MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

I tried to tell you guys that you can't control who posts where. It won't really matter which part of the forum is dedicated to LP's patients are going to spout off about it. Maybe you guys should contact Gobuty and see if he knows of a website dedicated to just LP's. In fact I thought he had started some kind club for LP's.
some will say good things and others will say bad, theres two sides to every argument. i think some LPs care, and maybe can't provide the pricing they would like too,i'm sure the licensing process costs a metric fuck-ton of money. some of them are money hungry fuckers, others are probably trying to make back the money they spent while trying to get the privilege to provide such a service. in the end, the patients are still getting the shitty end of the stick and thats the hard part of it all.
I tried to tell you guys that you can't control who posts where. It won't really matter which part of the forum is dedicated to LP's patients are going to spout off about it. Maybe you guys should contact Gobuty and see if he knows of a website dedicated to just LP's. In fact I thought he had started some kind club for LP's.

They had, but when I contacted them they weren't interested in improving the cannabis situation in Canada at all. Can't imagine wtf they actually are doing? Oh right...lobbying to have their prosperity tax payer subsidized. Assholes.
They had, but when I contacted them they weren't interested in improving the cannabis situation in Canada at all. Can't imagine wtf they actually are doing? Oh right...lobbying to have their prosperity tax payer subsidized. Assholes.
I hadn't even thought of it from that angle....damn....That sucks a big one....
Mariejane, may I ask why your in favour of LP?

I am in favor of Lp's and I hope to be one. I am first of all a patient, and I have grown my own medicine for quite a few years. Secondly, I am a registered nurse. I have seen the amazing results that patients have had from using marijuana as medicine, including myself. I am a patient advocate. I have had an extensive education in university in nursing and in advocacy. I strongly believe that everyone should be able to legally grow their own medicine. Period.

I, like most of us here, was afraid when I heard that my right to grow my own medicine was going to be taken away. I am fortunate to have the money, skills, abilities, business acumen and the people with me to become a licensed producer. We are small, on a farm, only 6500 sq ft. We will grow organic medicine, firstly for me, and hopefully sell quality medicine at a fair price to Canadians. I hope to make a small profit, I need to in order to continue growing. I will subsidize all the low income people that I can. I can, and have grown quality marijuana for years. Although I will be growing on a larger scale, my years of experience should help me in producing a quality product.

I hope to continue advocating for patient access to marijuana. I feel there is no conflict at all in wanting to be an LP and supporting every one's right to grow. Many people won't, some can't, and some are just too ill. I will grow for them.

I am happy to have the opportunity to become an LP. I am fortunate to have that ability and I realize that many here don't have the necessary resources to do that.

LP's are not all evil, money grubbing corporate giants. Some of us are just people who saw a way to continue growing for themselves and to make a legal farm business out of it. I don't understand the hatred here, I just want to grow a great plant and help people have access to it.
Take a screen shot ladies and gents, MarijeJane...If all is true i support your decision and journey. I wish the best for you in your business venture but my blessings are only valid if all is true, as i assume it is.

How about giving us a virtual tour of the production site? :)
Take a screen shot ladies and gents, MarijeJane...If all is true i support your decision and journey. I wish the best for you in your business venture but my blessings are only valid if all is true, as i assume it is.

How about giving us a virtual tour of the production site? :)
Thank you for the comments and likes. What I say is true, I have no reason to lie, especially here. As for a virtual tour, I have had the opportunity to see many of the current and future LP facilities. Some are excellent, and some are terribly designed and built. This is a competitive industry. I won't help out those that have built a bad design by showing off mine. There are a couple of people on this forum that have been to my site and I have received very positive feedback from them.
Thank you for the comments and likes. What I say is true, I have no reason to lie, especially here. As for a virtual tour, I have had the opportunity to see many of the current and future LP facilities. Some are excellent, and some are terribly designed and built. This is a competitive industry. I won't help out those that have built a bad design by showing off mine. There are a couple of people on this forum that have been to my site and I have received very positive feedback from them.

Fair enough. Is your application running along smoothly? Couple questions actually...are LPs allowed to distribute concentrates into B.C.? as there allowed to consume it. I have not seen anyone touch base on that.
I feel there is no conflict at all in wanting to be an LP and supporting every one's right to grow.

Meanwhile back on earth... can you explain how that's not an example of cognitive dissonance?

You can't even acknowledge the painfully obvious conflict, but you'll be a great advocate for them.

And honestly I can't tell you how many tools have told me they're "Advocates", and "grow the best stuff"..... then you realize how reckless they are, and then you smoke their weed. That's when you know that you just showed up to a craigslist date expecting a supermodel but found last week's kraft dinner instead of filet mignon.

