Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Hanging reflective(CD's) material around your plants also seems to piss off flying insects........never tried this though

I heard the same of hanging pennies in a bag of water.

We tried it last year on the farm, it works. We have a sandwich bag of water and 10-15 pennies per bag hanging at each corner of each large hanging barn door into the barn. It works to keep the flies out of the building...

Something about the reflection messing with their orientation, I would imagine...

Afterthought: clean the pennies well! So they're shiny!
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Neem oil/agsil 16h/dish soap combo gets glowing reviews online........but thrips are a pita..

Hanging reflective(CD's) material around your plants also seems to piss off flying insects........never tried this though

If spinosad doesn't effect beneficial insects.....I see no problems with it

Good luck with your tomatoes.....lots of egg shells grower :-)
I tried a mixture last night of some mint and rosemary blended in water. Then I used that water to add some emulsified karanja at 2tsp per gal of each silica (protekt) and karanja oil. Today thrips were running around on the plants like nothing had happened. Maybe it was poor dosages, but it didn't seem to do much of anything.

I'm still a little hesitant to spray spinosad outside. I'll probably try a few other things and see what responses I get about spinosad. I really don't want to add to the bee problem.

I always liked the fly jars in which they crawl in, but can't get out. Well, I like em till you have to clean em out lol.

Try mixing it up for the next weeks, start it light, increase dosage towards the end.
Day 1 garlic
Day 2 stinging nettle
Day 3 cillantro
Day 4 garlic//cillantro
Day 5 aloe/sillica neem
yall get the picture.

Also try moving the plant (assuming its not in the ground)

Im blessed to rarely have bug problems. Ive taken in sick plants and nursed them back pretty quick.

Firm believer in
Healthy medium = healthy plant
I tried a mixture last night of some mint and rosemary blended in water. Then I used that water to add some emulsified karanja at 2tsp per gal of each silica (protekt) and karanja oil. Today thrips were running around on the plants like nothing had happened. Maybe it was poor dosages, but it didn't seem to do much of anything.

I'm still a little hesitant to spray spinosad outside. I'll probably try a few other things and see what responses I get about spinosad. I really don't want to add to the bee problem.

I always liked the fly jars in which they crawl in, but can't get out. Well, I like em till you have to clean em out lol.

Try mixing it up for the next weeks, start it light, increase dosage towards the end.
Day 1 garlic
Day 2 stinging nettle
Day 3 cillantro
Day 4 garlic//cillantro
Day 5 aloe/sillica neem
yall get the picture.

Also try moving the plant (assuming its not in the ground)

Im blessed to rarely have bug problems. Ive taken in sick plants and nursed them back pretty quick.

Firm believer in
Healthy medium = healthy plant
Rotation is definitely the key imo. I actually did use both garlic and cilantro. The cilantro might have helped a little, I think the garlic was just a little seasoning for them lol. These are under a tree and surrounded by other vegetation. I might have to try upping the dosages of the botanicals, or go with spinosad at night. Then again, I have been wanting to experiment making a chitosan spray. I have some alfalfa seeds soaking now.
Howdy folks...

Hope everyone here's been happy, healthy, & booming out copious amounts of high quality, sustainable, organic meds.

After battling with scale (worst bug ever, if you weren't already aware), here's what I've been up to...

Two days after transplanted into the bloom bloom room...

Day 1 of bloom...
ROLS Life Bitches!
After posting a few pix, I went back and read a few recent posts...

In my opinion, there are a few measures that need to be taken to keep pests in check when on the ROLS diet..

Companion plants

Living mulch

Numerous strains


Get as far away from a monoculture as possible!

Only bring outdoor organic materials inside during the warmer part of the year to combat bringing in ass tons of larva.

Be sure to have a high humus content in your soil, a diverse mineral package, lots of oxygen, fungi, bacteria, and go easy on the animal products.

Brew a plethora of different concoctions for foliars and soil drenches on the reg.

I keep seed sprout teas of all types going at all times.

Aloe & diatomacious earth

Young coconut water

Neematode/protozoa teas

Fungal dominant AACTs

Bacterial dominant AACTs

Balanced fungal/bacterial AACTs

Kelp/Alfalfa meal

Pest deterring brews..

Switch it up constantly...

I typically use three or so of the ingredients listed below together in one brew, making a different combination every time. DE is the only one I use basically every time, in low doses, as pests will not develop an immunity to it, it emulsifies, and has a high mineral content, most of which is silica. Also make sure to include an oily plant in each one that will be used as a foliar, to serve as a wetting agent, spreader sticker, or whatever you call it. You can also just go buy a bottle of Dr Bronners soap.

Hot peppers (Ghost peppers.. Shit's like tear gas.. Be cautious.. Turn off fans.. Wear a mask.. Watch those eyes)
Stinging nettles
African chrysanthemums (aka pyrethrum, just plant some in your garden)

No more small containers! I suggest nothing smaller than 20 gallons really. Get a 20 gallon fabric pot, fill it with recycled organic living soil, & you will see what I mean.

