Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

"or do you imagine kuwait had that one comin?"

yer askin' the wrong guy what rich, slave-owning bigots have comin.'
motherfuck Kuwait :)
kuwait was slave traders?
thats news to me...

i just googled that shit.
ONE Woman tells her Harrowing Tale of modern day slavery in kuwait...


see thats ACTUAL slavery.
and yes our courts failed to act appropriately

"United States Re-Establishes Slavery!"

yep. that makes sense.
are you clinically retarded?

Saddam signed a Cease Fire (NOT an Armistice) which was contingent upon his acceptance of a laundry list of concessions


thus the cease Fire should have been torn up and thrown in his face, and the ass kicking should have re-commenced immediately after the deal was broken.

but no, for 12 years he strutted around, acting like a badass, refusing to abide by the deal he made, so when ass kickin time came round, his ass was just first in line.

Violating the cease fire agreement IS grounds for the recommencement of hostilities, occupation of iraq, and the dissolution of his regime.

you are a moron.

Can you provide evidence in a non smug, condescending asshat kind of way Iraq violated the ceasefire agreement and not just allegations from the US that they did?

I bet you can't
Doc.......I live in a fascist state. maybe if a bush (no pun) burst into flames, an' told me otherwise, I'd believe it; maybe.
I'm sorry I'm so lazy with my responses today, but you know of which slave-masters I refer to, the absolute betrayal of the vision of the Founders, and the hypocrisy of our foreign policy. you can play stupid, but I already know you're smart, so it doesn't work. fuck the Saudis, and all the Emirs. racist, bigoted, slave-holding CEO's of oil companies with flags.
Bro every other post you put "derp derp derp" and I'm the one being childish? The only time I hear someone saying "Boooooooosh" is on the Rush Limbaugh show, which I'm unfortunately subjected to on occasions in my workplace - and that's why I asked if you were impersonating him. Not smug or smurmy or ignorant. It was a valid question. I know it's hard to wrap your head around the concept that just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them 'wrong', but it would help you to figure it out at some point. I probably am a "child" compared to you, but that doesn't make my beliefs any less valid than yours - just a less experienced perspective I suppose. Enjoy your horse while it's high. Has 2 come down eventually.

for years now, every failure, foible, misstep and faux pas made by the Obama Regime has been blamed on bush.

the plaintive wail has been extended, expanded, and elaborated upon until it achieved it's current meme status as "Booo0o00o0oo0oo0oo0oosh!"

try to keep up.

next, Derp indicated that you are being RETARDED.

when you argue that Fast N Furious was OK because BOO0oo0o0oo0oo0oosh had operation Wide Receiver, despite the many many many fundamental differences already explained, yes, you are Derping. just like pada's repeated retreats to the same tired canards which have already been demonstrated fallacious. pure Derp.

further, since the ONLY time a left leaning asshat (like yourself) invokes limbaugh's name is to demonstrate how smug and superior you are to those foolish republicans and their fat radio messiah, when a lefty brings up rush, its ALWAYS to be smug, smarmy and ignorant.

and finally, your age is irrelevant, the wrongness of your notions (calling them beliefs is a stretch) is what makes them less valid.

acting childishly is not reserved to the young, it is also pursued by many apparently grown up dipshits, like Chris "Tingles" Mathews for example. or Cenk "Pumpkinhead" Uygur, or Barry "Bush Did It" Seotoro
Doc.......I live in a fascist state. maybe if a bush (no pun) burst into flames, an' told me otherwise, I'd believe it; maybe.
I'm sorry I'm so lazy with my responses today, but you know of which slave-masters I refer to, the absolute betrayal of the vision of the Founders, and the hypocrisy of our foreign policy. you can play stupid, but I already know you're smart, so it doesn't work. fuck the Saudis, and all the Emirs. racist, bigoted, slave-holding CEO's of oil companies with flags.
to this i agree.

it is foolish to sign alliances with assholes, particularly assholes who are fucking useless (like kuwait) but once a treaty is signed we MUST keep it, or our word becomes useless

i should like to see all those treaties and international agreements torn up, but you cant tear up a mutual defense pact when your partner just got invaded, that would make you look like a pussy.

now would be a good time to rip up all those worthless cold war relic treaties, and withdraw our military bases from the rest of the world, but that aint gonna happen.

