MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

unfortunately we are forced into this system. i never had a grow permit so it isn't a huge change for me. but i can understand the patients who are upset, and can't afford their meds. that must be a terrible situation to be in. and then for those who can afford it, there have only been two LP's so far that have sold anything worth paying for. there are producers who have their hearts in the right place, but i feel like HC isn't interested in those because with the pricing they offer (Maclachlan's is offering 2.50/g trimmed and 1.50 untrimmed), the smaller LP's don't have as much to offer them as far as tax revenue and the like. but for the ones who have the right idea, props for wanting to make a difference, and i am interested in getting involved in the industry. that being said, people who are on disability and under a certain income should be able to produce their own, plain and simple. i mean everyone should be able too, but the seriously sick and low-income should come first IMO.
probably correct in that thinking. At 2.50 and 1.50 they'll never let them have a licence, Not nearly as much revenue off anything that cheap... at the start anyway. Even at these prices they could/will make a killing. HC has ideas of grander though...and sick people get in their way!
They state that loud and clear on their web page. Just in a round about way :lol:
The "tax revenue" is a smoke screen to make those who have no idea about cannabis think this will be generating billions. This goes along the lines of "organized crime" is running MMARwe weed to shut it down now.

Tax revenue from PST/GST/HST will be nothing unless you have every Canadian buying and oz one a week. Exporting is not taxed so that goes out the window and corporate tax will also be nothing as they can write it off and give out dividends to minimized what they have to pay at the end of their fiscal year.
Really eh.... :lol:
That is hilarious to think actually. ......treated like income trusts???
Not likely dude man.. :lol:
but a good thought all the same eh ;)
This is a thread intended for people interested in Licensed Producers working under the MMPR. Can we have positive discussion here without trolls or whiners please.

Thank you for starting this thread MarijeJane.

A tid bit of information that may shed some light (for my socially responsible, non-corporate, future MMPR LP brethren) on why Health Canada is at a snails crawl with current applications.

I was informed yesterday by my neighbour, who works at Tweed, that HC is performing monthly inspections on all LP's. I'm sure that HC does not have enough resources to support this process and support the application process at the same time.

In the security clearance stage, 8 weeks and waiting.

Prospective small scale LP former DG
5000 ft² facility, 200kg/ yr
unfortunately we are forced into this system. i never had a grow permit so it isn't a huge change for me. but i can understand the patients who are upset, and can't afford their meds. that must be a terrible situation to be in. and then for those who can afford it, there have only been two LP's so far that have sold anything worth paying for. there are producers who have their hearts in the right place, but i feel like HC isn't interested in those because with the pricing they offer (Maclachlan's is offering 2.50/g trimmed and 1.50 untrimmed), the smaller LP's don't have as much to offer them as far as tax revenue and the like. but for the ones who have the right idea, props for wanting to make a difference, and i am interested in getting involved in the industry. that being said, people who are on disability and under a certain income should be able to produce their own, plain and simple. i mean everyone should be able too, but the seriously sick and low-income should come first IMO.

Not everything the big LP's are doing is bad. Sure they don't have the best product yet. That's because of the restrictive nature of the MMPR with regards to acquisition of "LEGAL SOURCE's" of seeds/ starting materials (clones) etc.
They are however working with universities, hospitals and the government on research and studies that will support adding medical marijuana to the Medical formulary list which will open up accessibility for medical insurance to cover the cost of the listed medicine. Even though we all know that marijuana has been medicine for thousands of years, there is a process, as ridiculous as it may seem, that must be followed.
If you think a "thread for positivity about LP's" is a thread where you can just say any bullshit you want and not be challenged then I think you fucked up already.

If, as an LP applicant, the best you can do is offer hearsay from a neighbor who works for someone..... spare us. You should have, but you didn't. What you gave us instead was idiocy. Who gives a fuck if LP's are being inspected monthly or weekly? Was all of that unforeseen? "You shouldn't be surprised".... That's no excuse for slowing anything down. It's like the people who are rubber stamping approvals are the ones doing the inspections. Health Canada is a fucking ridiculously large bureaucracy. Give us a fucking break. I think "informed", from your neighbor, was the wrong word for you to have used.