Keep that top layer of soil moist at all times. If you don't have time to spray it down 3-5 times a day, go get some Blumats.

Keep it between 50-80% humidity.

Fresh air!

Play some music in your garden.

Blaze one with your plants on occasion.

Sit and talk to them regularly.

Run your fingers through their hair every day. The ladies like to be caressed.

Keep the negative energy out of the garden. They can sense it.

Have fun!
I think most people use potassium silica to emulsify. I have my doubts about DE being an emulsifier. Someone please correct me if somehow it is.

Saponins are needed for the surfactant of foliars. I use aloe or yucca for this.

I have looked for facts backing up DE as an emulsifier, but found none.

I can't see how it isn't.

I've used it as such for a couple of years now, and my results have finally, really began speaking for themselves.

If it ain't broke, I'm definitely not fixing it.
Bob, what makes you think DE is an emulsifier? I'm certainly no chemist, but I'm not seeing any indicators it is an emulsifier. Myself and many others have used pro-tekt and Agsil to emulsify neem and karanja, which is what I would recommend.

I love the big ROLS beds. How long have you been running them? I also love all the variation of aeration materials. Can I ask what you are using in your mix?

Looking good! Keep the pictures coming! (maybe just sclae them down a little? lol) ;)

I went to the expo. They didn't bring the coco. They shipped me enough for a 4 gallon pot +/-, I was expecting more. its called Cocomor. I will just mix this with soil in a 10 gal.. I kind of wanted to try a 10 gal of straight coco on one plant.


I'll post pics of actual coco tonight. I get better light under the induction and my camera sucks.. so have to wait for lights to turn on.

you may have missed the past few pages of coco vs peat for sustainable and renewable sources. I'm testing out this coco which is supposedly better than other coco for many reasons. If you check back a few pages of the analysis summary I posted. Me along with severall other people have been mixing coco with peat and others doing straight super coco.
Bob, what makes you think DE is an emulsifier? I'm certainly no chemist, but I'm not seeing any indicators it is an emulsifier. Myself and many others have used pro-tekt and Agsil to emulsify neem and karanja, which is what I would recommend.

I love the big ROLS beds. How long have you been running them? I also love all the variation of aeration materials. Can I ask what you are using in your mix?

Looking good! Keep the pictures coming! (maybe just sclae them down a little? lol) ;)


Are the pix huge or something? Sorry bout that. I've been posting from my mobile, so I don't know what it looks like on the PC.

From what I can gather, (barely passed chemistry 15 years ago.. No chemist here either) silica itself emulsifies. DE is, depending on the source, 60-90% silica. That's my logic. It's the only thing in a powdered form that I can ad to my ghetto vortex brewer and within moments it's completely dissolved.

Also part of my logic... It's been in my arsenal since I've began to see results surpass my expectations. It's not broke. I'm not fixing it. Plus the only thing I buy in a bottle anymore is molasses, and I'm working on cutting that bottle out as well.

The ROLS bed was designed last year. It's 4'×8'×18", and has an air manifold on the bottom, underneath a layer of lava rock & leftover hydroton, covered in landscape fabric, then 300+ gallons of ROLS. The air manifold is hooked up to a pond air pump (high output, high efficiency), that proceeds to pump oxygen into the soil 24/7.

In the ROLS we have...

Super old cow, chicken, rabbit, & horse shit. The horse is in the highest quantity, and it was like 4-5 years old, and just slathered in mycelium.

Lil peat, lil coco, lil leaf mold

A few years worth of composted kitchen scraps. (We produce about two gallons of compostable kitchen scraps in 24 hours)

Alfalfa hay, kelp meal, fish bone meal, & crab meal

Oyster shell, glacial rock dust, basalt, calcium bentonite, French green clay, red Moroccan clay, & dolomitic lime

A little bit of an array of different Guanos, and a little DE

Expanded shale, diatomite rock, lava rock, a little perlite, & a little granite

Shit loads of worms (from my compost)

The only thing that's been added since it was mixed up the first time is minerals.

There's a lot going on there I know, but there's nothing very hot (NPK) in there in anything close to a high dose.

Throw out your PH and PPM meters, stop buying shit, and let these plants grow themselves!
Love the mix @boblawblah421! Sounds like quite the masterpiece. One of these days I'd love to grow in a big bed like that.

I pretty much empty out for the summer, but I have a few G13/hp in 15 gallon no-tills - pretty much straight Coot's mix.

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She looks happy and healthy.

I wish everyone would get down on the ROLS way.

It's the only way.
She looks happy and healthy.

I wish everyone would get down on the ROLS way.

It's the only way.

Willing and Wanting, but... life goes ways, and stuff.

This is my most lurked thread... anywhere really, because this would be my preferred method. It's just that a lot of it is difficult to read, some of it is difficult to understand, and there are lots of conflicting opinions, endless details, and plenty of ego. This thread fries my brains faster than almost anything else i've tried to read. Idk if it's the language or the format or what.

Regardless, i like what you guys are doing here, and intend to follow the path... if i can find it!