Well-Known Member
i no homo....... sorry. da fuq wrong with u
I posted a link to an article where the author says that upon reading Obama's book he discovered Obama claimed to be from criterion? i'm only asking you to back up your own claim dipshit.
you keep saying that but you are unable to provide a single shred of evidence.
yes you are, you're making the truther claim over and over and over right now you fucking idiot.
you just can't provide any evidence for it at all, only your own racist feelings about it.
wow, you really are an idiot.
go ahead and tell me how much we owe to china.
maybe if obama had destroyed a few businesses and raised the deficit to record highs like his predecessor he would score points with you.
Obama claimed to be from Kenya.
You don't get to decide what is proof.
I have given some.
You have given none and set an impossible standard for what I must give.
I win.
And I'm not a truther
I don't think he actually is from Kenya. I think he claimed to be before to get special consideration. Therefore Obama is the entire reason their is a truther movement, because he, before he decided to run for president, thought it would be cool to claim foreign born status.
You speak like a child, you must be a child, Sorry you wasted my time, thought you actually could back up something, but you argue. Like a child would, no fact just argument. Go tell mommy that her check is in the mail, and I'm tired of paying for it...Go to school, dont do drugs, get educated, get a job, pay your own bills. Then tell me how great and wonderful of a situation our country is in. Until then does your mommy know you are on this site, talking about things you have shown little or no evidence of, yet also require same evidence. A lie is a lie, not a white lie, just a bold plain lie. Someones lying.. how about the person that tried to hide it. One day when you grow up you will learn this. By the way I am typing really slow, as it is difficult for someone of your young mentality to comprehend anything, any faster. Be cool
Ok Buck, here is a better story about it.
Now I'm aware this is a terribly right wing source, ABC News, but read it for the facts. Not the explanations.
Obama's publisher issues a biography for him a looooong time ago. It's purpose was to promote him as an author.
Suddenly in 2007 this bio is changed, over 20 years after being written. The publisher realized their mistake, and Obama himself, in the previous two decades, never felt the need to correct his own biography.
How to publishers get information from people to compose a biography, they ask them.
The most likely scenario is Obama either said, or was willing to let people believe he was born in Kenya, for whatever reason, until presidential concerns necessitated someone say they made a mistake.
Odds are, Obama is the entire reason their is a truther movement at all.
I didn't quit, found nothing to debate. you just concurred china owns US debt. I actually have read and researched it. It difficult to debate with irrational ignorant people, unfortunately you fall into this category. Intelligence over BS, You take, you don't give, again typing never told us how much of the debt china owns.
nice rage quit though.
I didn't quit, found nothing to debate. you just concurred china owns US debt. I actually have read and researched it. It difficult to debate with irrational ignorant people, unfortunately you fall into this category. Intelligence over BS, You take, you don't give, again typing slower...
They owned somewhere between 1 and 3.7trillion about 2 or 3 years, one of them actually used ellipses somewhat properly.
remind me again how much of our debt china owns again. i think i missed that the first few times.
send me 62% of your wealth; I'll gladly say things you enjoy hearing.Not that it has anything to do with "being a better president" (though maybe it should, actually), but at least Obama admitted that he smoked weed, and doesn't think it's more dangerous than alcohol.
Comparing two men, neither of whom i particularly "like," i'd have to give favoritism to the one who likes weed.
So, i mean... who cares whether he's a good president? He said weed wasn't terrible!
Is that not enough for you people?
Unfortunately (for both of us), 99% of my wealth is intangible. It can't really even be taxed, which is part of why the gov't hates me (or i assume they do). Another part is because i evangelize reason.send me 62% of your wealth; I'll gladly say things you enjoy hearing.
nice work...if ya can get it.
man if i stay in this thread long enough, i might just get to die of a laughter-induced heart attack.
Comparing with other potentially likely options, that's probably the best one.
Unfortunately (for both of us), 99% of my wealth is intangible. It can't really even be taxed, which is part of why the gov't hates me (or i assume they do). Another part is because i evangelize reason.
Not that it has anything to do with "being a better president" (though maybe it should, actually), but at least Obama admitted that he smoked weed, and doesn't think it's more dangerous than alcohol.
Comparing two men, neither of whom i particularly "like," i'd have to give favoritism to the one who likes weed.
So, i mean... who cares whether he's a good president? He said weed wasn't terrible!
Is that not enough for you people?
But he'll legalise it for sure in his second term because he won't have to worry about reelection...He says weed is not terrible yet does nothing to change the federal laws making it illegal.
Which is what his entire presidency is about. Talk but no action.
He says weed is not terrible yet does nothing to change the federal laws making it illegal.
Which is what his entire presidency is about. Talk but no action.
But he'll legalise it for sure in his second term because he won't have to worry about reelection...
Bush gets a pretty hard rap, but infairness he didn't say to people "Buy houses you can't afford and we won't regulate the derivitives the loans are bundled into", he merely told Americans what is common knowledge to the rest of the world, that paying rent is dead money.Well, you know... i had to look pretty close to find a reason to pick one or the other (and still didn't vote). I'm glad we didn't get Romney ffs. That guy scares me.
Does anyone ever really expect presidential candidates to do anything they say they'll do? The first election i remember was Bush Sr. I haven't seen a president do what they say they'll do yet. I've learned not to expect it. It's all a big show to keep people distracted and cheerleading for whatever is their home team.
lol this...
When it comes right down to it:
"Weed isn't terrible" vs. "Mission Accomplished!"
I'm pretty sure this Poll was rhetorical anyway.