MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

This is a thread intended for people interested in Licensed Producers working under the MMPR. Can we have positive discussion here without trolls or whiners please.
It's a forum for Patients lady! Can't you stupid asses read that. It say's "Canadian Medical Patients" It does not say "Canadian LP producers to come here pushing your greedy agenda's" does it ??????????? For fuck sake.
We don't care about all your ridiculous ambitions. If your not a patient ...fuck off !!!

You see your little MMPR plans of LP Stardom are actually bad for git lost will ya's
And you can bet on the fact that I will continue to shit on any threads promoting these greedy plans for LP dreams
I'll do my best to make you all look like greed bags.
You asked for discussion about the MMPR's Licensed producers. Then you went and asked for it to be "positive", without "Trolls or whiners", which means that it can't be about about the LP's.

But the best part of all is, as a fucking whiner, you disqualified yourself, which is at least positive, I suspect.
Wow, what a fun bunch we have here. Could any of you please advise me as to where I can create a forum or thread that is for the MMPR and not against it?
@ the hippy: I don't swear at you and insult you personally, I would appreciate the same respect in return.

Interesting interview with Dr. Louis Hugo Francescutti, the president of the Canadian Medical Association, who stated irrational shit like "“got nothing to do with medicinal properties. It’s got everything to do with people wanting to smoke dope.” and " We just need one doctor to get killed over this, then it would make a great movie." and "“We’d have a doped-up nation,”

This guy is irresponsible in his comments as the head of the CMA!
He should be labelled what he is, an irrational, polarizing extremist.

But that isn't pro mmpr, and it shouldn't be. Never the less his wacky statements should be considered.. see if there's any validity in statements like "they just want to smoke it" and where they might get that impression.
You asked for discussion about the MMPR's Licensed producers. Then you went and asked for it to be "positive", without "Trolls or whiners", which means that it can't be about about the LP's.

But the best part of all is, as a fucking whiner, you disqualified yourself, which is at least positive, I suspect.
Wow, what a fun bunch we have here. Could any of you please advise me as to where I can create a forum or thread that is for the MMPR and not against it?
@ the hippy: I don't swear at you and insult you personally, I would appreciate the same respect in return.

@ Marie. .... Maybe you should think twice about what you post then ...because you really do have a double standard going. That's for sure.

Interesting interview with Dr. Louis Hugo Francescutti, the president of the Canadian Medical Association, who stated irrational shit like "“got nothing to do with medicinal properties. It’s got everything to do with people wanting to smoke dope.” and " We just need one doctor to get killed over this, then it would make a great movie." and "“We’d have a doped-up nation,”

This guy is irresponsible in his comments as the head of the CMA!
I was pretty shocked to see the extremely ignorant and rash statements he made, sounds like some homeless guy venting rather than a doctor with an educated opinion
Wow, what a fun bunch we have here. Could any of you please advise me as to where I can create a forum or thread that is for the MMPR and not against it?
@ the hippy: I don't swear at you and insult you personally, I would appreciate the same respect in return.
I'm not sure why you think I was swearing at you.....I wasn't even thinking of you.....those were comments on a subject...not you. If you fall into some particular category don't blame me Marie

Interesting interview with Dr. Louis Hugo Francescutti, the president of the Canadian Medical Association, who stated irrational shit like "“got nothing to do with medicinal properties. It’s got everything to do with people wanting to smoke dope.” and " We just need one doctor to get killed over this, then it would make a great movie." and "“We’d have a doped-up nation,”

This guy is irresponsible in his comments as the head of the CMA!
Yeah MARIE!!!! The first real thing you've yapped about in a week.
Good for you.
We agree on something hahahahaha
Yes. I know that bugs ya but hey...get over it..let it go...move on :)
unfortunately we are forced into this system. i never had a grow permit so it isn't a huge change for me. but i can understand the patients who are upset, and can't afford their meds. that must be a terrible situation to be in. and then for those who can afford it, there have only been two LP's so far that have sold anything worth paying for. there are producers who have their hearts in the right place, but i feel like HC isn't interested in those because with the pricing they offer (Maclachlan's is offering 2.50/g trimmed and 1.50 untrimmed), the smaller LP's don't have as much to offer them as far as tax revenue and the like. but for the ones who have the right idea, props for wanting to make a difference, and i am interested in getting involved in the industry. that being said, people who are on disability and under a certain income should be able to produce their own, plain and simple. i mean everyone should be able too, but the seriously sick and low-income should come first IMO.