bud bootlegger
good point, i forgot to mention that and always usually try... i have heard that the home kits are a bit more strict, idk how true that is or w/e, jutst something i read, so you know how that goes..Yeah, don't know if I would risk it on ACV either, just what the guy said.
Also, Hooka, if in doubt, get one or two of those home test kits. I think they can give you some idea if you will be clean or not i.e. if the kits says you're dirty most likely you're fucked, if it says you're clean, then you can be a little more confident, that sort of thing ya know….
but yeah, if in doubt, go to a drug store and pick up a few home ua kits, i think you can get a 2 or 3 test pack for strictly thc for around $10 or so.. take one, see how you do, and if need be, go back and study harder.. wait a few more days, take a second one and see if all the studying paid off or not..