Ebola victims heading for USA

Hitler starved, tortured, and murdered millions. He only died once, a quick and painless death, at that. Karma is bullshit. And simplistic, wishful thinking.
I distinctly recall reading that ebola can actually take weeks to produce the first symptom (but from symptom onset, things progress rapidly). It may not be airborne, but it can spread via sweat. It's still summer in the northern hemisphere, and people are wearing less clothing and sweating more. Plus, how many people share various doorknobs/handles without washing their hands after scratching various sores, like mosquito bites?

A lot.
Hitler starved, tortured, and murdered millions. He only died once, a quick and painless death, at that. Karma is bullshit. And simplistic, wishful thinking.

Not sure about Hitler Red, but you're spot on about the idea of Karma most folks entertain. As I like to tell people, "I'm Karma, fuck with me and see if it takes any time at all for the universe to come around and repay you."
I want Red to tell me the way he died. He said it was painless
i suppose that, relatively speaking, one pain of death is a negligible amount of suffering in comparison with the millions of tortured deaths we can attribute to him. If we use the officially standardized numbers, 1:6,000,000. One six-millionth of equivalence. Then again, it's likely that Adolph Hitler suffered quite a lot throughout his apparently largely miserable existence.

From my research, i have concluded that death is rarely ever painless for anyone.
i suppose that, relatively speaking, one pain of death is a negligible amount of suffering in comparison with the millions of tortured deaths we can attribute to him. If we use the officially standardized numbers, 1:6,000,000. One six-millionth of equivalence. Then again, it's likely that Adolph Hitler suffered quite a lot throughout his apparently largely miserable existence.

From my research, i have concluded that death is rarely ever painless for anyone.
Hitler killed (supposedly) 6,000,000 jews alone. He killed even more of other peoples in his camps. But they don't get the pub. History only seems to care about the dead jews. And this of course is not counting the military deaths, or civilians killed by traditional military actions.

Hitler is probably responsible for 30 million deaths, or more.

As for karma, some mystical force distributing justice throughout the world, I find it odd that most people who seem to discount the idea of a higher power often support the concept of karma. Seems a bit odd.
Hitler killed (supposedly) 6,000,000 jews alone. He killed even more of other peoples in his camps. But they don't get the pub. History only seems to care about the dead jews. And this of course is not counting the military deaths, or civilians killed by traditional military actions.

Hitler is probably responsible for 30 million deaths, or more.

As for karma, some mystical force distributing justice throughout the world, I find it odd that most people who seem to discount the idea of a higher power often support the concept of karma. Seems a bit odd.
The only person Hitler ever killed was himself.
Hitler killed (supposedly) 6,000,000 jews alone. He killed even more of other peoples in his camps. But they don't get the pub. History only seems to care about the dead jews. And this of course is not counting the military deaths, or civilians killed by traditional military actions.

Hitler is probably responsible for 30 million deaths, or more.

As for karma, some mystical force distributing justice throughout the world, I find it odd that most people who seem to discount the idea of a higher power often support the concept of karma. Seems a bit odd.

I don't believe in supernatural karma, but i do believe in spreading good will, and that if you help enough people, those people will probably go on to help others, and that such practices will most likely make the world a slightly better place.

There's also the factor that "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar," and so, if you're cool to people who appreciate it, they will most likely be cool to you as well.

Likewise, if you go around generally being a jerk and screwing people over, on a long enough timeline, you'll eventually encounter someone who won't allow you to get away with it. You could call that "karma," or just something about probabilities. If you roll the dice enough, you'll probably roll snake eyes eventually.

However, it's entirely possible to royally screw a few people who lack the means or opportunity to retaliate, and then "change your ways" and not get a "karma blowback" at all. Lots of people escape "karma." I've met a few of them.
Are you really splitting that hair of pulling the trigger or ordering someone else to pull it?
the person following the order can choose otherwise...

In fact, look up "psychiatry in nazi germany," for a somewhat in-depth look at how the nazis didn't even have to coerce most of the participants in the holocaust. They went along with it because they believed they were doing the right thing, not because they were "ordered to do so." Maybe some of them... but not most. Social engineering is powerful stuff; that's where the U.S. learned some of its most potent tricks. Checkout "Operation Paperclip."
"I don't know what I don't know"

Thinking we can control, contain, quarantine this epidemic is by definition arrogant, ignorant and irresponsible behavior when we admittedly lack a full understanding of late stage transmission properties.

Could be the zombie plague...
Are you really splitting that hair of pulling the trigger or ordering someone else to pull it?
You said Hitler killed 6 million all by himself. Just correcting you since no one has the time to run a country, plan a war AND kill 6 million people all by themselves, not without a time travel device anyway, you aren't saying hilter traveled time are you?
the person following the order can choose otherwise...

In fact, look up "psychiatry in nazi germany," for a somewhat in-depth look at how the nazis didn't even have to coerce most of the participants in the holocaust. They went along with it because they believed they were doing the right thing, not because they were "ordered to do so." Maybe some of them... but not most. Social engineering is powerful stuff; that's where the U.S. learned some of its most potent tricks. Checkout "Operation Paperclip."

You mean the social engineering where they take you out and shoot you if you don't follow their fucked up orders? Is that the kind of social engineering you're talking about?

Most Germans would NOT tolerate outright murdering anybody, period, and certainly not the standard German soldier. However, the fucked up regime was smart enough to recruit brain dead fanatics to their cause, and gave them the authority to MURDER those that didn't toe the line.

OUR military is basically doing the same g'damn thing, except instead of "yes men" willing to kill jews, they're looking for "yes men" willing to toe the "equal opportunity" and "diversity" party line. Standards don't mean a g'damn thing anymore. It's all about the "yes men".

How long will it be before they unleash those fuckin' retards on citizens to uphold their world view of "equality" I wonder?