Our lawless president

desert dude

Well-Known Member
After browsing Stormfront last night I learned a lot.

I kept diving deeper and deeper into the typical recruiting practice that white supremacy groups use.

They are highly secretive about their membership. They vet their members. Outsiders can ruin their 'vision.'

Unfortunately this cannot be as easily applied to a user group on a cannabis forum. They would likely be more lax about their security, especially if a young idiot was the 'leader.'

Still. Does raise a few eyebrows Desert Dude.
You need to stay off those racist websites or you are gonna wind up as bat shit crazy as Buck. Fair warning.


Well-Known Member
Happy to oblige, Obama fellator:

Not mentioned in the article, but worth an impeachment all by itself is the unilateral rewriting of ACA by our president. Sure, ACA is a clusterfuck of a law, but the lawful way to fix that is for Congress to amend ACA and not for our emperor to help his buddies with some edicts.


1. Operation Fast & Furious
2. Obama’s U.S. citizen ‘hit list’
3. ‘Recess ‘ appointments – when Senate was in session
4. Appointment of ‘czars’ without Senate approval
5. Illegal-alien amnesty by executive order
6. Cap & Trade: When in doubt, bypass Congress
a list is not a reason, dumb shit. explain WHY anything on that list is a "high crime or misdemeanor", you fucking mindless racist twat.

and your source is literally a joke.

High-school pal beaten to death with hammer by homosexual lover
Published: 01/29/2014 at 12:22 PM

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/01/obamas-gay-pot-dealer-killed-over-flatulence/#DwCs5Hc9fCmbjxQS.99


Well-Known Member
You need to stay off those racist websites or you are gonna wind up as bat shit crazy as Buck. Fair warning.
you should save your drivel for those racist websites and spare all of us.

or did you get banned from stormfront for your pedo praising?


Well-Known Member
I think that warning was given a bit too late.... Who am I fooling saying a bit?? ...
I suspect I am now going to change the color of my skin right?

It is impossible for me to be influenced by these groups. It is not possible for me to be in a room with them. They would damage me physically.

My father is a German born orphan, my mother is American Indian.

It is impossible.

I thought all of you guys were about free liberties? Now I exercise mine by reading and educating myself on terror group(s) and receive flak for it.

Curiouser and curiouser.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I suspect I am now going to change the color of my skin right?

It is impossible for me to be influenced by these groups. It is not possible for me to be in a room with them. They would damage me physically.

My father is a German born orphan, my mother is American Indian.

It is impossible.

I thought all of you guys were about free liberties? Now I exercise mine by reading and educating myself on terror group(s) and receive flak for it.

Curiouser and curiouser.
Concocting fantasies about people you don't know and accusing them of racism and pedophilia is not normal anywhere except RIU.


Well-Known Member
Concocting fantasies about people you don't know and accusing them of racism and pedophilia is not normal anywhere except RIU.
you literally joined a white supremacy group. you even said you did.

you literally praised bignbushy AFTER i pointed out that he did not turn in his child porn watching room mate.

it's not a fantasy, you are a pedo praiser and a white supremacist.


Well-Known Member
Concocting fantasies about people you don't know and accusing them of racism and pedophilia is not normal anywhere except RIU.
I have made no statements as such. If anyone thinks I have accused them of anything, it is unintended and I apologize.

I have zero evidence to make such a statement. Apologies if you thought I am making accusations.

I actually just defended you.

Buck wrote his own words, I merely quote them to provide context not to attack.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
you literally joined a white supremacy group. you even said you did.

you literally praised bignbushy AFTER i pointed out that he did not turn in his child porn watching room mate.

it's not a fantasy, you are a pedo praiser and a white supremacist.
BnB is a MUCH better man than you. Much better. In fact, anybody you dislike is far superior to you, in every way.


Well-Known Member
almost forgot that desert dude just praised donvega after it was revealed that the guy is a THIEF, while he goes on endlessly about martin having a screwdriver and some rings (because we all know screwdrivers are the best tools to steal rings).

it's very simple math.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I have made no statements as such. If anyone thinks I have accused them of anything, it is unintended and I apologize.

I have zero evidence to make such a statement. Apologies if you thought I am making accusations.

I actually just defended you.

Buck wrote his own words, I merely quote them to provide context not to attack.
My apologies. I did not understand your post.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
almost forgot that desert dude just praised donvega after it was revealed that the guy is a THIEF, while he goes on endlessly about martin having a screwdriver and some rings (because we all know screwdrivers are the best tools to steal rings).

it's very simple math.
Why do you idolize street thugs, Buck? Is it some sort of coping mechanism because you have a small penis?


Well-Known Member
Why do you idolize street thugs, Buck?
i'm not the one who praised an admitted thief, that was you.

commercial/industrial burglary
drug smuggler
drug dealer
auto thief
DonVega is a MUCH better man than you, I would happily buy him a beer.
but you had already praised a pedophile at that point, so what's the difference to praise a thief as well (as long as they share your white supremacy beliefs, that is)?


Well-Known Member
how funny is it that desertdude is praising THIEVES and PEDOPHILES while excoriating our "lawless" president?


the hypocrisy of white supremacists knows no bounds.