"Not everything the big LP's are doing is bad. Sure they don't have the best product yet"

They've got one fucking job! Produce quality weed. They can't do it. Nobody gives a fuck what their bullshit excuses are. They are fucking irrelevant. Produce good weed affordably or fuck off.

"They are however working with universities, hospitals and the government on research and studies"

That's called marketing, and "research and studies" are called buzzwords, for gullible fools who are intellectually devoid of substance, just like this fucking "research" and these "studies". The only think they seriously attempt is to reserve themselves a market share. Forcing medical users into being institutionalized "patients", is FUCKED UP. Forcing people into being used as lab rats, when that's what they wanted to escape from in the first place, is FUCKED UP.

l support adding medical marijuana to the Medical formulary

Yeah, distributing the cost of your theft such that it's socialized and less noticeable. They can no longer say that your absurd imposed costs are the impediment to access. But they are just one impediment to access, and more yours as an LP than mine as your victim. It's absolutely self serving of them, and in perfect character.
"If you think a "thread for positivity about LP's" is a thread where you can just say any bullshit you want and not be challenged then I think you fucked up already."

no one likes being told

Not everything the big LP's are doing is bad. Sure they don't have the best product yet. That's because of the restrictive nature of the MMPR with regards to acquisition of "LEGAL SOURCE's" of seeds/ starting materials (clones) etc.
They are however working with universities, hospitals and the government on research and studies that will support adding medical marijuana to the Medical formulary list which will open up accessibility for medical insurance to cover the cost of the listed medicine. Even though we all know that marijuana has been medicine for thousands of years, there is a process, as ridiculous as it may seem, that must be followed.

Part of the process in achieving that is to produce it exactly like a pharmaceutical, chemically purified and pill pressed. That would be of benefit to the LP's, since they sure as fuck can't produce it as a useful medicinal herbal drug.

There's a reason why previous rulings were in terms of "whole plant cannabis". It's so that it couldn't be re-purposed for monopolized commercial use one component at a time.

They haven't even bothered to go the obvious expense of refrigeration for their shipped perishable goods, but you go on fucking whining to us about "studies from universities and far away kingdoms", ya prick. Got yourself a little research license there, did ya, Pespi boy?
very sad to hear this...
Agreed. not cool. Did they give you a reason?

HC gave us a really hard time for 3 months, always wanting more information. More info about section 10 of the application, the quality person's qualifications, what hours they were going to work. How the QAP was going to ensure the quality of the processes and products.

My section 10 document and report started out as a 2 page document using the less is more approach. It ended up being 34 pages long. They still rejected me as the QAP even though I have more than 20 years of quality management experience in highly regulated industries including an ISO certified lab. I don't however have a BSc. or MSc. after my name. Even though HC told us that the QAP did not need to hold a specific designation or accreditation we realized that HC was using the requirements from the World Health Organization's "Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals" book, A compendium of guidelines and related materials volume 2 as their acceptance criteria. Which specifically states on page 26 in section 9.7 Key personnel responsible for supervising the manufacture and quality control of pharmaceutical products should possess the qualifications of a scientific education and practical experience required by national legislation. Their education should include the study of an appropriate combination of:
(a) chemistry (analytical or organic) or biochemistry;(b) chemical engineering;
(c) microbiology;
(d) pharmaceutical sciences and technology;
(e) pharmacology and toxicology;
(f) physiology;
(g) other related sciences.

They should also have adequate practical experience in the manufacture and quality assurance of pharmaceutical products. In order to gain such experience, a preparatory period may be required, during which they should exercise their duties under professional guidance. The scientific education and practical expe-rience of experts should be such as to enable them to exercise independent professional judgement, based on the application of scientific principles and understanding to the practical problems encountered in the manufacture and quality control of pharmaceutical products.

