Our lawless president

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The indispensable Krauthammer, smasher of cabbages that must be smashed!

Obama needs to be impeached, not sued. Presidents are not emperors, and future presidents need to know that.


Having been supine for years in the face of these encroachments, Congress is stirring. The Republican House is preparing a novel approach to acquiring legal standing before the courts to challenge these gross executive usurpations. Nancy Pelosi, reflecting the narrowness of both her partisanship and her vision, dismisses this as a “subterfuge.”

She won’t be saying that on the day Democrats lose the White House. Then, cheered on by a suddenly inflamed media, the Democrats will no doubt express horror at such constitutional overreach.

At which point, the temptation to stick it to the Democrats will be overwhelming.

At which point, Lord make us strong.


Well-Known Member
Obama is a dilhole.

This is the most idiotic way to combat him though.

The republicans keep trying plans made of malarkey, no real substance.

How about they come up with a plan that has some fucking material to it eh?

There is no standing. They will never have a standing.

They need a better plan then this kindergarten level drivel.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Obama is a dilhole.

This is the most idiotic way to combat him though.

The republicans keep trying plans made of malarkey, no real substance.

How about they come up with a plan that has some fucking material to it eh?

There is no standing. They will never have a standing.

They need a better plan then this kindergarten level drivel.
I agree with you. I don't know about the "standing" issue, but I don't think a law suit makes any sense. Congress has a constitutional mechanism to deal with presidents who disobey the law of the land and pretend to be emperors: impeachment.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you. I don't know about the "standing" issue, but I don't think a law suit makes any sense. Congress has a constitutional mechanism to deal with presidents who disobey the law of the land and pretend to be emperors: impeachment.
desert dude praises pedophiles and joins white supremacy groups.

I received an invite. I accepted out of courtesy. I looked at the postings in the group, there were a handful and they bored me. It means nothing. A half dozen of your nutsack-hangers-on calling me racist also means nothing. You have nothing because there is nothing to have.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to lock up POTUS and the majority of congress as well for crimes against the nation.
Hit the bricks, you dirt-ball.

people would be less likely to notice the scent of white supremacy wafting from your posts if you made actual, substantive arguments as to WHY he should be impeached.

that would include making an articulate case about high crimes and misdemeanors, for the record.

but you guys are clearly too fucking dumb for any of that. hence the content-free posts you make displaying your outright hatred and anger.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Wait until after the 2014 mid term elections, then impeach this lying douche-bag

After going out on a not-so-wobbly limb to suggest that Republicans would push to impeach President Obama if they succeeded in retaking the Senate, George Will’s Sunday column read like a real threat. Fed up with what he views as Obama’s “offenses against the separation of powers,” the conservative columnist advocated that Congress sue the executive branch to stop a lawless president. Yesterday, Speaker John Boehner told the House Republican caucus that he was contemplating such a step.


Well-Known Member
Oh, this should get Buckphuck and his ilk spewing their venom later. Subbed up for the ride !!!!!!!

let's see who comes through with the venom:

I'd like to lock up POTUS and the majority of congress as well for crimes against the nation.
Hit the bricks, you dirt-ball.

^^^and there it is.

but i bet greendummy will have something to say about my factual posts calmly pointing out mundane facts about OP's praise for pedophiles and memebrship in white supremacy groups.


Well-Known Member
Wait until after the 2014 mid term elections, then impeach this lying douche-bag

After going out on a not-so-wobbly limb to suggest that Republicans would push to impeach President Obama if they succeeded in retaking the Senate, George Will’s Sunday column read like a real threat. Fed up with what he views as Obama’s “offenses against the separation of powers,” the conservative columnist advocated that Congress sue the executive branch to stop a lawless president. Yesterday, Speaker John Boehner told the House Republican caucus that he was contemplating such a step.
you guys ever gonna specifically name this "lawlessness", or cite these "offenses"?

you might want to actually do that.


Well-Known Member
desert dude praises pedophiles and joins white supremacy groups.
After browsing Stormfront last night I learned a lot.

I kept diving deeper and deeper into the typical recruiting practice that white supremacy groups use.

They are highly secretive about their membership. They vet their members. Outsiders can ruin their 'vision.'

Unfortunately this cannot be as easily applied to a user group on a cannabis forum. They would likely be more lax about their security, especially if a young idiot was the 'leader.'

Still. Does raise a few eyebrows Desert Dude.


Well-Known Member

desert dude

Well-Known Member
people would be less likely to notice the scent of white supremacy wafting from your posts if you made actual, substantive arguments as to WHY he should be impeached.

that would include making an articulate case about high crimes and misdemeanors, for the record.

but you guys are clearly too fucking dumb for any of that. hence the content-free posts you make displaying your outright hatred and anger.
Happy to oblige, Obama fellator:

Not mentioned in the article, but worth an impeachment all by itself is the unilateral rewriting of ACA by our president. Sure, ACA is a clusterfuck of a law, but the lawful way to fix that is for Congress to amend ACA and not for our emperor to help his buddies with some edicts.


1. Operation Fast & Furious
2. Obama’s U.S. citizen ‘hit list’
3. ‘Recess ‘ appointments – when Senate was in session
4. Appointment of ‘czars’ without Senate approval
5. Illegal-alien amnesty by executive order
6. Cap & Trade: When in doubt, bypass Congress


Well-Known Member
all this 'sue obama' and 'impeach obama' talk is just meant to rile up the racists, aka the GOP base. and it works, notice who the OP is.