That's just more lies from the liar in chief to sell more stuff.
That's just more lies from the liar in chief to sell more stuff.
You're criterion is impossible. The book is not open source. I don't have a coppy.still waiting for you to show me where OBAMA talks about being kenyan, rather than someone who is not obama writing about obama in the third person, ya welfare rat.
You're criterion is impossible.
It is well documented that Obama used to hold himself out as being a native of Kenya so he could get special consideration.
I'm not a "truther"
Not fair they both kind of suck, both led by others and neither has improved this country. 14,000,000,000,000,000 debt kind of rated obummer a bit lower, that and he still doesnt have a clue, at least bush kinda figured it out
pretty logical, decrease deficit while president before you have to pay back the 14 trillion you borrowed to pay it off in the first place, Good thing he never had to work for a living, that kind of economics they don't obama lowers the deficit and gets a negative mark.
bush takes a surplus and turns it into the most massive deficit in american history and gets a positive mark.
cool logic there.
You forgot the part where it was Obama that had the largest deficit ever, you always forget that part, almost as if it were on obama lowers the deficit and gets a negative mark.
bush takes a surplus and turns it into the most massive deficit in american history and gets a positive mark.
cool logic there.
pretty logical, decrease deficit while president before you have to pay back the 14 trillion you borrowed to pay it off in the first place, Good thing he never had to work for a living, that kind of economics they don't teach.
You forgot the part where it was Obama that had the largest deficit ever
neither, I hide in my hole til Cali gets hit by the big one, then I'm beachfront. No experience leads to mistakes, mistakes cost time and money. Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, to operate a business is a pretty serious and crazy risk without a plan to pay back Paul. You would have to have run a business to know that, clearly and factually supported, Obama has never operated as CFO, CEO or glorified check signer for any business. You would need to know about business before you start borrowing money. Any successful businessman knows this...BTW I am not that successful in business but I don't owe a dime to anyone, let alone 14 Trillion to a country under socialist control and an army greater than the population of the largest 20 cities in the U.S. I mean really, intelligence should be an issue here. Any working man should agree.
is that pic on bottom u. i just rubbed one out to it thank u... pass me sum tissue paperI totally agree. The last Republican president we had almost destroyed the country.
It took a black Democrat to fix it.
is that pic on bottom u. i just rubbed one out to it thank u... pass me sum tissue paper
Your welcome. Her name is Bailey Jay, you should google some more images of that pic on bottom u. i just rubbed one out to it thank u... pass me sum tissue paper
im on it....-Your welcome. Her name is Bailey Jay, you should google some more images of her.
ewwwwwwwwwwwww u dirty dirrty mfer........... u left me scard.........SCARD LOL
You mean you didn't join her website? I should ask her for a kickback from all of the guys I send to her from not gonna be able to sleep tonight or eat tommorow... wtf is wrong with u midwest.....