It's time to start retiring some buzzwords in this super competitive industry. Next time someone tells you they're an "advocate", ask them why they aren't known to them by their advocacy. It just means fraud, and we've enough of those already.
I think some of you need to smoke a lot bigger joints and stay offline so you don't cause your selves heart attacks. ohhh the hatred! things wont change much people, you might be allowed to grow 6 plants then youll find other shit to get pissed about. go outside and enjoy life however you can, or move to mexico or spain or usa. and try and make positive avenues for the meds to be supplied for free or .001cents lol
Fair enough. Is your application running along smoothly? Couple questions actually...are LPs allowed to distribute concentrates into B.C.? as there allowed to consume it. I have not seen anyone touch base on that.
Yes, our application is running smoothly. We have waited a few months now for our pre-license inspection. As has been mentioned here, the Health Canada inspectors seem to be busy elsewhere.

In regards to you questions about concentrates, as far as I understand, LPs can only distribute "dried marijuana". I am not a lawyer but I recall speaking with John Conroy and I believe access to forms other than dried are part of his case with the government.
HC was using the requirements from the World Health Organization's "Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals" book, A compendium of guidelines and related materials volume 2 as their acceptance criteria.


In week 8 of the security clearance process.

1. I'm pretty sure I met the guy who told HC about this document. He contacted them asking for testing criteria and they didn't have any, so he submitted a proposal using this document as his basis for testing. 2 weeks later another applicant got a letter requesting changes to their testing documentation. Could definitely be a coincidence, but there was a time when they didn't have an authoritative document to work with and were basing it off theory more than anything.

2. What security clearance are you going for? Did you receive the letter about a minimum of Level 7?
I feel there is no conflict at all in wanting to be an LP and supporting every one's right to grow.

Meanwhile back on earth... can you explain how that's not an example of cognitive dissonance?

You can't even acknowledge the painfully obvious conflict, but you'll be a great advocate for them.

We've been over this so many times, but it never seems to stick.
I don't grow corn, I don't have chickens and I don't have my own cow.
I buy corn from a producer, I buy eggs from a farmer and I buy milk from the grocery store.

OH NO! Cognitive Dissonance! I believe farmers AND lowly citizens can both produce corn, eggs and milk.

We've been over this so many times, but it never seems to stick.
I don't grow corn, I don't have chickens and I don't have my own cow.
I buy corn from a producer, I buy eggs from a farmer and I buy milk from the grocery store.

OH NO! Cognitive Dissonance! I believe farmers AND lowly citizens can both produce corn, eggs and milk.


Because farmers totally exist by the grace of their market staring down the barrel of government guns, just like LP's do. "It's totally the same thing".... let's just overlook that "minor discrepancy" and pull a mernagh by saying "we discussed this... you weren't supposed to bring up embarrassing truth publicly that we settled privately.".


Don't even bother with an is vs ought fallacy.
As noted many times, I am happy if all systems co-exist. I don't want there to be only LPs, I just want LPs to exist as a more open alternative to the CC.

I don't know why you feel the need to defend what you've "noted many times", but it's a changing of the goal posts I think.

"People growing for themselves", isn't part of any "system" presently, and so it isn't "co-existing" with LPs. It's also not LPs willing to co-exist with anyone at all. In fact they fought not to have to, and will continue to. Much like the LP coalition, is only concerned with lobbying government to have their profits subsidized by tax payers, otherwise their market will never fully develope. That's because they have priced themselves out of a majority of it in their cut throat hijacking, and trying to start up at warp speed from zero, all at the direct expense of the ability for people to grow for themselves. That can not be ignored as the corner stone of these discussions and you can't pretend that it's anything it isn't.

People growing for themselves also isn't the same argument as having LPs co-exist with CCs, which is foolish, and a red herring from what needs to be argued. The commercial aspect of industry can look like whatever it wants to look like. It will always be fully and maximally exploitative. People need to be able to fucking grow for themselves effectively without facing mandatory minimums or swat raids, and without having to be institutionalized for it in any way, and I'll go over that as many times as it fucking takes.
I don't know why you feel the need to defend what you've "noted many times"
People need to be able to fucking grow for themselves effectively without facing mandatory minimums or swat raids, and without having to be institutionalized for it in any way, and I'll go over that as many times as it fucking takes.

I have to say it again and again because people, like yourself, come out on the offensive.
I've also noted numerous times that I support legalization - LPs would just become legal producers, CCs can do whatever they choose and you can buy or grow all you want. My assumption is that we are moving in this direction, so the LPs will be established already when it happens.
spam blah blah blah spam
(redacted so as not to continue propagating the spam)

Anyone can say anything they want anywhere on these forums, but you chose the least targeted one of them all.
Spam a forum that is more relevant.
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