We acquired a new team member who has both BSc. and MSc. after his name, we submitted the same documents with his name in place of mine and added his resume which had significantly less practical experience and wow, HC accepted the documents.

In week 8 of the security clearance process.

Jean-Guy dePepsi
Anyone have any Joe Louis to go wit my Pepsi?
Agreed. not cool. Did they give you a reason?

HC gave us a really hard time for 3 months, always wanting more information. More info about section 10 of the application, the quality person's qualifications, what hours they were going to work. How the QAP was going to ensure the quality of the processes and products.

My section 10 document and report started out as a 2 page document using the less is more approach. It ended up being 34 pages long. They still rejected me as the QAP even though I have more than 20 years of quality management experience in highly regulated industries including an ISO certified lab. I don't however have a BSc. or MSc. after my name. Even though HC told us that the QAP did not need to hold a specific designation or accreditation we realized that HC was using the requirements from the World Health Organization's "Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals" book, A compendium of guidelines and related materials volume 2 as their acceptance criteria. Which specifically states on page 26 in section 9.7 Key personnel responsible for supervising the manufacture and quality control of pharmaceutical products should possess the qualifications of a scientific education and practical experience required by national legislation. Their education should include the study of an appropriate combination of:
(a) chemistry (analytical or organic) or biochemistry;(b) chemical engineering;
(c) microbiology;
(d) pharmaceutical sciences and technology;
(e) pharmacology and toxicology;
(f) physiology;
(g) other related sciences.

They should also have adequate practical experience in the manufacture and quality assurance of pharmaceutical products. In order to gain such experience, a preparatory period may be required, during which they should exercise their duties under professional guidance. The scientific education and practical expe-rience of experts should be such as to enable them to exercise independent professional judgement, based on the application of scientific principles and understanding to the practical problems encountered in the manufacture and quality control of pharmaceutical products.

We acquired a new team member who has both BSc. and MSc. after his name, we submitted the same documents with his name in place of mine and added his resume which had significantly less practical experience and wow, HC accepted the documents.

In week 8 of the security clearance process.

Jean-Guy dePepsi
Anyone have any Joe Louis to go wit my Pepsi?

*Things the LP's advocated on behalf of leading up to the MMPR*, and frankly, standard for any large production facility. The focus on "pharmaceuticals" is backwards and biased. It can't be substantiated reasonably. Food production should be as likely and Peace Naturals were apparently the story to prove that's all it would take. They also hired a degree early on... and it never helped them produce a fucking thing of tolerable quality, or avoid a recall, which brings me to my other point.

The degree camoflage is necessary of any institution..alization system. You can't just wear a white lab coat and demand people's faith otherwerise. Without the paper there'd be no telling you apart from a priest, who at least has gone to school and studied science.

Isn't it all kind of funny that you're held to these rather reasonable and expected standards, when it's all just for show because they're selling biker weed which they'd like to have subsidized by the tax payer, anyway?
As some have said... There will only be a few.
Out of those...some will die and there will be less and less as time goes by. The market will be cornered. Pharma will make Billions and all you little guys will eat crow! You are there for this reason.
Business. Ya gotta love it! :bigjoint:
As some have said... There will only be a few.
Out of those...some will die and there will be less and less as time goes by. The market will be cornered. Pharma will make Billions and all you little guys will eat crow! You are there for this reason.
Business. Ya gotta love it! :bigjoint:

Unless they succeed in having it subsidized with tax dollars. Then everyone will use it as a hand out, regardless how how fucking ridiculously poor in quality and non-medicinal it is.

Regardless, even at these "high" numbers... (we're probably agreed in that it's likely they've peaked), it's still a far cry from a free market. I mean it's not like selection will experience a decline as they close their doors. It's not there now.
...If you don't believe in the system, grow your own and shut up.

Told ya, faith based system, rampant with frauds. I reject the conditions of your dichotomy.

You can go and be a predator of the disadvantaged with your good intention packaging elsewhere.

Oh ya. FUCK YOU!

Your good character, which is totally really why you're doing this, is leaking. Tool.