However, the fucked up regime was smart enough to recruit brain dead fanatics to their cause, and gave them the authority to MURDER those that didn't toe the line.
OUR military is basically doing the same g'damn thing, except instead of "yes men" willing to kill jews, they're looking for "yes men" willing to toe the "equal opportunity" and "diversity" party line. Standards don't mean a g'damn thing anymore. It's all about the "yes men".
How long will it be before they unleash those fuckin' retards on citizens to uphold their world view of "equality" I wonder?
Dude, there are plenty of armed soldiers who will visit death upon any person in the middle east with enthusiam, just like the SS did. The German people really did think the Jews caused all their problems and were vermin.