for years now, every failure, foible, misstep and faux pas made by the Obama Regime has been blamed on bush.

the plaintive wail has been extended, expanded, and elaborated upon until it achieved it's current meme status as "Booo0o00o0oo0oo0oo0oosh!"

try to keep up.

next, Derp indicated that you are being RETARDED.

when you argue that Fast N Furious was OK because BOO0oo0o0oo0oo0oosh had operation Wide Receiver, despite the many many many fundamental differences already explained, yes, you are Derping. just like pada's repeated retreats to the same tired canards which have already been demonstrated fallacious. pure Derp.

further, since the ONLY time a left leaning asshat (like yourself) invokes limbaugh's name is to demonstrate how smug and superior you are to those foolish republicans and their fat radio messiah, when a lefty brings up rush, its ALWAYS to be smug, smarmy and ignorant.

and finally, your age is irrelevant, the wrongness of your notions (calling them beliefs is a stretch) is what makes them less valid.

acting childishly is not reserved to the young, it is also pursued by many apparently grown up dipshits, like Chris "Tingles" Mathews for example. or Cenk "Pumpkinhead" Uygur, or Barry "Bush Did It" Seotoro
So you are better at keeping up with memes and debating on a forum. :clap: I aspire to be so great one day.
So you are better at keeping up with memes and debating on a forum. :clap: I aspire to be so great one day.
there we go again, smug smarmy and ignorant.

you must be studying at the feet of Bucky to have progressed so far, so rapidly.
there we go again, smug smarmy and ignorant.

you must be studying at the feet of Bucky to have progressed so far, so rapidly.
I'm sorry it's hard to resist when you say the things you do. I do it and it's smug. You do it and it's smart. I'm following u now. Continue.
".....that would make you look like a pussy."

who cares........:)
the World knows the US is Shock and Awe Central. that rep ain't dryin' up. we are really good at making things magically explode in the night, in bad weather. everyone knows our true skill.

I'm sorry it's hard to resist when you say the things you do. I do it and it's smug. You do it and it's smart. I'm following u now. Continue.

see how i responded to padas ludicrous challenge that i PROVE iraq broke the cease fire agreement?

i could have laid out the laundry list of concessions he agree to, and pointed out how he broke every single one.

shit saddam's forces never even stopped shooting at coalition planes in the patrolled zones!
hans blix reported IN DETAIL that he was not allowed to search anyplace he suspected arms might be hid, and was only given free access to places he KNEW they werent.

hell, i could go on all day, but pada isnt listening. i told him all this same shit before, and then a few weeks later, he's right back with the same claims, as if it's something new.
dont be like him. cuz thats childish.
Kynes you are a little confused...categorizing me as every other liberal is pretty "ignorant" as you might put it. I'm pro death penalty, I'm all for gun rights, and I think the government spends too much money. Yeah I lean left on some issues but I'm not one of your enemy "socialist" liberal soldiers.
".....that would make you look like a pussy."

who cares........:)
the World knows the US is Shock and Awe Central. that rep ain't dryin' up. we are really good at making things magically explode in the night, in bad weather. everyone knows our true skill.

a nation's word is only as good as how they KEEP IT.
look at russia.
nobody makes deals with russia if they can avoid it, cuz they break those deals with impunity.

nobody makes deals with North Korea, cuz they break those deals before the ink is dry.

you advise we become like those two?
Kynes you are a little confused...categorizing me as every other liberal is pretty "ignorant" as you might put it. I'm pro death penalty, I'm all for gun rights, and I think the government spends too much money. Yeah I lean left on some issues but I'm not one of your enemy "socialist" liberal soldiers.

ORLY? you trot out lefty talking points, blame bush for obama's gun running, and generally behave like an obamanaut drone.

time will tell, but for now you seem pretty indistinguishable from a lot of other dinbats in this forum .
a nation's word is only as good as how they KEEP IT.
look at russia.
nobody makes deals with russia if they can avoid it, cuz they break those deals with impunity.

nobody makes deals with North Korea, cuz they break those deals before the ink is dry.

you advise we become like those two?

no.....something entirely new......*knock, knock*
see: the Enlightenment, written works of the Founding Fathers.

join us.............